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The unnecessary complications of in-combat swapping..


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The question is where do we stop if we start dumbing down a combat system (pretty much lowering the skill ceiling) just to make it slightly more pleasant for the lower end of the spectrum? Some would stop after the removal of the ability to swap weapons, others would go much, much further. The question is entirely subjective in the end. And there is absolutely no pleasing everyone.


There already are builds avaible for people who do not like to swap or even try too hard. I think Kittymarks in particular made it her thing to provide builds which do not require a whole lot of effort with still quite decent results. Try those, you will do just fine in raids outside of hardcore groups.

But why punish those who who are looking for more than these low effort builds? You have nothing taken away from you by allowing others to enjoy their complex rotations. You are free to play without ever swapping your weapons or any other way you enjoy.


I started playing the game for the combat system and it remains one of the reasons why I have continued to do so for seven years. Weapon swapping is a very important part of our combat system. Hell, it is all there is to playing some of the classes. Imagine elementalists without attunement swapping or playing a warrior in PvP without the abiliy to swap weapons. Even if they managed to rebalance the entire game around these restrictions, which in itself is already pretty unlikely, don't see why we would need to punish everyone else just to stop someone from feeling bad about being outperformed or feeling pressured into trying harder.

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I remember a long ago forum post where the guy complained that his friends tried the game but only lasted a few levels before quitting. He listed the reasons why he thought they quit but if you read the post you could tell he was bad mouthing the game to the new players. Telling them that this part was boring and the game doesn’t get better for a long time. That it’s only worth playing at max level. Well of course they all quit. What new players want to be told that you have get though 80 levels before the game is worth playing.


So now I see a post from a guy who doesn’t like weapon swap and knows players who quit because of weapon swap and I have to wonder, how much time did the OP spend bashing weapon swap to his friends to have so many that disliked the same game feature as him. Such unanimous opinions are rare unless someone is pushing an agenda. The other guy was unaware how he was making the game sound bad to his friends. The OP might want to think back about how many times he brought the subject up and complained.


Maybe something to try. Never complain about weapon swap to your friends. Instead, present it as a positive to give options for range and melee with access to more skills and ways to play the game. If it’s as bad as you say they’ll realize it independently. If they never do and keep playing and enjoying the game then maybe you were chasing off new players by complaining about one feature.

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> @"Court.7180" said:

> We all spam abilities, that's the name of the game.. heck the entire game is basically who can zerg the fastest to avoid any other strategy besides zerg spamming dps race abilities.. Mechanically challenged, physically challenged, either way i'm focusing on people who feel the button mashing can get a bit extreme because of the added necessity of swapping to a whole other set of buttons to mash.. we can all pretend that its no bother and if you feel it is you can play another game blah blah.. but anyone who has played other mmos know that its not how many buttons you mash or how fast, its about the actual button you push.

> and @"mindcircus.1506" the whole thing is automated, otherwise you would be making your own macros like old school mmorpg's or even typing out movements like text based rpgs


Wrong. We don't spam skills. Certain skills burst more depending on trait price and the specific sequence we press them in.


So no, we don't ALL spam skills. And this is coming from someone who doesn't have the patience for raids and spends all her time in strikes to practice rotations.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:


> Chess is not hard to play at all.. It requires zero hand eye coordination and twitch skills and is only complex due to how far you think ahead strategy wise, even a disabled person can be a master at chess.. But not GW2...


> We have supposedly advanced beyond petty things like virtual achievements and fake difficulty as well.. Well some us have...


cute fauxparison, so let's think it through. Yes, twitch skills are irrelevant in chess, but it certainly takes a specific skill set / level of abilities to master it. Various mental disabilities will keep you from becoming a good chess player, as even will a short attention span, bad memory or even lower intelligence. So following OP and you, the individual chess pieces must be reduced and/or their individual move aspects have to be simplified. You know, as we have advanced beyond those petty things like mental prowess, thinking ahead and fake difficulty by arbitrary chess piece movement. You don't have? Even in 2019? Shame, shame...

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> I remember a long ago forum post where the guy complained that his friends tried the game but only lasted a few levels before quitting. He listed the reasons why he thought they quit but if you read the post you could tell he was bad mouthing the game to the new players. Telling them that this part was boring and the game doesn’t get better for a long time. That it’s only worth playing at max level. Well of course they all quit. What new players want to be told that you have get though 80 levels before the game is worth playing.


> So now I see a post from a guy who doesn’t like weapon swap and knows players who quit because of weapon swap and I have to wonder, how much time did the OP spend bashing weapon swap to his friends to have so many that disliked the same game feature as him. Such unanimous opinions are rare unless someone is pushing an agenda. The other guy was unaware how he was making the game sound bad to his friends. The OP might want to think back about how many times he brought the subject up and complained.


> Maybe something to try. Never complain about weapon swap to your friends. Instead, present it as a positive to give options for range and melee with access to more skills and ways to play the game. If it’s as bad as you say they’ll realize it independently. If they never do and keep playing and enjoying the game then maybe you were chasing off new players by complaining about one feature.


Assumptions never made anything true, it only gives people a reason to click on thumbs up buttons.. To assume that I brought it up and complained about it is far from true, this is the only venue that I have ever brought it up.. And my friends/guilds are comprised of various players of various talents who have played much longer than myself.. I also know that some of them have difficulty with rotation management and have mentioned once or twice of how excessive it is to have to utilize so many skills in a rotation for optimal dps. After many years of MMORPGs with more optimal skill rotations, i'm speaking from a view that sees where things could be better.. And when your faced with a needed dps benchmark to win a fight, don't tell me you don't need to be able to perform certain dps numbers, that's just a poor excuse. And in order to perform those certain dps numbers you need to have rotations consisting of unnecessarily excessive button presses in Gw2 (Ie. Gorseval the Multifarious).. I just simply said why not just manage the system a little more optimally because its unnecessarily complicated, but my wording clearly offended some.

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