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Changes to Lunatic Inquisition

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I know there are some people who really like this mode, including me. It is really fun, but how can we improve it to be even more fun and rewarding? I don't expect ArenaNet to make some big changes, like, for example, adding Labirinthyne Horror chasing ghosts or villagers, but here are some little things that I think would make this mode better.



1. Rewards, obviously. Currently we get 15 ToT bags for winning as Villager and only 3 as Courtier, which is really bad in both cases. Definitely we should increase amount of ToT bags.


3. Completely remove or change Mad King Says abilities from Courtiers. They're bad, unfair for Villagers ( especially with fear combo ) and not fun.


3. Personally I am okay with breaking the map and using some places to hide, but only if ghosts can get there too. There is now at least one place where Villagers can jump and ghosts cannot, because of speed boost from food. Fix those places, add more deadzones like you did in this year patch.


What do you think guys?


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1) never going to be against more rewards. Im not sure what the best balance is though.

2) no, definitely not. A big part of the fun and a big part of the point would be gone if this were to happen. The game is stacked against survivors as it should be.

3) Im not in agreement breaking the map should be allowed, but yes it should be that both sides can have equal access to somewhere. If not, it is a simple bug fixing problem

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-**Exploits:** Obviously, the paths that allow you to reach beyond the normal intended boundaries of the map need to be sealed off.


-**Mad King Says Dance:** When a Ghost casts Mad King Says Dance on you, the amount of time you're allowed to complete the Dance emote seems a bit short for how long the animation takes to complete. From what I've experienced, if you don't start Dancing immediately as a villager when this ability is cast on you, you won't have enough time to finish the emote before getting stunned from failing to do so.

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1. More rewards is a win for me

2. Hell no. That would make it too hard for Courtiers to win. When I play villager, I have no trouble winning (without cheats and map breaking). Take away Courtier abilities, and the game wouldn't be challenging/fun for villagers, and wouldn't be fun for Courtiers.

3. Nah. Fix all map-breaking. It's stupid.

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1. I'm iffy about purely reward-based incentivization in video games.

2. This is the reason why I can't play Lunatic Inquisition. It's a purely visual task with no way to do it blind. However, I remember playing this back when I had vision and it's actually fun the way it is (as long as you have vision).

3. Yeah, this is more in the realm of bugs. I'm very sure the devs do not intend for this to happen.

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1. Make it 10 bags either being a ghost or villager, win or loose, it's to unbalanced for a proper pvp mode, an most people I know only play it to bag farm, or at the very least if the ghosts win then 10/15 bags for them instead of 5.

2. No.

3. All the map exploits should be fixed, people are still able to glitch fall out the map as a villager and not to mention many other out of bounds locations, that either people don't know how to get to, or ghosts simply cant get to.

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