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What is the point of making multiple lvl 80 characters?

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3 things

-Elite spec: i make 3 chars per profession so i don't have to change build, have just made 6 chars with 250 HPs for the 3rd Elite spec.

-Voice line: since you character likes to talk alot so 1 class for each of my 3 favorite races (Asura/Charr/Sylvari), thinking of deleting Norn.

-BL keys

Unfortunately the problem i faced most is remembering where did i put my legendary/ascended equipments? So i use gw2efficiency a lot.

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> @"Acheron.4731" said:

> gotta learn how other builds work to beat them in pvp and wvw


^^^ A lot of this, but also more.


I have 18 characters, 2 of each class, and a slot I keep as a backup. All of them are level 80, almost all of them have ascended items.


I am driven by many things when making characters. Aesthetic diversity, build opportunities (and their ease of access before templates were a thing), different playstyles, and story decisions (though these are meh, unfortunately).


Their specializations are all pretty unique and that's what I've got to say about that.

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I have 36 characters who have all finished the personal story. While my main is a human mirage, I do like to have a variety with each class and race for specific builds and for stories. When a new story comes out, I always will do it first with my main. Plus I do have certain characters at certain spots for gathering, etc. Variety is the spice of life!

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Just for fun. I enjoy exploring, so do the same areas multiple times. I do not do the story on each character. I find the story a bit boring, and have never finished it on any character (on any game). I play just for the exploring and the monster bashing. I do have my favorite 2 characters, a few that got to 80 and retired, and few I mess around for fun every now and again.

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> @"Sir Arigius.6294" said:

> So getting to my point. When I go to another one of my level 80's who hasn't accomplished what my main character has. I don't feel the purpose in redoing the story line or doing the same things over and over again.


Other people aren't you. ;) They enjoy beating the same challenges via the new challenge posed by mastering a different profession and having a different approach at things. People who have been playing this game for years don't have much left to do other then doing that. (I would die of boredom if I had to play only 1-3 characters.)

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> @"Sir Arigius.6294" said:

> What is the point of making more characters and having more than one level 80?


> I have 3 level 80s and I've used 1 out of the 3 to beat all 3 main quest lines of the game. I always use my Necromancer. The base game and the 2 expansions. Not just that I've accomplished a huge of amount of things.


> So getting to my point. When I go to another one of my level 80's who hasn't accomplished what my main character has. I don't feel the purpose in redoing the story line or doing the same things over and over again. I can't even sum up the motivation to make a new character either because I know I'll just either be grinding, or using tombs of knowledge or a level 80 Auto item and doing the same roller coaster ride all over again when I could just go find a new experience with my main character.


> I'm having trouble seeing the point. Is it just for PVP purposes to make a specific level 80 for WVW and PVP maybe?


If you play high end pve you kinda have to swich ur class between bosses.

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Well, back in the day, I had a set of characters specifically for PvP, WvW and the PvE.

And at one point, I had a group that was only for fractals.

I don't like transferring stuff between characters, it seems like a waste of time for me.

Had to wait 15 minutes once for someone to find and move the accessories over the right character.

So in part, efficiency.

In GW, I had 54 characters... each one a little different than each other.

Pretty much the same in GW2.

Back when the NPE happened, I made a couple of characters, just to see how the experience would be different from before NPE (instead of the insta-level).


And pumpkin pails are cheap and 20 slots....

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> @"Sir Arigius.6294" said:

> What is the point of making more characters and having more than one level 80?


> I have 3 level 80s and I've used 1 out of the 3 to beat all 3 main quest lines of the game. I always use my Necromancer. The base game and the 2 expansions. Not just that I've accomplished a huge of amount of things.


> So getting to my point. When I go to another one of my level 80's who hasn't accomplished what my main character has. I don't feel the purpose in redoing the story line or doing the same things over and over again. I can't even sum up the motivation to make a new character either because I know I'll just either be grinding, or using tombs of knowledge or a level 80 Auto item and doing the same roller coaster ride all over again when I could just go find a new experience with my main character.


> I'm having trouble seeing the point. Is it just for PVP purposes to make a specific level 80 for WVW and PVP maybe?


Character slots are my build templates

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My current catalog of 80s...


Human male Power Soulbeast: My seven year old main, used for the whole story line, WvW, and generally the first pass at everything in game.

Charr female Pistol Deadeye: She's Rox to my main's Braham. Love seeing six digits on the damage counter.

Charr male Support Scourge: My favorite PVE 5-man grouping character, and nearly impossible to die in open world unless I screw up. Considering rebuilding him for WvW.

Asura female Staff Mirage: My cute character and arguably my "second main".

Asura male Banner Warrior: Started as a RP idea, great for spinny axes and grouping.

Asura male Juggernaut Scrapper: Asura mad scientist with a flamethrower, tanky soloing and spamming defense in groups. What's not to like?


Deleted 80s...


Norn female Revenant: Never found a build I truly liked, forgot whatever my original RP conception for the character was, goodbye.

Sylvari male Guardian: Good RP concept, but no heavy armor class should be so squishy. Might get remade eventually if I ever figure it out build wise.


In progress...


Norn male Necromancer: Destined to be a huge scary Reaper.

Asura female Ranger: Destined to be a druid with group roles in mind.


So, different RP ideas. Different characters for different group roles and modes of play. Maybe I just feel like playing X character today. Many reasons to make multiple level 80s.

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a. Lots of quest loot to salvage and then sell the mats to crafters on the TP.

b. New norn waifu.

c. Fashionable bank slot expansion.


But I hear you. I have made enough alts to play through all of the story paths just for the experience, but that was done with a year or two ago. I now have a main and one experimentation alt and five empty character slots I feel no need to fill.

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I have a level 80 for each class. While I play thief most often, all of them have both elite specializations. (So far, the only Elite specializations I have been using is Daredevil.) I have two more level 80 thieves, because I came up with a couple of names I found funny. I swap between the thieves for most things.

On and off I do key runs. I liked the cut of HMS Keymaster XXV's (I think) jib, so I had kept her around for a while. I decided to make her a real girl, so boosted her to 80, got a name change kit and she joined the crew. She took part in the daily Grothmar Map completions and will work on core map completion eventually. Each one will get a turn in the Labyrinth this Halloween.

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