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Switching class at last second new meta? Bad for the game


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This game is becoming like overwatch where you switch to counter comp enemy team except the catch is you cant switch mid match so you are stuck with the class if somebody switched 0.5 seconds before you did to counter you. Is this really what gw2 is becoming? Why did they remove the ability to switch classes mid match? Now you re forced to guess what class people are going to switch to and if it happens to hard counter your class, you re basically stuck with it for the rest of the game and you re useless to your team.


Can we hide enemy names and enemy classes before the match? So we can actually play guild wars 2 and not build wars 2, not to mention people with slow PCs or no SSD are at a massive disadvantage if they cant switch at last second.


This game is already imbalanced as it is, we dont need to make it more imbalanced by being able to see what the enemy team is playing, it just ruins the fun of pvp. Either you bring back the ability to switch mid match or dont allow any switching at all once the Q pops.

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> You should only be able to switch builds, not classes.


> Players that que in pve should have the option to select what class they want to play and leave it at that


^ This


And i'll add that class-switching in Gw2 is so scuffed. It's like Overwatch's rock, paper, scissors counter-picking only there's no UI for it, so it's hard to tell if you have a teammate disconnecting or just switching classes, and it's likely whoever's fighting for those pre-round counterpicks are going to be stuck loading for the first midfight unless they have the game dl'd to an SSD just like the op said. Not to mention there's a clear bias towards DuoQs, since team compositions are somewhat mirrored they have a higher chance of getting what class, and by extension what players they want on the opposing team.


Totally get why people wouldn't see this as the biggest issue going on, but I completely agree that as many ways to metagame such as this should be removed as possible.

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Yup. I queue as ele cuz in the mood, queue pops suspiciously fast, i get into the game, and there are 2 eles in my team, 0 on the enemy, but they have 2 necros....... hmmmmmmm


I just hope everyone does it, so that matchmaking is as crazy as needed for this to not happen. In the meanwhile, I queue as either necro or guard when playing warrior /guard, or thief when playing ele. If they are gonna do it to me, well, they gotta take it too.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> Yup. I queue as ele cuz in the mood, queue pops suspiciously fast, i get into the game, and there are 2 eles in my team, 0 on the enemy, but they have 2 necros....... hmmmmmmm


> I just hope everyone does it, so that matchmaking is as crazy as needed for this to not happen. In the meanwhile, I queue as either necro or guard when playing warrior /guard, or thief when playing ele. If they are gonna do it to me, well, they gotta take it too.


same for me but they have 2 holos, my team has 2 necros ...duo queuing and switching class is the way to go apparently. not queuing as a nec anymore because of this.

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> @"Levijeh.9643" said:

> > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > just play holo so no one can counter you


> A fellow core necro with Spite 3-1-3 or even a blood core necro will eat a Holo for dinner any time.


I’ve seen the occasional fear necro feast on holos too, always satisfying to watch anyone destroy a holo honestly.


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