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Condi thief is getting a bit outta hand


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Condi thief seems a bit overtuned atm. I know thieves have always had the abolity to reset or flee fights but the condi thieves can inflict a whole ton of condis, especially the poison (coupled with that thief trait) and even when cleansed can quickly inflict those condis again and shadowstep away. If by any chance they get damage they can completely reset whilst the player they are fighting with are left with the condis :s I won't rant on about the stealth (massive problem and so many shadowsteps). Anyway I am not going full on pitchforks and torches but yea the ability to completely reset but still have lingering strong conditions on the person they are in combat with is too much in open space wvw,

(It ain't that bad in the enclosed pvp) no matter how much condi cleanse is used..... k bye

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I ran into a couple but haven't really ran into much problems except the ocassional surprise or +1. I saw more back during the initial deadly arts changes and far less during the recent balance patch. Some were running thorns, others krait or nightmare, I'm not sure if any were running undead/rata sum. Only one of my encounters was a d/d daredevil that was trying to spam dagger 3 on me while I was using antitoxin lol. I suggest always carrying several builds for adjusting according to what kind of matchup you get. Some servers, they play condi heavy, others favor powers, and others a mish mash. Identify certain roamers/havoc guilds and you'll know what to avoid - also check their boon bar for what utils or food they are running to know if they are condi. You don't have to fight them on sight, you can always maintain distance with warclaw (if it is available for you). What class and build are you playing? There are people here on forum who can help you with the encounter, just let us know.

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> @"asterix.9614" said:

> Condi thief seems a bit overtuned atm. I know thieves have always had the abolity to reset or flee fights but the condi thieves can inflict a whole ton of condis, especially the poison (coupled with that thief trait) and even when cleansed can quickly inflict those condis again and shadowstep away. If by any chance they get damage they can completely reset whilst the player they are fighting with are left with the condis :s I won't rant on about the stealth (massive problem and so many shadowsteps). Anyway I am not going full on pitchforks and torches but yea the ability to completely reset but still have lingering strong conditions on the person they are in combat with is too much in open space wvw,

> (It ain't that bad in the enclosed pvp) no matter how much condi cleanse is used..... k bye

Just to add for clarity:

- portal has 60 secs cooldown and the cooldown starts when the portal exit is placed (the first part)

- so you can place the portal exit, use shadowsteps / sb5 etc. to engage, and get out of fight at any time with just two clicks

- if you dont need to, you can place portal entry (the second part), use the portal and immediately place a new one


-> That means theef can have a constant escape mechanic to get ooc at will. Anet should at least make the cooldown only start ticking when portal entry is placed, not portal exit. Would also help with ridiculous hide-and-seek in keeps.


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Just play a condi DE. I did and it was hillarious. Mark your target, wait, mark again, use cantrip if target cleanses fast. Rinse and repeat while stealthing. Poof! Zerkers are dead already. For the rest you would actually need to press other buttons. A clever thief can put cover condis with traits and sigils. It is really boring to play though. I could stand it for two days only.

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Most thieves that run those kind of builds also fall like dominos to condi. I find the dd ef staffstomper faaaaaaaaaaar more annoying as it can be practically impossible to get any hits in, they constantly heal and condi just glide right off. Luckily there arent that many good ones.

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