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Spirit Woods/Pre-Gorse Missing LI Reward Issue and GMs' Responses


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Last week, I had an issue of not getting Legendary Insight upon completion of Spirit Woods or Pre-Gorse event of Wing 1. Made a ticket and look at the replies I get.




No LI reward given for spirit woods run?


!(https://imgur.com/fy8tuO3.jpg "")

"This should be the only Legendary Insight you get in the Spirit Vale Raid."


I need help, but I'm not sure how now. Thoughts?



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Wait is the GM saying wing 1 should only give 1 li?


Great so vg and gorse are not bosses anymore and the change to spirit woods to add li swhen wing 5 turned into ld is somehow reverted.

Well seems like the support personel dont play the game, feels kinda like when I got the wrong email from moderator were to complain exploit instead of exploits

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> @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Well unsure if I got the insight or not but dont really need it after you got 750 total you dont really need more


> You do if you're planning on making 9 sets of legendary armor (:


ugh all those provisoner tokens, would rather go 3 pvp 3 wvw and 3 raid instead of 900 more of those.

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