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purity of purpose is op

Stand The Wall.6987

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > It’s kind of amazing, that in a mode where a player can get melted in seconds, where corrupts are being tossed around all over, where there are hundreds of AoEs being flung around, where thousands of conditions are rained down on players... and all this inside a game that has some of the lowest quality heal support builds and roles for an mmo... that we have complaints about boons...

> > >

> > > It’s as if some just want the entire game completely about damage and have never played an mmo that actually had decent support roles, or any role outside of dps, or classes before.

> >

> > boons have always been op. got 10x worse each expac. not going to argue that with you. the number of boon output sources vastly outweighs the removal sources. comparing support builds between games is a useless argument.

> >

> > yep gw2 only mmo I've ever played, i'm just your average ignorant casual with nothing useful to say. wait a minute...


> Stand The Wall, I wonder if this player understands that a lot of professions' damage comes from boons. It's a funny little conundrum. I got a chuckle from it, but I do also agree that corrupts are a bit of an issue too. Thank goodness Cal seems like he's about to call down the Thor hammer of nerfing lightning to quell this insane powercreep on all spectrums. Fanboying a bit here.


8 of those boons are defensive. 4 of those boons are offensive.


There are way bigger issues, and extremes, inside of wvw than this trait.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> 8 of those boons are defensive. 4 of those boons are offensive.


> There are way bigger issues, and extremes, inside of wvw than this trait.


uh yeah no. 6 are defensive, 4 are offensive, 2 are neutral. swiftness and alacrity aren't defensive lol.

anyway, yes there are lots of issues. boon output is one of them, agree to disagree.

from 2 necro axe autos you can give yourself 10 seconds of protection. not op? ok lol.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > 8 of those boons are defensive. 4 of those boons are offensive.

> >

> > There are way bigger issues, and extremes, inside of wvw than this trait.


> uh yeah no. 6 are defensive, 4 are offensive, 2 are neutral. swiftness and alacrity aren't defensive lol.

> anyway, yes there are lots of issues. boon output is one of them, agree to disagree.

> from 2 necro axe autos you can give yourself 10 seconds of protection. not op? ok lol.


Because ignoring all the extreme amounts of incoming conditions from 100 AoEs and skills, and a teams ability to melt another zerg in seconds, makes this one trait OP. And because you want fights to last 1 second, instead of 3, I could see your point.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> Because ignoring all the extreme amounts of incoming conditions from 100 AoEs and skills, and a teams ability to melt another zerg in seconds, makes this one trait OP. And because you want fights to last 1 second, instead of 3, I could see your point.


none of that is relevant to boon uptime. this trait isn't making fights last 2 more seconds, if it did lol it proves my point.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > Because ignoring all the extreme amounts of incoming conditions from 100 AoEs and skills, and a teams ability to melt another zerg in seconds, makes this one trait OP. And because you want fights to last 1 second, instead of 3, I could see your point.


> none of that is relevant to boon uptime. this trait isn't making fights last 2 more seconds, if it did lol it proves my point.


I was making a larger point, but now YOU just killed your entire argument. That’s right, this trait is irrelevant in a mode where you have 100 players firing off a crap ton of direct and condition damage, but your are niggling about it like it’s game changing. And you know it’s not inside of the mode that you brought it up in.


And your argument keeps evolving too, now it’s “boon uptime”. Like no other boon generation exists, and at higher output levels.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> Alchemy is OP. HgH is OP, Purity of Purpose is great for non-elixir builds... But feels like every good PvP spec under the Engineer umbrella is pretty reliant on Elixirs and HgH.


This I agree with, so much so I actually took the time to make a post suggesting some changes to the Alchemy line that cuts on its immediate sustain (things like healing per boon) and directing it to the trait line that's supposed to be about healing and defense: Inventions. All in all though, I agree with what you said 100%.

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> This I agree with, so much so I actually took the time to make a post suggesting some changes to the Alchemy line that cuts on its immediate sustain (things like healing per boon) and directing it to the trait line that's supposed to be about healing and defense: Inventions. All in all though, I agree with what you said 100%.


Yeah. It's like Alchemy is the utterly necessary defensive utility line, Inventions is the utterly second-fiddle defensive utility line.


Thing is, equalizing the defensive utility between Alchemy and Inventions will be a big nerf to offensive builds that could get more defense just by picking Alchemy. It'd be nice if they could balance Alchemy and Inventions defensive utility, while simultaneously adding more utility to Explosives, Firearms, and to a lesser degree, Tools.



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