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Build Template Discussion - What Did You Expect?

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I wanted to be the first to do this before too much shortsighted & underhanded feedback came in on the topic.


First I want to give Arenanet a sincere **Thank You** because we've been asking for this for a very long time. The template system is great.


Secondly I want to say to the player base _Calm Down._ Right now everyone is logging in and freaking out after the first 30 seconds that they view the new system. I've heard a lot of comments that pretty much add up to: "It's not what I expected!" Well what did you guys expect? Do you even know?


At any rate, I think that by the end of the week after everyone has grown accustomed to the new system, they'll be glad it was implemented.


Just relax boys. Give Arenanet some credit.


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It's actually more than I expected, so I'm happy with that. Plus instant equipment/build changing is a MAJOR plus. No more 500ms wait time per anything. Just immediate swapping. The gear tabs also store my equipment, freeing up bag space. That makes it worth SO much more. Really, I love this addition. I don't really have any complaints about it since I take it as a QoL feature we didn't officially have and yet wanted. I was not a GW1 player, so I can't speak in regards to that, but as a purely GW2 player, I'm pretty satisfied. I will be buying tabs later on when I can afford it again.

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It's integrated into the game.



It offers vastly less utility and usage than ArcTemplates.

It's split into 3 Categories, simply for monetization.

The cost is absolutely rediculous.


account wide build storage, and character build templates, should be free, if that was the case, the gear slot price woulden't upset me at all.


Anyday now, they'll pull a bethesda, and introduce an exclusive ''premium'' pay option for convinience items, or some rediculous Anet-take on a season pass.

this is where id normally say something along the lines of ''how low they've fallen'', but seeing Arenanet in the past 3 months, botch up virtually anything they've touched (only been back for 3 months so cant speak to past failures) doesn't exactly make me hopefull that they have finally hit rock bottom, with the only way forward being up from here on out.

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I agree with @"Arzurag.7506" .


While the templates work well, the monetization of each equipment/build expansion is practically criminal. 500 gems per equipment template and 300 per build? Is this a joke? You might as well buy another character slot at this point - it will give you 2 free per character. Oh, but now you have to worry about switching gear around if you create the same class or gear them up again.


Not to mention people who do both raids and wvw. There is no heading into wvw and your build automatically updating. It’s tied to the templates now, which of course, you have to pay more money to utilize.


I won’t be buying more as I’m fine with clicking but I definitely feel for those who do.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> I've heard a lot of comments that pretty much add up to: "It's not what I expected!" Well what did you guys expect? Do you even know?

That's the part of the player base - obviously the bigger part - that doesn't visit forums or reddit at all. But overall not surprising to me that those players are unhappy as well. I mean it was crystal clear before, right? ^^

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Well, maybe if they were more farsighted, they could have averted it. They get everything they deserve. Companies don't have feeling to be hurt so I don't understand the need for platitudes. It is also unfair to say people are shortsighted because these concerns have been there since announcement.


I'm tired of being calm. Calm never got me a damn thing.

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  • ArenaNet Staff



I'm closing this thread and redirecting everyone who wants to give feedback about Templates to that thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/91126/official-feedback-thread-about-build-and-equipment-templates


Feedback (positive or negative) goes in that thread. There are other threads discussing other aspects of the feature. We're just trying to make sure that the forums doesn't get overloaded with a lot of threads about the same topic.

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