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Bots in pvp


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Bots = automated programs , that behave (do the same attacks+go in the place) , when they respawn .

Install a program like ''Frap'' and record them . Then make a ticket with the video as proof .


Afk = ppl that give up , after the first battle loss .

The plus side from that , its that the match will end in 6 min .

If the match is 7 and less , the enemy dont get ''full'' rating WIN (almost half points)

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> @"Nix.3152" said:

> i ve seen a few bots during offseason. they are not even that bad. especially mirage. whoever made them did pretty good job programming.


Some bots are really bad. Had a Guardian bot the other day spam 1 to revive rather than press F. The other team didn't catch on so they would just ignore downed because they thought the bot was ressing. Free self res basically...

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  • 2 months later...

I've been in three matches in a row with a bot, a Ranger, and he made me/us lose every match.


He was very obvious.

First hint, didn't respond at all to messages.

Second, he didn't move an inch, not even to the gate until the exact second the timer hit Zero to start the match.

Third, he moved straight for points and proceeded to die at them whenever they got contested. Moved the same every time. No skills to boost speed, no dodges, no jumps, no erratic movements .. straight for every point. He couldn't kill a single person.

Fourth, whenever he was downed, he didn't try to fight back, he just went straight for the healing skill (4).


I can't call him out since its usually against forum rules to call out players... but I reported him. He was a ranger with a skull mask, and his name began with a J.

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So long as pips are given out as a participation award there will always be bots and AFKers who only queue Ranked to farm instead of actually competing.


While you do get more for winning and top stats and such, the actual difference is negligible. It's more reliable to throw games and bot to lose ASAP because you'll get pips either way and two blowout losses in ~15 minutes equates to the same or greater profit than an actual close full-length win.


There's so many bots in Ranked because it's the single-best gold farm in the game. To get them out; pips need to be moved to Unranked where bots don't have as great of a negative impact, and/or pips should only be rewarded for wins in Ranked which would drastically reduce the amount of bots because they would no longer serve a purpose. It would also force people to try if they want some sort of reward, which is how the **ranked** mode should be.

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Without bots, there'd be longer queue times and less matches playing.

This causes proper players to leave the game mode, as the queue times get too long to be worth it (I sometimes have 60minutes+ queues for 8 to 6 minutes matches).

Removal of participation rewards also diminishes the players playing the mode, increasing queue times and decreasing matches.


Whether we like it or not, bots and rewards are significant reasons for the mode to be somewhat semi-stable at the moment.

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> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> So long as pips are given out as a participation award there will always be bots and AFKers who only queue Ranked to farm instead of actually competing.


> While you do get more for winning and top stats and such, the actual difference is negligible. It's more reliable to throw games and bot to lose ASAP because you'll get pips either way and two blowout losses in ~15 minutes equates to the same or greater profit than an actual close full-length win.


> There's so many bots in Ranked because it's the single-best gold farm in the game. To get them out; pips need to be moved to Unranked where bots don't have as great of a negative impact, and/or pips should only be rewarded for wins in Ranked which would drastically reduce the amount of bots because they would no longer serve a purpose. It would also force people to try if they want some sort of reward, which is how the **ranked** mode should be.


i have many suspected boots aded to "friendlist"(one of those suspects, one who plays necro have already 41 games played and two others 20+) they manage to get a 45-55% winrate, awarding only wins not will solve the problem

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> @"megilandil.7506" said:

> i have many suspected boots aded to "friendlist"(one of those suspects, one who plays necro have already 41 games played and two others 20+) they manage to get a 45-55% winrate, awarding only wins not will solve the problem


Whether or not they actually have semi-stable winrates is irrelevant. Removing the reward for losing will cut down their gains regardless or like I say, moving them to Unranked will have less of a terrible impact on the community in general.


The way it is right now that supposed bot is winning 45-55% of their games, but getting rewarded for 100% of games. See the problem here?


Also... yo @"Fueki.4753"


I'm just going to throw it out there as a friend, that botting is also against the rules/ToS.

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> @"FyzE.3472" said:

> When coliseum was reworked it was funny to watch how bots just got stuck in all of the added structures :lol: until they got reprogrammed ofc


that could be a good antibot mechanic, mobile obstacles and system flaggin those who get trapet in obstacles for human examination and ban if adequate that and two more simple: examinate all acounts with a big nimber of matches played per season and restrict f2p acounts from ranqued pvp (not only for bot reasons, is to easy to create and use and throw f2p acount for trolling harasing and match manipulations without consequences)

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> @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > When coliseum was reworked it was funny to watch how bots just got stuck in all of the added structures :lol: until they got reprogrammed ofc


> that could be a good antibot mechanic, mobile obstacles and system flaggin those who get trapet in obstacles for human examination and ban if adequate that and two more simple: examinate all acounts with a big nimber of matches played per season and restrict f2p acounts from ranqued pvp (not only for bot reasons, is to easy to create and use and throw f2p acount for trolling harasing and match manipulations without consequences)


And then you get bugs like players getting stuck and falsely reported as bots.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"megilandil.7506" said:

> > > @"FyzE.3472" said:

> > > When coliseum was reworked it was funny to watch how bots just got stuck in all of the added structures :lol: until they got reprogrammed ofc

> >

> > that could be a good antibot mechanic, mobile obstacles and system flaggin those who get trapet in obstacles for human examination and ban if adequate that and two more simple: examinate all acounts with a big nimber of matches played per season and restrict f2p acounts from ranqued pvp (not only for bot reasons, is to easy to create and use and throw f2p acount for trolling harasing and match manipulations without consequences)


> And then you get bugs like players getting stuck and falsely reported as bots.


flag to human examination, you readed all? or just only a part


EDIT: BTW my bot "friends" have at this time 70-100 games played

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  • 2 weeks later...

The situation with all the bots in ranked is critical, in 19 out of 20 games I have atleast 1 or two bots in my team. Ive had games with 4 bots in my team ffs and this was yesterday... Its unfun to watch and unfun to play/deal with. Its not just that but its full with all kinds of retards. You cant really enjoy playing ranked anymore. The fun is not there.

Am not even mentioning all the people who are failing deliberately or dualboxing with second pc in the enemy team so he can wintrade... forward move in the wall ? no problem, ranked is full with all kinds of player/bot garbages and the player base is really getting sick of it (me included!). I even got banned once for a day for yelling (bad boii stuff in 50 shades of anger motion after 17 conseclusive games with such "magnificent players" game after game) over one of those "examples of what a Guild Wars 2 player should never be (thief with double pistols shooting the air in the base the whole game and chit chatting with us at the same time, mostly to explain to us how bad we are before the game even started...).

And seriously what happened with all the promises of that this game cannot be hacked/Automated with bot mechanics...? "Some of us" started to play this game because of this in the first place... I AM NOT HAPPY!

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> @"alain.1659" said:

> Don't play spvp. It is simple. I was furious about balance, bots, afk people and anet not giving a fudge about those issues. So I (and many of my friends) stopped playing spvp. Feels wonderful. Without a protest this will go on forever.


Fantastic. And then how you acquire ascended gear then? Its even worse farming materials and crafting than the toxic disgusting PVP

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