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When will the right things will be nerfed?


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It's been on going for a while now and it still does to this day after the new patch. Photon Forge autoattacks are beyond broken in damage and range, they are what really needs to be nerfed in the incentive that with all the might and quickness easily earned with the process of being so safely used with that much CC.


Holographic Wave didn't need it's range to be nerfed, it wasn't really the problem that comes to it. Rather it's the fact that even after evading most CC, you're still gonna get autoattack spam by such a long reaching strong 360 chains that generates no heat.


There is so many benefits Holosmiths get already with this Transform. Tool Belt skills and Utility with the slight risk, while Reapers which don't EVEN reach that amount of damage or safe CC spam with all their utilities to shut down people, it's clear to what is too much and what isn't.


The CC was a great tool that didn't really hit hard, just the following that was just wayyy too strong. Why is it that autoattacking is just that strong when core tool kit is not only slow but also weaker? What justifies it well enough?


Corona Burst was honestly strong, but it was part of the cycle of damage that holosmiths would have needed if autoattack was actually fair. Now it's kind of just getting nerfs that wrecks the elite altogether without achieving much in the grand scheme of the situation.


If it isn't for nerfing that damage, increasing the cooldown turning on the forge to 10 seconds should cut the damage significantly to the point where that evade spamming will be justified for venting and more risky. Mostly everything with the elite is damn overtuned but can be forgiven if one single thing gets properly fixed. Whether it's the stability cooldown, Heat Therapy etc.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> Holographic Wave didn't need it's range to be nerfed, it wasn't really the problem that comes to it. Rather it's the fact that even after evading most CC, you're still gonna get autoattack spam by such a long reaching strong 360 chains that generates no heat.


Actually, its range was properly nerfed because no melee profession should be able to hard CC 5 enemies around them and above terrain at a 600 radius. Not even Big Ol' Bomb from the bomb kit can't do that and that's a 300 radius explosion with a 3 seconds fuse time that is 10 times easier to avoid. I agree avoiding the holographic shockwave isn't enough because holosmiths can follow up their pummeling with other photon forge skills and kill you within seconds.


I agree that holosmith as a whole should receive more punishing nerfs, but for now the nerf to holographic shockwave is a step in the right direction and it shows that ArenaNet are willing to properly nerf an elite specialization that is too powerful. Holosmith is meant to be a glass cannon yet it has plenty skills that offer sustain and they are nowhere near as fragile as they should be.

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Honestly they have 2 ways of doing things as it is. No where does it say they were or had to be glass canons. It just had no real identity as it stand and people can build the way they want, which not exactly "bad" it's just that either outcome is ridiculously strong and both are their peak take the least of effort to be successful with. I don't think the wave was that bad given it's telegraphed aspect while the following is some insane cleave with basically no real risk or effort to achieve because they get everything to not have any downside to those methods.


Autoattacks clearly don't generate enough heat for the damage it does and should the cleave be tweaked so that it's not just simple cleave spam without having to worry about anything understanding that these holosmiths are likely to have Quickness and 25 Might to finish with 8k per attack cycle which is every 2 seconds in a large radius that can be done for like 5 times before there's any significant drawback.


> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

Gotta agree I forgot about that, but it rarely happens given the high vigor and none of the other traits are particularly attractive. Overheating rarely happens if you just evade spam which is something that's very easy to achieve.



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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> Prime Light beam comes next.... that skill indeed needs a giant nerf


The only nerf it really needs is to unstealth the user when activated. Big windup hits like that and Death's Judgement should always unstealth the user.


Otherwise, it's a fair skill as far as elites go. I'd also recommend that they look at improving elite supply crate's cooldown.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > Prime Light beam comes next.... that skill indeed needs a giant nerf


> The only nerf it really needs is to unstealth the user when activated. Big windup hits like that and Death's Judgement should always unstealth the user.


> Otherwise, it's a fair skill as far as elites go. I'd also recommend that they look at improving elite supply crate's cooldown.


That's because you don't get revealed until you do damage. Easiest way to fix this is to just make it so any skill usage in stealth applies reveal. Not going to happen though.

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