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Anyone else have trouble playing alts because of voice actor?

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > I stopped playing my female Norn for the strange bedroom noise she would make when taking damage (like she was getting pleasure out of being hit) and for the weird movement and idle animations (jogging along like a supermodel or standing on one leg, wiping a strand of hair off her forehead, just isn't how I imagine a race of hunters and warriors).

> She IS Norn. I think Norns get pleasure from that kind of stuff.


A race that enjoys battle is one thing (see Klingons in Star Trek). But getting off of nearly dying? That's just ridiculous and I can't take her seriously because of those noises.

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I can't play sylvari female because Jennifer Hale killed in HoT, LW3 and PoF. The voice was all good in the personal story but since HoT it started to sound awfully fake and cold. I cringe everytime i hear it. I really hate it. That voice and tone with that horrible fake english accent doesnt suit my sylvary at all.


I would happily pay for a new voice!

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I like all voice actors (even though it would be nice to be able to choose between different voices for my characters).

My main is a female human, and I think the voice fits her perfectly. Sure, it could be more expressive but generally I think it's great. Have no complaints on the others whatsoever, my favourites is the female norn and the asuran male voice though.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> I have 49 characters. I have 9 of each race just in females (the others are males). My main necro, mesmer, elementalist and thief are all humans. It's disconcerting that they all have the same voice when in my mind they have different personalities (though I don't RP. They all just have a different feel to me). Playing through the story a second time just feels so weird when it's the same voice on a different character.


> I was so disconcerted by it today that I actually turned off all character voices in-game entirely.


> Also the voice acting for the human female is TERRIBLE. In no way does she convince me that she portrays my character. I haven't played story much on other races, but I'm seriously hoping that they're nowhere near as bad.


Wait, you have 49 characters? A single account or separate?

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I love my male Norn voice. Always have, always will. I love the voice actor doing it. Except the in-game combat sound. When my Norn uses the auto-attack of his Greatsword he sounds, well shall we say, "special" and I absolutely cannot stand it for long periods of time...

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> @sorudo.9054 said:

> This has bin a problem since launch and they never bothered to look in to it, i wanted to make a 16 year old engineer who has bin a prodigy since she was 4......with the voice we have it's just a generic character......


Generic is fine, really. In order for the voice to fit a wide range of characters the different players imagine, it really has to be as generic as possible to fit them all.

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This is why other MMOs with voice acting leave your own character silent. FFXIV even makes fun of this at once point in the story with an NPC saying something like "you're just going to sit there and give that shrug again aren't you?"


If they changed the voice actor to fit you, it would end up not fitting me... and vice versa... you can't win in this scenario.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @sorudo.9054 said:

> > This has bin a problem since launch and they never bothered to look in to it, i wanted to make a 16 year old engineer who has bin a prodigy since she was 4......with the voice we have it's just a generic character......


> Generic is fine, really. In order for the voice to fit a wide range of characters the different players imagine, it really has to be as generic as possible to fit them all.


It doesn't work though. My human female looks like she is in her 20s, but when she speaks, it sounds like she is in her 40s and some ceo who sounds a little acronym for female dog.

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> @nosleepdemon.1368 said:

> The female Norn voice is horrible, she sounds like she is trying to talk through a mouthfull of marbles. I don't know why she is trying to sound like a man. The female and male Sylvari voices are nice though.


Don't all the female Norns technically have a lower tone than the other races?

Strangely seems to be the same for the Sylvaris usually have a higher tone than the others, even though many Asura have quite high tones, but they seem quite various like Humans.

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The german female Sylvari is such a HORRIBLE voice actor. Like honestly, she sounded so bad in the first story-instance of PoF, I just had to quit playing her. It completely destroyed any kind of immersion. There's absolutely no emotional variety, she always sounds like she's about to burst out laughing.

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I'm half tempted to compile fan dubs of dialog, and release it as a voice pack addon for the game. Or better yet, setup a tool to record their own voice packs so they can dub over the parts they don't like. Given how much of the population despises needing voice coms, I'm curious to see how many would be willing to put the minimal effort to replace voice clips with their own voices.

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> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> I'm half tempted to compile fan dubs of dialog, and release it as a voice pack addon for the game. Or better yet, setup a tool to record their own voice packs so they can dub over the parts they don't like. Given how much of the population despises needing voice coms, I'm curious to see how many would be willing to put the minimal effort to replace voice clips with their own voices.


I wouldn't like to hear my own voice. I never did like the sound of it, and I am not alone in that manner. Most people don't like to hear their own voice, but I wouldn't mind a pack done by other people hearing there voices.

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> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> I'm half tempted to compile fan dubs of dialog, and release it as a voice pack addon for the game. Or better yet, setup a tool to record their own voice packs so they can dub over the parts they don't like. Given how much of the population despises needing voice coms, I'm curious to see how many would be willing to put the minimal effort to replace voice clips with their own voices.


Seeing how the human female already sounds close to me, but just a little deeper....... with more gasping and less emotion than me (not sure how that's possible but...), I'm fine with that.

I would like a "mute" addon though. The Sylvari I have planned on making not supposed to have any voice...

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I don't mind any of the voice acting. Sure some might be more liked than others but it's not like I have any real problems with them.


The only thing with it, like others have said here, is the lack of a change in the voice option. Playing a different class with the same voice gets boring as you repeat the story.

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> @"Doctor Hide.6345" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > I have 49 characters. I have 9 of each race just in females (the others are males). My main necro, mesmer, elementalist and thief are all humans. It's disconcerting that they all have the same voice when in my mind they have different personalities (though I don't RP. They all just have a different feel to me). Playing through the story a second time just feels so weird when it's the same voice on a different character.

> >

> > I was so disconcerted by it today that I actually turned off all character voices in-game entirely.

> >

> > Also the voice acting for the human female is TERRIBLE. In no way does she convince me that she portrays my character. I haven't played story much on other races, but I'm seriously hoping that they're nowhere near as bad.


> Wait, you have 49 characters? A single account or separate?


On one single account I have 49 characters. With PoF and HoT the max characters one can have is 71 iirc.


Across all my accounts I have 69 characters.

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Female Sylvari is Jennifer Hale, the best voice actress out of all the PC voice actors. If you give your character the last name of Shephard, you become Commander Shephard for real!


Female Norn is Claudia Christian who gives one of the worst and most off-putting performances I have ever heard. The voice is simply too old, unemotive, disinterested, monotone and passionless to fit the female Norns most people make. The female Norns people make are young, beautiful and passionate, the very things that voice is not. This creates a huge mismatch between character and voice to such an extent that they become separate and disconnected entities.

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I have a suggestion for everyone that is having problems with the VA, go outside and just listen, after you've picked out a voice or two try and look around to see if you can spot that person. I can guarantee that 9 times out of 10 it isn't who you think it is, everyone's voice is distinct and there are quite a few people that do not look like their voice sounds...that should solve all your problems, besides not listening to hard to the in-game voice.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> I have a suggestion for everyone that is having problems with the VA, go outside and just listen, after you've picked out a voice or two try and look around to see if you can spot that person. I can guarantee that 9 times out of 10 it isn't who you think it is, everyone's voice is distinct and there are quite a few people that do not look like their voice sounds...that should solve all your problems, besides not listening to hard to the in-game voice.


I live in a older suburb though, so everyone stays inside their houses. All I would hear is cars and birds chirping...

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> I have a suggestion for everyone that is having problems with the VA, go outside and just listen, after you've picked out a voice or two try and look around to see if you can spot that person. I can guarantee that 9 times out of 10 it isn't who you think it is, everyone's voice is distinct and there are quite a few people that do not look like their voice sounds...that should solve all your problems, besides not listening to hard to the in-game voice.


I'm really not getting your comparison here. Maybe I'm just tired and it's not connecting but I don't see the point. Yes, everyone's voice is unique. And don't try too hard to listen to the voices? You have no idea how hard I have tried to not listen so hard to the female Norn voice lol. It's truly just so, so horrible in my opinion. You can't miss it no matter how hard you try, I hate to be mean, but it is by far the absolute worse voice acting I have heard in any game. And of course, that's my personal opinion. Nails on chalkboard kind of bad for me.


Mine is a ranger. The whole premise behind the Norn and the animals is how much they regard them, worship them and protect them. But yet when I call one of mine she uses this horrible voice and tone that sure isn't in a manner of respecting them, but instead like they are her slave. That is just one example, but the voice alone in every single aspect just sounds so unnatural and forced in a way that don't work regarding anything at all she says.

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> @SummerRayne.4672 said:

> The female Norn is the one that truly bothers me. I have a very hard time listening to her voice. Every time I hear her speak I cringe. I have tried to get used to it because I have always wanted a Norn ranger. I feel odd playing male characters so I stick to female. I have already deleted one because of the voice, but recently decided to try it again. It just sounds like someone is trying too hard to sound tough or something and they do a very poor job pulling it off. Or from my opinion, the voice actor doesn't pull it off at all. It is the only voice actor in the game that I really don't like at all.


Agree completely. It sounds like it was voice by a woman trying to sound like a man, or a man trying to sound like a woman. In either case it's awful and I hate it.


To the OP -- just mute voices on your alt.

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