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Sword Infiltrator's return


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I have been using sword theif lately and The long duration on IR I find rather annoying, I find with most situations where i use IR it is not 10sec later. I was thinking about reducing the duration on IR.

I am hoping to get feedback from more expirenced sword theives and their thoughts about reducing the duration on IR

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What they need to do is bring back jump cast on the skill. That's quite literally all that needs to be done to fix IS/IR and majority of the sword capabilities which are currently lacking or makes it underperform compared to the monster that is D/P.


While at it, they need to nerf Shadow Shot _**OR**_ Headshot (_not both_). If I were to pick, I'd choose to nerf the unblockable blind portion from the projectile and tie that blind into the actual dagger hit, else nothing can ever compete with D/P - it offers _**EVERYTHING**_.


Oh, and they should also either add a blind effect to C&D, make it unblockable, or nerf the initiative cost - it's a pathetic skill. I would favour a blind effect and/or initiative cost reduction, than an unblockable, because that would give s/d 3 unblockables (+BV), which would make it insanely strong against certain classes.

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> @Tadsoul.6951 said:

> with a shorter duration to use return you can then use the attack more often. When I'm using IR it is normally well within a shorter time peroid


I think I get what you're saying and it kind of makes sense from that point, but using Strike more often would be at the expense of the options Return duration gives you. That duration is especially crucial in WvW and depending on the part of the map it can turn a fight around *and* if you have a good internal clock for the duration you can even get back out and work on some kind of system of pushes with your squad.

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I want to use Infiltrator strike however the long duration on IR impedes this. I may Jump behind the enemy group with my sword swap to my offhand and when some1 decides to run or when a good opportunity comes Infiltrator strike is still blocked by Infiltrator return.





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He is concerned about chase potential and nothing else. -And I agree to an extent. I think shadow Return and Infiltrator's Return durations should be swapped. You are much more likely to need the extra few seconds on Shadow Return than you are on Infiltrator's Return.

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> He is concerned about chase potential and nothing else. -And I agree to an extent. I think shadow Return and Infiltrator's Return durations should be swapped. You are much more likely to need the extra few seconds on Shadow Return than you are on Infiltrator's Return.


Ahhh I get it now, thank you for the explanation it makes sense now what he is asking for. It would be nice to even have the old IR behaviour back. As for shorter IR, I still dunno, having a shorter or longer cd is both nice for me, I can work on either of the changes.

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> @Tadsoul.6951 said:

> with a shorter duration to use return you can then use the attack more often. When I'm using IR it is normally well within a shorter time peroid


I think the idea behind it was that it allowed the sword thief to quickly jump in and fight and quickly run away after securing the kill, or deciding the attack was a bust. My issue with it is they nerfed the instacast and stun break. I wouldn't mind if they just took away the stun break. But I wished they left the instacast on it.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @Tadsoul.6951 said:

> > with a shorter duration to use return you can then use the attack more often. When I'm using IR it is normally well within a shorter time peroid


> I think the idea behind it was that it allowed the sword thief to quickly jump in and fight and quickly run away after securing the kill, or deciding the attack was a bust. My issue with it is they nerfed the instacast and stun break. I wouldn't mind if they just took away the stun break. But I wished they left the instacast on it.


Being instant-cast would be just as effective as a stun-break in most scenarios, provided your return circle is placed relatively well - this is because instant cast abilities are usable while stunned. I think that would be _too_ much of a get-out-of-jail-free ability. If there were a way to make it instant, but not usable while stunned, then that would be more acceptable.

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> @Asur.9178 said:

> What they need to do is bring back jump cast on the skill. That's quite literally all that needs to be done to fix IS/IR and majority of the sword capabilities which are currently lacking or makes it underperform compared to the monster that is D/P.


> While at it, they need to nerf Shadow Shot _**OR**_ Headshot (_not both_). If I were to pick, I'd choose to nerf the unblockable blind portion from the projectile and tie that blind into the actual dagger hit, else nothing can ever compete with D/P - it offers _**EVERYTHING**_.


> Oh, and they should also either add a blind effect to C&D, make it unblockable, or nerf the initiative cost - it's a pathetic skill. I would favour a blind effect and/or initiative cost reduction, than an unblockable, because that would give s/d 3 unblockables (+BV), which would make it insanely strong against certain classes.


Not a single aspect of thief needs to be nerfed. No weapon skills or weapon sets, no traits, or utilities.



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