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The Mad King Returns!

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Are you going to remove content just like you did in past years? Or do you plan to implement them back and/or add new features? It's not exactly fun to repeat the very same events over and over again every year...


All of these major annual events have been nerfed while others haven't seen the light of day since Season 1. Don't you want to keep players busy and happy while focusing on the bigger picture of brand-new content?


Ah, this would also be the perfect opportunity to bring those School Uniforms as outfits, no? Or are you still going to leave us fans in the dark?

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Hopefully I'll experience my first Halloween in GW2 this year.

> Planned in doing so last year but... change of plans last minute.


> Anything dead related is always awesome! (Minus certain times with the Risen in Orr...)


You're in for a treat then. There's a reason I call Halloween in GW2 Lootoberfest. :D


I don't even care if it's rehashed content. Running the labyrinth is fun for me. :3

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" Will there be a better version of the Labyrinth this year? 3 years ago there was a realy nice farm train, because loot and mobs really was worth it. The last 2 years the amount of Loot and Mobs decreased so much, that farming feels boring and not worth... Have you changed anything? Maybe even new content *still dreams*

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> @DevilishLyx.2340 said:

> These seasonal events have been lacking since launch.


> There isnt much fun thing to do at all.

> You do a seasonal jumping puzzle, killed a few seasonal mobs, and then you're already bored.

That's fine by me, since I rarely have time to play during holidays. If there was more to it, I probably wouldn't get it done in time.

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> @Lefteris.2761 said:

> Will be my first Halloween in GW2!!

> Anything i can get except cash shop items ?


Yes, the Halloween events all drop candy corn, which is used as a currency to buy minis, 20-slot bags, outfits or skins, and candy corn nodes for your home instance. You can see what has been offered before [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Candy_Corn_Vendor "here").


The events also drop utility boosts that are useful enough to be worth keeping a stack for year-round use.

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I Can Not Wait! This means, Steve, Steve Returns! My Labyrinthine Horror of an Ex Boyfriend. Aaaaay guys Aggie here Loook for my tag in the Lab, as I always tag up and my guild does those super sweet ultra crazy runs all night :) Can't wait! (FYI if anyone doesnt know the legend of Steve, how he got his name and why hes Aggie Se'lerauns Ex, Feel free to whisper me!)

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> @Nightshade.2570 said:

> I Can Not Wait! This means, Steve, Steve Returns! My Labyrinthine Horror of an Ex Boyfriend. Aaaaay guys Aggie here Loook for my tag in the Lab, as I always tag up and my guild does those super sweet ultra crazy runs all night :) Can't wait! (FYI if anyone doesnt know the legend of Steve, how he got his name and why hes Aggie Se'lerauns Ex, Feel free to whisper me!)


I'm to scared to ask.... so i wont :S

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In game events are my favorite; especially Halloween. I have a lot of fun every year. Please consider, if not this year, then in the future, bringing back Reaper's Rumble and The Lunatic Inquisition. It's what originally got me into trying PvP (the Reaper's Rumble map was awesome, it was like a mini DOTA inside an MMO) and I loved the villagers vs lunatics theme and running around the labyrinth playing manhunt, hide and go seek and survive the night. It was a very unique experience that I haven't seen other games do. I'll always remember them fondly. Looking forward to it either way.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It was just a suggestion; not everyone knows about Halloween/Wintersday Outfits. If offering information is 'fun-sucking', sobeit.


You are innocent nor blameless no longer, now I will have to think of you as Ludicrum Desicco.9234. Fun-Sucker now will have to be my word of the day I believe. :)

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Hopefully I'll experience my first Halloween in GW2 this year.

> > Planned in doing so last year but... change of plans last minute.

> >

> > Anything dead related is always awesome! (Minus certain times with the Risen in Orr...)


> You're in for a treat then. There's a reason I call Halloween in GW2 Lootoberfest. :D


> I don't even care if it's rehashed content. Running the labyrinth is fun for me. :3


It really is, though if we don't get any new content here is to hoping that we have new loot options and items of interest. Really do enjoy this festival but it is also one of those that the more the merrier and changes do draw people in.

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