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Motion Sickness


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> @"leila.7962" said:

> I had the same issue when POF was released.. whenver I used mounts skills I felt like puking due to the motion sickness.. I turned off the "Motion Blur Power" and it solved the issue. This option is at the bottom of the 2nd tab on Options Menu, scroll the bar all the way to the left and tadaa!! Lemme know if it helps :3


I don't get motion sickness, and i turn off the motion blur in all games. I hate it. Makes me queasy.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"ShadowGryphon.6257" said:

> > Check with an ENT doc (ear, nose, throat) as well. Your motion sickness could be due to an inner ear problem.


> There are a number of elements to the game that affect players differently. Setting, drugs and doctors visits are ok suggestions, but Anet is also factor in the equation.


You're 100% correct, I tend to opt for ruling out all possible issues just to be certain.



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> @"Sol.6213" said:


> I wish you the best of luck in trying to mitigate your sickness. It sucks and Anet doesn't seem to care much about it. Rubi apparently suffers from some of these issues and, as far as I know, is our only champion within Anet.


so what should ANET do about it? huh? Reduce graphics to 1990 like settings? 640p and 16 colours? Make 95+% of the player base quit in disgust because of the horrific graphics? Make the vast majority suffer for the very, very few?


Face it, SOMEONE will always have a problem. No matter what you do. There is always a certain part of the population that has some problem or another with something. You can't cater to everyone.


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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> > @"leila.7962" said:

> > I had the same issue when POF was released.. whenver I used mounts skills I felt like puking due to the motion sickness.. I turned off the "Motion Blur Power" and it solved the issue. This option is at the bottom of the 2nd tab on Options Menu, scroll the bar all the way to the left and tadaa!! Lemme know if it helps :3


> I don't get motion sickness, and i turn off the motion blur in all games. I hate it. Makes me queasy.


motion blurr is stupid 'oh at normal cinema film speeds, fast moving cameras and vehicles introduce blurr, lets copy that unnatural blurr'. No, don't.

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Actually yeah. I fully understand you. Even for people without any condition its hard to play GW2 on high detals. Game is too bright and have too many effects. You can see it in PvP or Raids for example. Where it is really hard to figure out what's happening on your screen. Actually IMO most bad pvpers or raiders have problems to be better here because they just don't see what's happening on their screen. That's their main problem. I can't imagine how it must look on open world. Where's dozens of people in one place. Im glad I avoid this kind of content.


Disable camera shake. And check low details. Game looks much better then.


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Sol.6213" said:


> > I wish you the best of luck in trying to mitigate your sickness. It sucks and Anet doesn't seem to care much about it. Rubi apparently suffers from some of these issues and, as far as I know, is our only champion within Anet.


> so what should ANET do about it? huh? Reduce graphics to 1990 like settings? 640p and 16 colours? Make 95+% of the player base quit in disgust because of the horrific graphics? Make the vast majority suffer for the very, very few?


> Face it, SOMEONE will always have a problem. No matter what you do. There is always a certain part of the population that has some problem or another with something. You can't cater to everyone.



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Turn down motion blur power.

Disable post processing, this removes distortion effects.

Disable camera shake, and camera roll (at the very bottom of General Options),

Change your FOV so that it is farther away, closer creates the "looking at the road while driving" effect.

Turn ON enemy, NPC, player and object names, which creates static focus.

Use Skyscale, which is the smoothest mount.


Newer games try to increase immersion using close FOVs, no nameplates, etc, but as a result if you are the type to get overwhelmed by a "scene", this will hurt you. You can make the game alot more tolerable to disabilities by making it more "mechanical".

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > @"Sol.6213" said:

> >

> > > I wish you the best of luck in trying to mitigate your sickness. It sucks and Anet doesn't seem to care much about it. Rubi apparently suffers from some of these issues and, as far as I know, is our only champion within Anet.

> >

> > so what should ANET do about it? huh? Reduce graphics to 1990 like settings? 640p and 16 colours? Make 95+% of the player base quit in disgust because of the horrific graphics? Make the vast majority suffer for the very, very few?

> >

> > Face it, SOMEONE will always have a problem. No matter what you do. There is always a certain part of the population that has some problem or another with something. You can't cater to everyone.

> >




I only watched the first minute or two. 'Larger skills' really?


That would make readability even WORSE. I spared myself the rest.

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Obviously, motion sickness is a very individual experience, and it is perceived very differently. For example, I don't get nauseous, I get the most terrible headache instead, similar to migraine.


Things that influence my sickness:

Perhaps there is some new thing you didn't thing about yet.

- if the camera doesn't focus what I want it to focus. If the camera does something unexpected. If the game "hijacks" the camera. Thus all kind of shaking the screen, rotating camera on its own. Especially bad are jumping puzzles in narrow passages with low ceilings, where the camera jumps and jumps ->turn of camera shake, camera roll, and set camera collision detection to max

- low fps/visible choppiness -> lower graphics settings so at least 50-60 fps are achieved

- screen tearing due to no vsync -> enable vsync or buy a gsync/freesync monitor and a GPU that is capable of using it

- mouse input lag -> don't overload your computer

- wrong camera rotating speed -> adjust mouse rotation speed (need to get it right: too slow and too fast are both bad)

- don't see enough, so the need to constantly look around -> increase FOV; zoom out as much as possible

- camera jumping on dismounting -> close eyes for half a second while dismounting

- hijacked camera while mounted -> there is some mount-related setting to disable hijacking the camera while mounted

- the higher the camera, the less sickness I get -> increase camera height. But not to max, since it jumps too much if it crashes against some ceiling


What doesn't influence my sickness at all:

- motion blur settings

- skill animation mess

- post processing; distortion effects


Since release the game improved very much for me. At release, it was not playable for me. After 20-30 minutes I got so bad migraine I had to switch off and rest for the rest of the day. In the current state, with the settings I mentioned, I feel nothing of motion sickness.

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