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Braham and the nature of Dragon Hunters.


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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> Specializations, mainly the HoT ones is kinda lore-underveloped. In the Pof this gotta more evolved, but still not enough. This probably started with the thing of "Marjory Delaqua is reaper cuz she gotta the greatsword of his sister", but this in game isnt very developed, is basically a player teory based on implicit facts rather than explicity facts.


> i guess is a very waste of potential, in animes, a characters "evolution", is a big thing and had lot of phases, like DBZ saiyajin becoming a _super saiyajin_.


Not having proper class lore and identity is my biggest issue with the game. I hate that the classes feel so disconnected from the world they're in. Sometimes feels like my Commander is 1 of only a handful of Guardians in the WORLD. How did my PC learn these skills? Who taught him? Is there a Guardian order of some kind that's just invisible in game? PoF atleast did something but it's still nowhere near good enough.


It comes down mostly to 2 design decisions they made in development. Not having mobs with player skills and not having questing. I'd imagine that if there were quests in the game, the order halls like the Vigil Keep, would be huge quest hubs and we would have a lot more lore to talk about. Questing would give a reason to have some kind of class guild hall, a place to learn your class and about your class. But no, the devs discarded all that juicy immersion in the name of convenience and metagaming.

Not having mobs with player skills is another point that gives this feeling. Even the humanoid opponents have 1 or 2 skills at most that resemble player class skills. Unlike GW1 where almost every mob had/has them.

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It would have been interesting if they had a hybrid system where players could learn a set of skills and traits from home city trainers and then go out into the world and learn more from fighting beasts with similar spell techniques or new trainers on new continents. It could be similar to a collection system, but that's neither here nor there.


Edit: One additional thought would have been starting with one set of skills and traits based on your character's race, then you could meet with class trainers of other races to learn more about your class and how that race feels about it.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > Specializations, mainly the HoT ones is kinda lore-underveloped. In the Pof this gotta more evolved, but still not enough. This probably started with the thing of "Marjory Delaqua is reaper cuz she gotta the greatsword of his sister", but this in game isnt very developed, is basically a player teory based on implicit facts rather than explicity facts.

> >

> > i guess is a very waste of potential, in animes, a characters "evolution", is a big thing and had lot of phases, like DBZ saiyajin becoming a _super saiyajin_.


> Not having proper class lore and identity is my biggest issue with the game. I hate that the classes feel so disconnected from the world they're in. Sometimes feels like my Commander is 1 of only a handful of Guardians in the WORLD. How did my PC learn these skills? Who taught him? Is there a Guardian order of some kind that's just invisible in game? PoF atleast did something but it's still nowhere near good enough.


> It comes down mostly to 2 design decisions they made in development. Not having mobs with player skills and not having questing. I'd imagine that if there were quests in the game, the order halls like the Vigil Keep, would be huge quest hubs and we would have a lot more lore to talk about. Questing would give a reason to have some kind of class guild hall, a place to learn your class and about your class. But no, the devs discarded all that juicy immersion in the name of convenience and metagaming.

> Not having mobs with player skills is another point that gives this feeling. Even the humanoid opponents have 1 or 2 skills at most that resemble player class skills. Unlike GW1 where almost every mob had/has them.


The playerbase _unwrite law_ that gw2 design should be around the _"everyone can be everything"_ dont help much, things like "no holy trinity" etc.

This maximize the matrix of possibilities too much, and the dificult of mechanically make a good implementation of a _lore based feature is proportionally inverse to the size of matrix of choices_.


Theres some players that advocate even the professions should be able to use all weapons in the game like "i would like a necro longbow on next expansion"..., how hell one day we can had a decent back-lore of necromancers and please all that "players choices"?


If something is everything, in the end that "something" is equals a nothing(ex: racial skills), if everyone can be everything is the end everyone equals a nobody(ex: the blank commander character, chaar players entering in the shinning blade), this is the root of all GW2 design flaws.

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> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> The guild wars professions have their themes and identities, but they can vary so drastically that the only reason for a group to not have say, necromancers would be "We hate undead completely and totally!".


Strictly speaking, even this wouldn't apply: necromancers don't have to raise undead, and in GW1 corpse exploitation was often among the best ways to shut down a minionmaster. They'd need to either have an aversion to necromancy in general, or lack the capability to train or recruit them.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > The guild wars professions have their themes and identities, but they can vary so drastically that the only reason for a group to not have say, necromancers would be "We hate undead completely and totally!".


> Strictly speaking, even this wouldn't apply: necromancers don't have to raise undead, and in GW1 corpse exploitation was often among the best ways to shut down a minionmaster. They'd need to either have an aversion to necromancy in general, or lack the capability to train or recruit them.


Quite right. In GW1 you could have necromancers who never used corpses or undead. I remember one time we had a team, one blood necro support, one curses, one spite, one minion master. None of us even touched on stuff the others did.

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