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So.....This is Why we shouldn't


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do Massive game breaking balance patch/updates during the last 2-3 weeks of the season. Not Only was the change to scourge so devastating you guys pretty much Removed it completely from being viable at all as a "decent" spec for rank. It was Already Difficult as hell to play the spec going into Condi Thief, Rev's, Holo and Rangers and trying to survive during a team battle but you guys literally took away the only good source we had to counter pressure anything that can pretty-much Teleport to us or Jump onto us blasting us from 100% health to 0 in matter of seconds. You think Giving us Death-magic was going to prevent us from getting 100-0 in seconds or Keep us viable in some odd way? Not only was Curses Necro pretty shit to play in rank but the fact we had to go Blood in order to keep our self's alive was already a major lose in dps, now you guys expect us to run Death that does almost noting at all?


I'm Hoping you guys Start handing out Buffs every patch for this class in general. It amazes me how you guys request feedback's about the issues of the game but are yet to ever ever address the issues correctly.


Great game but Shit direction for balance overall this issue didn't address anything at all.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> Its almost as if they dont play test anything or listen to player feedback


Not giving Anet too much competency credit, it seems they make changes with the specific intention to "kill" a build, and sometimes, an entire elite line.


This happened before scourge to core guardian earlier this year.

Axe mirage (which is different than the current range AI condi spam build).

Shatter chrono.

Reaper (to a large extent).


In HoT era


Condi berserker

Condi reaper

Power DH (has some current viability, but very weak)

Condi rev


This is intentional sabotage. Why? I dunno. However, it is very difficult to believe that anyone with basic knowledge of the game did not understand that these changes will destroy any viability to these builds in sPvP. I do not think Anet devs are that clueless.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > Its almost as if they dont play test anything or listen to player feedback


> Not giving Anet too much competency credit, it seems they make changes with the specific intention to "kill" a build, and sometimes, an entire elite line.


> This happened before scourge to core guardian earlier this year.

> Axe mirage (which is different than the current range AI condi spam build).

> Shatter chrono.

> Reaper (to a large extent).


> In HoT era


> Condi berserker

> Condi reaper

> Power DH (has some current viability, but very weak)

> Condi rev


> This is intentional sabotage. Why? I dunno. However, it is very difficult to believe that anyone with basic knowledge of the game did not understand that these changes will destroy any viability to these builds in sPvP. I do not think Anet devs are that clueless.


Id have to agree that they do think all their balance decisions through very carefully, but they are bound to overlook some major effects of these huge patches without player testing and feedback. Their balance philosophy of changing/redesigning instead of directly nerfing or buffing does not work well in competitive games, which need very careful and thoughtful design and tuning of skills. I think they know that they are destroying builds and slowly making pvp worse, but do it anyways to keep classes from feeling stale.

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This game isn't competitive the dev don't care or understand the word competitive. They had there chance to do so with the ESL. They failed misserabley. Like imagine a buncker meta so tough so hard to kill that 2-3 teams in the semi finals and the finals quit playing only after 100-0 ticks.

Between match days there were like 2-4 weeks. ESL had a rule that you couldn't change the balance 2 weeks before a match. Many matches had enough time between them that the developers could have done some reworks to make match more fun and exciting. Instead it was only buncker meta for the entirety of ESL. Not only that the announcers and the camera angles were sooooo bad. Don't expect it to change.....expect your self to change by lowing your standards......ANET has lowered there standards from gw1 so I think it time for the community to do so as well.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> > > Its almost as if they dont play test anything or listen to player feedback

> >

> > Not giving Anet too much competency credit, it seems they make changes with the specific intention to "kill" a build, and sometimes, an entire elite line.

> >

> > This happened before scourge to core guardian earlier this year.

> > Axe mirage (which is different than the current range AI condi spam build).

> > Shatter chrono.

> > Reaper (to a large extent).

> >

> > In HoT era

> >

> > Condi berserker

> > Condi reaper

> > Power DH (has some current viability, but very weak)

> > Condi rev

> >

> > This is intentional sabotage. Why? I dunno. However, it is very difficult to believe that anyone with basic knowledge of the game did not understand that these changes will destroy any viability to these builds in sPvP. I do not think Anet devs are that clueless.


> Id have to agree that they do think all their balance decisions through very carefully, but they are bound to overlook some major effects of these huge patches without player testing and feedback. Their balance philosophy of changing/redesigning instead of directly nerfing or buffing does not work well in competitive games, which need very careful and thoughtful design and tuning of skills. I think they know that they are destroying builds and slowly making pvp worse, but do it anyways to keep classes from feeling stale.


I definitely would agree there is a competency issue. I am guardian main, and thus understand and follow guardian changes much closer than other classes.


Per Anet: _"Firebrand prevalence in group content has been quite strong as they offer significant support options to the point that they were crowding out other builds. In particular, Tome of Courage had a bit more power than was healthy, so we've sought to tweak that down while retaining its overall playstyle by removing some of its boon generation."_


I agree with Anet statement, that FB support is over performing. So what does Anet change? Remove 1 single target aegis and 1 AOE retaliation. Can someone explain to me how the fuck are the changes inline, even remotely, with Anet stated objective? Cuz FB support capacity had zero changes to it (except from WvW ToR 2 being condi removal reduced to 2 as in sPvP). This is, without any doubt, a competency issue.


But, ya.. the vanity projects of re-designing things are there. So is intentional killing of builds .


And that is basically where we are at. Nerfs/buffs that very clearly fail to achieve their clearly stated objectives. Re-designs that barely pan out. And intentional killing of build diversity, for reasons that I do not understand. This has been a the trend for a year now.

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Honestly? Im glad about the nerf. Scourages were pretty oppressive to lots of classes, it was one of the builds that were acting as gatekeepers of the meta.


Dont believe me?


Since the patch there are at least 29 viable builds I have seen in P1 ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89394/this-is-actually-the-most-build-diversity-i-have-seen-ever ), which is not that these classes were buffed, but rather, the changes to holo, scourage, thieves (condi application, although still not enough) and guardians (spirit weapons now apply only 1 stack and less duration) opened up a bunch of new builds taht couldn't survive to the constant onslaught of condi spam/boon conversion/random CC flying around at all times.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> Honestly? Im glad about the nerf. Scourages were pretty oppressive to lots of classes, it was one of the builds that were acting as gatekeepers of the meta.


> Dont believe me?


> Since the patch there are at least 29 viable builds I have seen in P1 ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89394/this-is-actually-the-most-build-diversity-i-have-seen-ever ), which is not that these classes were buffed, but rather, the changes to holo, scourage, thieves (condi application, although still not enough) and guardians (spirit weapons now apply only 1 stack and less duration) opened up a bunch of new builds taht couldn't survive to the constant onslaught of condi spam/boon conversion/random CC flying around at all times.


Rank does not determine what's Meta, Anyone and Anything can be RAN in rank as long as you know how to play it properly.


Ever seen valun Meme on A LOT of specs and do just ok? That's because he KNOWS how to react to certain situations with other specs and knows how to avoid most of them.

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