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Computer Reset While Playing Game

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So, I've been having this problem where I will be playing the game and my computer will randomly restart itself. Guild Wars 2 is the only game that causes this issue, as I frequently play several other games (For example, Rainbow Six: Siege on max settings) and have never had a reset like this. I have been looking up potential issues online, but none of them seem to be helping. There also seems to be no pattern, as it has happened during high intensity events with low FPS (map metas) and low intensity events with high FPS (playing a story mission with not a lot going on).


Issues that I know are not the issue:

- Overheating (I kept a temperature monitoring program on my second monitor and CPU (<70C), GPU (<70C), Motherboard, etc. temps are all well below critical levels. My computer itself is also physically designed for maximum airflow and my room is at a nice 65F, so overheating is definitely not an issue).

- Hardware-related (As far as I know, all of my computer components are perfectly fine. Since this is the only game that causes this issue AND I play games that push the GPU/CPU more vigorously than this game, I would safely bet that it is not the issue).


Issues that may be the problem (Still looking into):

- iCUE (Corsair Utility Engine) has been giving me a lot of problems on my computer as of late. I had to stop charging my headsets on the PC because plugging/unplugging them caused any game I was playing to crash instantly. Perhaps iCUE doesn't get along well with GW2 and causes a crash somehow.

- Graphics drivers could be the issue. I don't recall if the problem showed itself after I updated graphics drivers, but it very well could be the issue. I have had a lot of issues with graphics drivers across my gaming history, and it very well could be the culprit again.


I can't think of anything else that could possibly be the issue, but any help would be greatly appreciated. While the restarts have never caused me to miss out on anything like loot or having to restart a story mission, it really kills the mood for me personally.


EDIT: Another factor I forgot to mention was that I had previously played this game months before on the same PC build with the same exact parts and didn't have crashes related to this at all, so this further increases my belief that it is related to a driver/third-party software related issue and not a hardware-based issue.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> If everything else you're playing is using DirectX11 or newer , try DXVK to use vulkan instead of DirectX9


> I'd also try a repair install of the client.

I gave the game repair a try. Hopefully this fixes the issue and my crashes stop happening. It very well could've been an update having a slight issue while downloading that could've caused an issue for all I know, but I'm hoping for the best.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I also tried a DirectX adjustment as well, just to make sure.

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if you still crash after repair:


watch voltages

a lot of 'brand' PSUs are nothing but garbage (Corsair for example). Some mainboards and some ram react quite sensitive to instability there. Even if it is inside the allowed tolerances, lots of changes up and down, ripple etc, can cause problems.


also a lot of crashes are actually memory related. Memory 'tests' mean nothing. I had ZFS catch silent corruptions on ram that passed memtests for DAYS. Only solution: AMD&Mobo supporting ECC&buying ECC ram.

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> @"golemka.2157" said:

> Check in Event viewer. Might have any kind of report what is causing this issue.


I did actually check this, and all I can find is a Kernel Power error that, after researching online, basically is just telling me my computer didn't cleanly power down. Obviously that's not helpful information, since I was aware of the issue the second it happened. Unfortunately, I was not able to find anything else that was related to an issue that causes the restarts, as the critical event type consists only of the event related to improper shutdown. The only info I have gathered from this, while not important, is that it only happens once every few days. Since it's so spread out and I've actually gone days without the issue, it seems to be impossible to develop a pattern. There is nothing that I can tell in-game that may cause the issue (High GPU/CPU load) since it has happened in all cases, heavy and light PC load, and seeings as there are no error messages or anything of the sort, I can't get a nod in the right direction from those either.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> if you still crash after repair:


> watch voltages

> a lot of 'brand' PSUs are nothing but garbage (Corsair for example). Some mainboards and some ram react quite sensitive to instability there. Even if it is inside the allowed tolerances, lots of changes up and down, ripple etc, can cause problems.


> also a lot of crashes are actually memory related. Memory 'tests' mean nothing. I had ZFS catch silent corruptions on ram that passed memtests for DAYS. Only solution: AMD&Mobo supporting ECC&buying ECC ram.


I'm hoping for the best in regards to no crashes. Should they occur again, I'll have to look into other potential issues, even the ones that I've ruled out. The only one that I am 100% certain isn't the issue is overheating. I've played for hours on end with the temperatures open and have never seen anything go above 70 degrees celcius. The only piece of hardware it could possibly be given that information (I believe) would be the PSU, but it would be a relief if it was (PSUs are relatively cheap compared to GPUs, CPUs, and RAM from my experience).

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