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How to deal with toxicity


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I truly have a problem with this subject matter and ppl complaining about Toxic players. Especially when anet has already issued from the very start a fantastic feature for dealing with them. It's call -BLOC PLAYER- . & it's so easy to use. I don't understand why ppl have so much problem using it...

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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://jultika.oulu.fi/files/nbnfioulu-201706022379.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwil3__9zenWAhWFWxoKHdkiDWsQFghdMAY&usg=AOvVaw32FuxE3OIj39dBSuYkkl0A

> >

> > It's quite interesting, though a long read and may not really say anything that new. Also admits that its not really that robust a research paper but none the less, I've read some of the studies

> > it references in the past and I feel it is well put together.

> >

> > Certainly there's a strong suggestion that toxic behaviour can be detrimental to player retention and activity, which Anet should really take note of.

> >

> > I will quote a section that is a sort of best industry practise;

> >

> > Tier one - pre-emptive

> > Skill based mm

> > Anti cheat software

> > Well defined and compact rules

> >

> > Tier two - reactive

> > Player tools: mute or blacklist

> > Player tools: report offends

> > Visible stance on toxic behaviour from the gaming company

> >

> > Tier three - personal service

> > Personal customer support.

> >

> > Add to that promoting fair play by the gaming company (what I think the op means) and that the ultimate responsibility of somebody's behaviour lies with them (general consensus of this thread including myself).

> >

> > On acceptance and 'growing a thicker skin' there is similarities between patterns of abusive relationships and detachment disorder. (Strictly personal view)

> >

> > I think Azure the Heartless post near the top would be a good direction to go in. Imagine you had to be in a guild to enter pvp in any form.

> >

> > EDIT: this is not just about sPvP in GW2 but about online interactions in general.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> You can have a guild of 1person, or a guild of like minded people that like to troll.


Well, that could be changed by Anet. Its not a law of nature after all. And the troll guilds would help set a scene of conflict and more meaning to the name Guild Wars. I was in an anti gank gank squad back in the early days of wow, so I know where I'd want to be. Great fun. :)


EDIT: it was just a suggestion anyway on how Anet could give the community some tools to self moderate.

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it’s just attitude man. it’s your perspective on the situation


like, my friend made screenshots of all the hate messages he got & made them into digital collages of hundreds of stalty chat messages. he thought they were the funniest things on earth & used them as his desktop wallpaper. part of the reason he enjoyed playing thief so much was those salty messages


so, like it’s perspective dude. it’s how you see it

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> it’s just attitude man. it’s your perspective on the situation


> like, my friend made screenshots of all the hate messages he got & made them into digital collages of hundreds of stalty chat messages. he thought they were the funniest things on earth & used them as his desktop wallpaper. part of the reason he enjoyed playing thief so much was those salty messages


> so, like it’s perspective dude. it’s how you see it


Same here, the Screenshots are awesome =D

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I would like to extend a big thanks to the OP, Ellegie, for starting the thread and to DBZVelena in particular for pointing out the flaw in my behaviour. I will be modifying it from now on.


Like many here, it doesn't get to me. I will happily self deprecate in open chat if I think it will lighten the mood, it often does. I'll only block someone if they're spamming to the point I cant read team chat. If some says something so OTT it will illicit a laugh and a '/w lol' back from me because its so disproportionate to what's happening.


But I don't report them and I should, and I will from now on.




1. Some people in online games are playing to escape, some because they're suffering from depression. These people often don't have the mindset at that moment in their lives to deal with it. I'm not going to go into it further as I'm sure we're all capable of putting ourselves in their shoes for a moment if we only try.


2. I want the player base to increase and the toxic behaviour can and does scare potential players away. This alone should make everyone who's posted on here to self reflect for a moment.


Have a nice day peeps.

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> @choovanski.5462 said:

> like, my friend made screenshots of all the hate messages he got & made them into digital collages of hundreds of stalty chat messages. he thought they were the funniest things on earth & used them as his desktop wallpaper. part of the reason he enjoyed playing thief so much was those salty messages


Thanks dude, you just gave me an idea to stay in a positive mood. My next wallpaper will be made with a mix of spvp death recaps. With all the condi damage that's gonna be awesome.



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Revenge! It's best served with a smiley face!


Add them to your friends list with a witty nickname like "nasty qq'er - revenge games left 3" Then make sure to ruin the next 3 games you have with said individual. Only respond with smiley faces when they get mad! Lord Rush Foefire, beast rush and die. It's a game, have some fun. Ahh ha ha ha ha hah!


...or you can instead block them for being nasty and report them if you see them using pejorative phrases. ANet has 0 tolerance for that. Don't be a silent witness. Bullies thrive on the bystanders doing nothing. You see a bully going to work on someone else. Make them suffer for doing it in your presence. Weaklings stand by silently in the presence of a bully, when someone else is the target.

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> @Elegie.3620 said:

> Dear ANet.


> Playing your PvP, I've been insulted, mocked and told to go die many times.


Honestly i hate to be that guy but its really just the internet. I've been gaming online since childhood and i can't see how that's fixable unless companies start enforcing Club Penguin level of censorship.


Its absolutely not unique to this game.


There's still good people out there. Its still possible to make friends. Hell a couple weeks ago, within the same HOUR i was told to slit my wrists by some shithead then proceded to meet a friendly guy who became one of my duo partners, both happened over the fact i played Deadeye, too. Which is kinda silly.


I also befriended 2 guys over the simple fact we all play Charr characters and now we laugh our arses off running around as the "fat cat squad" in unranked games. Its completely silly, juvenile and light-hearted fun, but god does it help to balance out the caustic nature of PvP.


Either way, my point is simply that shutting yourself off from others over bad experiences might end up with you missing on some good ones.



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> @Archon.6480 said:

> Revenge! It's best served with a smiley face!


> Add them to your friends list with a witty nickname like "nasty qq'er - revenge games left 3" Then make sure to ruin the next 3 games you have with said individual. Only respond with smiley faces when they get mad! Lord Rush Foefire, beast rush and die. It's a game, have some fun. Ahh ha ha ha ha hah!


> ...or you can instead block them for being nasty and report them if you see them using pejorative phrases. ANet has 0 tolerance for that. Don't be a silent witness. Bullies thrive on the bystanders doing nothing. You see a bully going to work on someone else. Make them suffer for doing it in your presence. Weaklings stand by silently in the presence of a bully, when someone else is the target.


I'm evil. I'll do this for people who cuss me out and then throw me on ignore before I can put in a rebuttal. So I add them to my friends list, give them a nickname, report them and see how long they're offline for =) Don't dish it if you can't take it!

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If they are toxic ignore them. If they are harassing or abusive report them.


And block them if they bother you. If they are being annoying there is no reason to listen to them. Let them rage all they want in silence.


Or tell them to cry harder because you're in pvp to earn a Vial of Salt.



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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> It is Anet Responsibility to create a healthy competitive gaming environment for their players. Until than, there is nothing to be dealt with as long Anet don't correct it.


> They created the toxicity in the game are are solely to be blame for it.


I agree and hope anet can be like riot games, the pillar of social justice gaming, and permanently ban anyone who days gg ez. We'll show them our peaceful ways... through force!

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