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What do you want changed with weaver


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These are the changes I would LOVE to see with weaver. I want to play the class so badly but right now it's struggling in a lot of departments. What I would like to see:


-lower the CDs on a lot of the sword skills

-increase casting speed on sword skills

-increase the barrier granted by duel skill attacks slightly and drastically increase its scaling with healing power

-add an f5 skill that dual attunes you to whatever your main hand is and isn't on the same cd as the rest of your attunements

-redo the current utility skill that has this effect to instead pulse aoe boons based on your 2 current attunements (might, regen, swiftness and protection)


What kind of changes or buffs/nerfs do you want to see? I have currently shelved my weaver but it's entirely possible this is a l2p issue on my part. My perspective is mostly from WvW and PvP use.

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i just want 4-5 skills immediately, and keep 1-2 skills with the dual skill on swap


for the most part, when you attune, you want your 4 and 5 skills

in pvp at least, i ALWAYS want to have Burning Retreat at my finger tips, or Magnetic Aura, Obsidian Flesh, Healing Rain, Frozen Ground, Static, etc etc etc


almost all of the 4 and 5 skills are reactionary abilities that you want to activate immediately

without it, i feel super naked and extremely vulnerable on an already glass-made spec, losing out on all the defenses from Tempest is hard while also losing out on reaction-based skills


or, as you said, F5 be "Unravel"

the utility skill itself feels bad to pick, but it's a powerful ability

that would fix a lot with me and Weaver


i disagree with barrier scaling with healing power, Scourge is strong enough, they don't need to be 500x harder to kill

adding a minor trait to make weaver's scale with it? possibly.... not sure how that would feel

the base shields feel weak, but you spam them to make a lot honestly, with signet of restoration that's like 600 healing on every skill 3 use, that's..... a lot, given the rest of Elementalist's healing kit compared to other classes with just water attunement skills themselves, adding on arcane/water trait lines, it would be ridiculously tanky


given how Warrior's can't really select another healing skill other than the signet because of how stupidly strong it is, and that one is only like 350 a second or something, Weaver can "technically" push that a lot further, and barriers ignore poison, unlike healing signet


the problem with sword is how glassy the trait line itself is, you need to sacrifice offense for defense somewhere else, getting rid of the theme of the glassyness of the weaver line, this in turn makes everything you do a little bit less effective, which is why sword feels so bad, since you're up in melee range


the sword itself is actually pretty strong, maybe a range increase because the cooldowns are so long, it's hard dealing with a disconnected hit

most melee skills don't suffer from the "super strong effect long cooldown short range" like ele does, considering they have 25 skills at their disposal at any given time, it was necessary

it's mostly only hammers, but that's why those always feel so clunky to use, as well

at least, to me

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-Dps on sword (increasing the numbers and speed attack), I love the gameplay but without damage is not worth.

-600 range on fire sword 2 with shorter aftercast, with 130 AA range, and no weapon swap we need reliable gap closers like other swords in the game.

-Reduce 1/2s at least the attunement CD to flow better.


Not must, but really nice could be a Smoke fields on Fire+Water 3 skill or Light field on Air+fire instead of another flying blade without damage to give something new to the class.

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Ok let me put some ideals out there.


Let weaver chose to do a full swap not just the 3/8 swaps OR let them chose main hand swap or offhand swap.


Make stances real stances they need to have a passive effect once you actvate them and you can only have one stances at a time. That IS what a stances is on weaver then feel like cantrips more then stances.


Add in a real dmg stances.


Make the weaver line feel more like a line for weaver right now its feels like a fire or air line +2 most of the effects are not base off of weaver tools they are simple passive + effects. So make weaver get more from duel skill and barrier and stances not duel swaps doable atuments.


Make duel skills some what harder to deal with too many slow moving projectiles with long cast these do not work in gw2 at all make them unblock-able or beams.


Please stop pushing weakness and viability as real condis on ele / weaver they do not do dmg and you need more then 2 condi dmg types to be a condi viable class. Or make chill viability and weakness dmg some how.


Update more then just the sword skills as its only 1 main hand wepon of 5 weapons on a class who 4/5 skills are far stronger then there 1-3. This was the most disappointing thing about the update before PoF they just updated the sword on weaver and forgot about the other weapons.

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* I'd like to see the global cooldown on attunement swaps go away, and instead make attunement swaps just like Tempest. Right now, Weaver has to plan almost 4 seconds ahead for the 4 or 5 skills (where many of the hard CC skills are located) and this makes it virtually impossible to properly react quickly enough to breaking bosses with heavy break bars.

* I'd like to see an F5 skill that is "Swap main/off hand attunements".

* I'd like the tooltips for weapon skills and hero-panel-weapons-tab made consistent.

* I'd like the Weaver traits that adjust attributes to work properly with other Ele traits (especially Fire).

* I'd like the damage of sword to be adjusted so it is comparable to dagger (main hand) -- the meta builds are using dagger in main hand -- since Weaver's "special" weapon is sword, I think that should be the "preferred" weapon.

* I'd like an attribute added to double attunement to break stun (like you can trait for with Tempest)

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Most of all :

Better condi cleanse for ourselves outside Water.


At this moment Water is mandatory for any PvP/WvW build, but imo it should be more support line, heal other people, etc.

It impacts builds diversity, leaving almost no variety cause "Elete spec + Water" leaves only 1 skill line left.

So, we need better condi cleanse on fire/earth traits.

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I would like Master's Fortitude to be a trait that increases Barrier generation while wielding a sword in main hand, in addition to its current effect. I would also like that it derives a damage benefit from barriers, or else a complete redesign of the crit trait in that row, since you give up too much when weakness is applicable, and sometimes it has 0 benefit. It's just too polarizing and makes it very hard to pick Fortitude - particularly since Weakness in itself is good for defense too. This could open up new rotations, or even use of the weak Barrier utility skill.


I really feel like Sword Ele has too low defenses, even if it is intended they'd be a glass cannon melee (?) it's just so far below any other melee I can think of. Particularly in light with how survivable you are on staff or scepter as any type of Elementalist in comparison, I think there is something off there. And i feel like Master's Fortitude is the one place you have room to help playing at 130 range. It is not just that it's melee range, it is that many of the skills force you closer to the center of the hitbox or lock you in an animation, such as the fire leap, and the dual skills needs timing aim so having to interrupt one with a dodge is huge.

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- Change unravel to something useful benefitting the class mechanic.

- Better condi cleanse outside water.

- More reliable spike and sustain damage with sword.

- Faster cast time/animation. Due to the range it's hard to actually hit a moving target.

- Never tried the heal, it already sounds bad on paper.


I feel I already asked too much...

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Outside numerical changes such as damage, range and casting time, I would like to address the main fault with the spec:


The limitation on skills #3 #4 and #5.


I can't think of a solution that doesn't involve a counter-intuitive choice with irregular cooldowns and inconsistent design across the board (Such as F5 unravel, lower cooldown for same-attunement switch, enable weapon swap, etc. All bad).


Easiest and most effective way to achieve this is through Unravel. This skill already exists and gives us the perfect solution for this problem. The issue here is that it doesn't bring enough to justify its space as a utility slot. The way elementalist is right now, much like his reliance to water (and earth for tempest), is that an ele **cannot** survive without certain utilities equipped, in pvp at least.


Lightning Flash is a must. For dps builds, Arcane Blast or Wave must be in the bar. For more in the heat of battle builds you need Armor of Earth. Hell you're already at a disadvantage if you want to equip something unconventional specific to your build (Glyph of elemental power, any signet, any conjure, most glyphs).


So my proposal is the following: **Make Unravel the Weaver's Elite skill**


Unravel as the elite wouldn't take a useful utility slot, and it could buffed accordingly on the level of a elite skill.


From there we got 2 paths:

* Merge it with Weave Self (troublesome path)

* Add Weave Self as our F5 (fun path!)


With Chronos having Continuum Shift as their F5, a profession ability on the level of an elite skill. I don't see the problem in having Weave Self as our F5. I think it even has the same cooldown than Chronos F5.


Then, Unravel can be buffed to elite levels of usability.


I would personally give it 3 charges, up from 2. Add a specific buff or boon depending on which attunement is active while the stance lasts, maybe add barrier to it, or make it instantly refresh all global cooldowns on activation (5s ICD between uses ofc). Could add many interesting things.


Sincerely feel this is the best way to fix Weaver's clunkiness.




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> @Razor.6392 said:

> Outside numerical changes such as damage, range and casting time, I would like to address the main fault with the spec:


> The limitation on skills #3 #4 and #5.


> I can't think of a solution that doesn't involve a counter-intuitive choice with irregular cooldowns and inconsistent design across the board (Such as F5 unravel, lower cooldown for same-attunement switch, enable weapon swap, etc. All bad).


> Easiest and most effective way to achieve this is through Unravel. This skill already exists and gives us the perfect solution for this problem. The issue here is that it doesn't bring enough to justify its space as a utility slot. The way elementalist is right now, much like his reliance to water (and earth for tempest), is that an ele **cannot** survive without certain utilities equipped, in pvp at least.


> Lightning Flash is a must. For dps builds, Arcane Blast or Wave must be in the bar. For more in the heat of battle builds you need Armor of Earth. Hell you're already at a disadvantage if you want to equip something unconventional specific to your build (Glyph of elemental power, any signet, any conjure, most glyphs).


> So my proposal is the following: **Make Unravel the Weaver's Elite skill**


> Unravel as the elite wouldn't take a useful utility slot, and it could buffed accordingly on the level of a elite skill.


> From there we got 2 paths:

> * Merge it with Weave Self (troublesome path)

> * Add Weave Self as our F5 (fun path!)


> With Chronos having Continuum Shift as their F5, a profession ability on the level of an elite skill. I don't see the problem in having Weave Self as our F5. I think it even has the same cooldown than Chronos F5.


> Then, Unravel can be buffed to elite levels of usability.


> I would personally give it 3 charges, up from 2. Add a specific buff or boon depending on which achievement is active while the stance lasts, maybe add barrier to it, or make it instantly refresh all global cooldowns on activation (5s ICD between uses ofc). Could add many interesting things.


> Sincerely feel this is the best way to fix Weaver's clunkiness.





Making unravel the elite skill is not that bad of an ideal. Put it on a low cd with some type of added effect say base off of the atument drooped. I think it would fit weaver over all better then Weave Self. The buff are nice on weave self but the full version often dose not work well but if you could say get these buffs though dropping an atument to be full atumented in one element would fix weaver for a lot of ppl AND give a real elite skill that can swap as needed.


No ideal what to make of the old utitly skill.

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Improvements to the sword, dagger and scepter -specifically spike damage, i'd like to see sustainable 50k like other dps classes enjoy -. A 'dps spread' mechanic would be nice, like more damage to 1 target vs 5, the more targets you hit the lower the spike but more reliable the dps is, but thats not gonna happen lol.


I don't care if its power or condition based either would be fine as long as its reliable, and an increased range of the sword somewhere between the range of the dagger to scepter would be nice. We really don't need 2 glass weapons which skills arguably don't do very different things - aka dagger and sword -, maybe add blocking or stuns to some sword skills or something to make it less glass like or an offhand sword skill line instead.


I'm okay with the defense being low as long as the early burst damage gained justified it, which it doesn't right now so we either need more dps or much more defense.

I second the idea that 'Unravel' really doesn't do much and we need a better condi cleanse for ourselves outside Water, maybe base it off burning condition ticks somehow?


General reduction of animation times for non-staff skills, especially the sword.


The stances are not stances, make them real stances like the other classes - warrior as an example -, but i'd make them defensive not offensive in general. The ele is a cast aware intensive class already without this nonsense with their charged stances, and dual attn's already made it more complicated.


This game rewards casual classes the most if they meet a high skill cap class or timing class that uses interrupts the base player just spams "OP-AF and NERF" until the devs limits the class to 2h weapons like a GS, Staff or hammer. So just keep that in mind when thinking about the changes you want, they will always pick to make the class simpler when changing skills and traits already released. Its design 101.

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* Lower attunement cd

* Put an F5 that changes the flow of our attunements, so that we change offhand first instead of main hand. Pressing F5 again reverses this back to normal.


Example: I'm in F/E -> press air -> A/F -> press F5 and then water -> F/W -> press F5 and then earth -> E/F

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My Wishlist:


- Reduce Cast Time of all Sword AA to 1/2 sec

- Reduce Casttime of Cauterizing Strike, Quantum Strike and Aqua Siphon to 1/2 sec. Reduce CD to 15

- Increase DMG of Air and Fire AA by ~10% (maybe not even needed after Casttime reduction)

- Increase Primordial Stance Range to 240/300 to make it a decent choice after the bugfixes

- Reduce Global Attunment CD to 3.5 base

- Let us cast Weave Self while moving

- Let AA Chain stay when we swap Elements

- Nerf the crazy DMG modifier Traits so the above buffs can be justified


Changes to Unravel:

- Reset Global Attunment CD

- Remove Global Attunment CD while its active (so we really forgoe our Weaver training...)







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I hope you haven't spent your endurance yet otherwise you won't be able to dodge roll through this wall of text ;) On the other Hand I'd prefer if you read it anyway :P


1. Make Weaver more flexible and adaptable by making 3, 4 & 5 Skills more accessible and Duals Skills more Viable

This could be achieved by any of the following

* Making Unravel an F5 Ability

* Giving us a "Hand Swap" on Weapon Swap Hotkey that switches our current Attunements from one Hand to the other

* Decreasing the Cooldown for Both Attunements that you're currently in (1/2s instead of 4) making full Attunements and Hand swapping faster


2. Make Weapons other then Sword viable (outside of perfect situations like large stationary targets)

This could be achieved by

* Shifting Weavers advantages from Traits to Dual Skills (Currently the only real strength of Weaver comes from the numerous damage mods in his traits - not his Dual Skills or flexibility - Scepter, Dagger and Staff Dual Skills aren't really much of an upside)

Dual Skills that are Weak (and why they are weak)


Starting with Staff

* Pressure Blast (Fire/Water): Does the same Damage as Fire AA + a Weak Heal with Regeneration and Blind - Honestly not a bad skill but not good enough to intentionally switch to specificly Fire/Water just to use it as you could just as well do a Fire AA and switch to water for a Geysir (which heals more), needs both more damage and Heal

* Plasma Blast (Fire/Air): Decent Damage, nothing much else - This skill is okay, I think it just doesn't feel like anything special it does damage which is characteristic for Fire but doesn't really have anything to do with Air, maybe give it a 1/4s Daze?

* Pyroclastic Blast (Fire/Earth): Looks stronger than it is, initial impact should either be stronger or the entire AoE should be bigger - Is missing any kind of Earth characteristic (other than it's looks), 2s Cripple to the initial impact

* Monsoon (Water/Air): I love this spell, the water aspects of Monsoon are great, lot's of Chill and regen - But what does Air do here? Air Characteristics are CC, Damage and Vulnerability, Monsoon doesn't do any of those, the damage is a joke. I'd suggest adding Vulnerability and increasing the damage slightly.

* Lahar (Water/Earth): Is really good but I'm missing the Water aspect here, maybe add 1s Regen / Pulse?

* Piledriver (Air/Earth): Very Strong skill with a very big drawback - it takes an eternity (not the GS) to get started but if it hits it's worth the effort. - Increase the range and make it unblockable so it feels like the strong skill it is. I mean, c'mon, when an Elementalist goes through the effort of Dual Attuning AND channeling a spell for 2s you expect him to come up with a little more then throwing a rock 1.2k range, right? Atleast make it a magically unblockable rock that flies faster than what we usually do!


If you're still reading I'll continue with Scepter

* Fiery Frost (Fire/Water): Does exactly what it's name suggests but considering that it replaces Phoenix/Water Trident I feel like it should do more, a Weaver shouldn't do what you expect, a Weaver should surprise - Increase the Damage and remove a Condition upon cast (Fire cleansing our body while the water washes away all scars?)

* Plasma Beam (Fire/Air): Love it - I'd suggest adding Vulnerability to the fun!

* Fracturing Strike (Fire/Earth): Good Skill, but why does it give Vulnerability? Replace Vulnerability with Cripple to suit the Fire/Earth theme better.

* Glacial Drift (Water/Air): I like chill - But that doesn't make this skill good, needs more damage.

* Stone Tide (Water/Earth): Suits the Water/Earth Theme perfectly and isn't bad overall (Not strong either) - maybe slightly more damage since Scepter is a Power Weapon most of the time.

* Earthen Synergy (Air/Earth): Love it - first hit should cripple for 1 1/2s


Next up: Dagger

* Steam Surge (Fire/Water): Perfect in my opinion

* Plasma Burst (Fire/Air): Since Fire & Air are both offensive Elements for the most part, this Skill does surprisingly little. Increase Damage and add Vulnerability or Blind

* Ashen Blast (Fire/Earth): According to my theme so far, this skill doesn't suit the Fire/Earth theme, but I like the idea of it so I'll roll with it - Since this Skill has the flavor of a Fighter throwing Sand (or in this case: Burnding Ashes) at his foe to blind him, I think this skill should be faster to make it more of a surprise, decrease cast time to 1/4s and add 1s burning

* Katabatik Wind (Who comes up with these names...) (Water/Air): Absolutely Perfect, no complaints here! Move along!

* Mud Slide (Water/Earth): Very interesting Skill and again: no complaints here! Move along!

* Grinding Stones (Air/Earth): Strong Skill, could maybe use Vulnerability for more Air flavor but doesn't need it.

Overall Dagger Dual Skills feel the most interesting to me.


And last but not least: Sword (If you made it so far)

* Twin Strike (Fire/Water): Good Spell, move along

* Pyro Vortex (Fire/Air): Good Spell, add vulnerability maybe

* Lava Skin (Fire/Earth): Very interesting Spell that really suits the Weaver theme of combining the Elements to create interesting new Skills that make the Elementalist more flexible.

* Sheering Edge (Water/Air): Needs either more Damage or a small daze

* Natural Frenzie (Water/Earth): Strong Spell that does what you expect it to do.

* Gale Strike (Air/Earth): Another very interesting Spell that, like Lava Skin, really suits the Weaver theme.

It's quite obvious that they put a lot more effort into the Sword dual skills than any of the other Weapons, there are interesting Dual Skills on other Weapons too but none of them look as refined as those of Sword.


No I know what you're thinking "Uh you're just crying and demanding buffs for ever single skill, stoopid Ele Fanboy!" And you're not wrong! I love Ele! But no, I don't want Ele to be on top of every DPS chart, I want Ele (Weaver to be more precise) to be fun to play. Now you might say: "Then gidgud" But here's the thing: I'm actually really good with complicated characters (Invoker, Meepo & Chen in Dota2 for example) and that's exactly the reason why I enjoy playing them - which is also why I've been looking forwards to something like Weaver in GW2. I don't want Weaver to be striktly stronger than he currently is, I want his strengths to come from his ability to juggle the Elements to his favor, to create new Skills and to be flexible all throughout the battle. But instead right now, all his strength comes from those numerous Damage mods in his traits, those should be toned down and/or changed to make for more flexible and interesting build choices!


3. The Utility Skills. Or why don't stances interact with Dual Attunements? (Except the Elite and the condi Dmg one)

* Replace Unravle with something useful

* make stances more interesting

* we have a defensive stance, that is great but we still die to almost every condi build (except if we play a very defensive build with almost no pressure)


4. The Traits (I mentioned them a few times already, have you noticed?)

The Traits don't really offer any choices at the moment.

In the first row we pick Superior Elements on every power build, with sword maaaaybe Masters Fortitude if you're that scared to get hit but I'd never recommend it, Elemental Pursuit is an interesting idea and I can see that Trait beeing good in a 1v1 Situation against a ranged enemy, but that is a very very specific situation and you'll never pick a trait for that.

In the second row we pick Weaver's Prowess on a condi Build or Swift Revenge on a Power Build, Bolstered Elements is terrible.

And in the third row we pick Elements of Rage in PvE (and WvW if we want to go full Glasscannon backline) and Woven Stride if we also pick Water Traitline. Invigorating Strikes barely does anything.

Basically all Trait choices are obvious and just add more damage - no interesting interaction with Dual Skills, Dual Attunements or Stances - just more damage - very boring. I can't really suggest any specific changes here since I feel like the entire trait line of Weaver needs to be revamped, except the minor traits, they are fine.


Hurray! You made it! You may now grab a beer and drink with me! Unless you're underage, in that case you can still drink with me but grab a glass of water instead!


And to anyone who actually read my entire text: Thank you! I appreciate that :)


*grabs beer* and here's to hoping for better times for us Elementalists wannabe Weavers!

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Seems like the overwhelming majority of people want faster attunements swapping OR unravel worked in as a class mechanic, higher defense to justify the low damage output, and faster cast times on sword. Hopefully the devs read our feedback! Keep it coming, more ideas means more potential for positive changes.


I also think it should be noted, as I saw in another thread, that weaver might have a very high dps output in optimal conditions, but the odds of being in optimal conditions for weaver are pretty low. We have to stand still to use a lot of our abilities on staff, and that's the only weapon with high dps output for pve. For other classes, meeting their optimal conditions is not nearly as difficult and doesn't sacrifice as much survivavility. This easily translates into all game modes. Just my two cents.

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:


> Hurray! You made it! You may now grab a beer and drink with me! Unless you're underage, in that case you can still drink with me but grab a glass of water instead!


> And to anyone who actually read my entire text: Thank you! I appreciate that :)


> *grabs beer* and here's to hoping for better times for us Elementalists wannabe Weavers!


Exactly what I was about to do. Thanks for the detailed inputs and impressions, and I agree with the largest part of it. Maybe the pyro-vortex fields could be a chaos field, or inflict confusion instead of burning.


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Lower cast times on sword autos to 1/2s and half the aftercasts.

Flame uprising range 600.

Twin strike, pressure blast, steam surge, fiery frost, glacial drift, stone tide all become 1/2s casts. Plasma beam 1s cast.

Grinding stones blocks projectiles.

Look at many of the dual skill power scaling and possibly increase them.

Remove tailored victory and reduce weave self CD to 60s, increase duration of perfect weave to 15s.

Bolstered elements, remove lesser stone resonance (we don’t need more passive procs) stances grant a 1k barrier on use.

Invigorating strikes buff the barrier to 1k.

Aquatic stance no longer heals allies near the target but heals you for every target you hit with a 1/4s ICD, can’t proc multiple times on the same ICD.

Woven stride swiftness and superspeed remove a condition, they no longer grant regen.


Stone resonance might need a buff in the barrier granted by 100-200 or a small count recharge reduction to 40s but above changes would put weaver in a better place and traiting stances for barrier and barrier on dodge with the barrier on dual skills could let you pick 3 stances and have a decent barrier up a lot of the time. This would open up the possibility of a less boon centric build where barrier mitigates a proportion of sustained damage but is still not meant to tank a massive hit that you should be dodging.


That’s mostly what I would change, it opens up a different play style relying on barrier by buffing the traits which compete with those required for cleansing so you can’t have both and removes the dependence on water line for cleanses and the defacto choice of cleansing water. This has the knock on effect of allowing you to either drop water entirely or run it more for healing through soothing mist, you can also explore an earth line build getting plenty of stab from stances, attuning to earth and remove conditions while people hit your barrier but might be more use to condition builds. I would not like to see a stance cool down trait added as it would make it too good a choice in the master tier for stance builds and means balancing the heal, elite, stone resonance and twist of fate much harder as they would all get significantly stronger with a CD reduction but are pretty meh without (except twist of fate).

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you guys have allready listed most of everything I would like to be changed.


however I would like to see a couple more movement impairing conditions on sword, but to be honest if the AA was just increased the cripple on earth AA might be enough to land earthen vortex more often ,, I only say this because at times it feels like sword is really easy to kite if u don't have movement impairing conditions on your target


and I wish shearing edge and natural frenzy for s/d had 900 range instead of just 600


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Just do _something_ about the sword. They made these great looking skills but no one is using it because it sucks to use on Weaver. Who thought that a constantly swapping profession be given a weapon that, if you interrupt it's overly long 3-step AA chain, it renders it useless was a good idea? Either take away a part of the chain, lower the skill timing or let us step into the next one when we attunement swap. A simple damage boost isn't going to fix the weapon, something has to be done at it's core to make it be able to compete with the base weapons right now. I want to use my sword :/


Edit - Oh also that pitiful 300something barrier is a waste of a minor trait.

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