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How was your Soulbeast experience sofar? Here's some thoughts


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After playing soulbeast for quite some time in different game modes, I've come up with a few questions/remarks which I will all try to list below. I'm hoping some of you can give me some insight on. Let's begin with the stances.


1. Bear Stance: It's somewhat ok, although I dont really see the need to put a casting time on this stance (0.75s like troll unguent). While running soulbeast as a traitline, most people will also take wilderniss survival + something else, making troll unguent usually the preferred pick here due to faster cleansing, a 5s lower cooldown and a larger heal most of the times. In general it's a decent skill, but unless you have 8 conditions on you + the 4 seconds of time to wait them out while they are cleansed by Bear Stance, it's just outclassed by its alternatives. Another example, A soulbeast running beastmastery traits, will in general benefit more from using shouts with the heal as one elite which has a lower cooldown, way more utility to it, and unless you have 8 conditions on you, it heals better than the Bear stance.

2. Dolyak Stance: Of all the new stances I like thisone best. This is because this skill has a clear purpose, no strings attached and can serve in any build without it being crippled too much. Does this mean I think it's a good skill & I've replaced another to use it? No. Personally I prefer Lightning Reflexes over this.

3. Griffon Stance: 45s cd, 8s of 100% endurance regen + might on evade + 25 endurance. Really? this comes down to 2.5 dodges on a 45s cooldown. Now you could say, but you get might on evades aswell! yes this is correct. Sorry to say the 2-3 stacks of might you might get from this dont make up for having a 45s cooldown just so you can dodge 2 additional times. I personally don't know why this was designed the way it is and what purpose it serves. I've got a ranger with legendary gear, tried many different statsets, tried dodge runes/sigils/whatever I could find but eventually I always end up dead thinking: why didnt I take signet of stone over the 2 dodges? I just cant find any reason to use this anywhere..

4. Moa Stance. 66% boon duration, 25s CD. Interesting skill, it has clear synergy with existing traitlines and serves a clear purpose. It's not a skill I personally like because I'm not into stacking boons (which is becoming less rewarding in pvp with the boonhate;) but that's not the point, I think this skill has purpose and a place to be used. Especially when sharing with allies, it might get quite interesting but realistically I don't see this becoming meta anytime soon.

5. Vulture Stance. gives might if you hit a target above 50% hp, gives them a stack of poison if they are below it. Another interesting stance, when shared it could be fun but here's the issue I'm having: how do I use this effectively, there's 2 scenario's I see with this. 1. the target is above 50%, which means I will only gain some might of this util. Might isn't special or hard to come by, why would I sacrifice a util slot for some might in the case that I happen to land some attacks. 2. the target is below 50% and you inflict poison with your attacks. Sounds good but that means you have to get your target below 50% without touching this utility and once they are, better hope they don't block/run/invuln/port because only then it will actualy do something noticeable.

6. One Wolf Pack. Sadly my least favorite. It's on a 60s cd, has a cast-time and an ICD making sure you don't proc it too often. On top of that, the 'second hits' you apply aren't even full force, they're reduced packs of damage. In theory it seemed pretty cool to me, like the ultimate soulbeast ability right? No. the fun would be sharing this insane elite with your team right? Nah, revenant will do that, but better. Then there is pvp or wvw but sadly there is no universe in which taking this over Entangle or SOTP is beneficial. In terms of surviving One Wold Pack offers nothing, and in terms of dealing damage: you're gonna have to hit the enemy a WHOLE lot in those 8s to make this worth it in any way whatsoever. And that's not happening, people will block, evade, invuln, teleport, stealth, cc you etc. I feel sad that even with the best possible usage of this skill, it's still pretty weak compared to older elites and other classes' elites.


So when is this post getting constructive? Soon.


For one, I'd say remove the cast times on the heal & elite stance. They aren't used in their current form and even without a cast time on these stances, they will not be used much, but it's a start. Secondly, Sharing stances with allies. make this standard on all stances, and change the trait to: stances on allies last 100% instead of 50%? I'm not sure where the sweet spot will be with this but the Soulbeasts options for grandmaster traits are kinda meh at the moment. The upper one (Eternal Bond) is good if you fuck up and die, but a 4k heal and some protection won't save you much if you we're getting rekt to begin with. The middle one (Leader of the Pack) really only makes sense if you're creating some kind of stancesharing build, problem here however is, allies only get 50% and taking that trait means you'll be wanting to take some stances. This is literally the only reason I can think of to run a stance, but running a stance just in order to share it with teammates and not because the stance is good or interesting to begin with feels bad man. Then there's the last grandmaster trait of which im sure the majority of soulbeasts ends up using. It's a DPS increase as long as you % have more health than your enemy. It's decent, but in the end its just a little DPS increase and I thought maybe the grandmaster traits would have more prominent effects, like for example the Light on your Feet grandmaster trait from skirmishing. It works in multiple ways, it enhances damage after dodging, makes arrows pierce and hit like they were hit from behind & reduces shortbow CDs. That's what I meant, it works on mulitple levels and can actually influence the way you play.

Beside that soulbeast has 2 more traits (Fresh reinforcements & Essence of speed) which exist in order to completement boonbuilds. The thing about it is, if you wanna run those traits, it has to be some kind of boonbuild right? Which means beastmastery & shouts, heal as one for a healing skill and SOTP for elite. Which basicly means you're playing a druidbuild, except you have no staff, celestial avatar or the effects that go along with it, and you're basicly a boonsharing powerranger with LB/GS or take it the condi route and create some kind of condi boonbuild or w/e. I'm drifting away here, my point being, I personally didn't enjoy the HoT pvp meta as a ranger, it basicly forced me to take druid and the shoutbuild that goes along with that. Now a few years later PoF is released, with a ton of classes with a TON of boonrip, but soulbeasts gets traits promoting boonbuilds? Seems like a bad idea to go full on boons with that much stripping around these days. Which brings me to the TL;DR because this post is draining my soul already.


TL;DR, Pof brought us cool pets, and a fun mechanic of merging with pets. However, stances might need a second look, Dolyak + moa can find a place (bad place, but a place) but griffon + vulture stance seem completely vague and have no real purpose as far as I know. Secondly the elite stance seems cool but really is another skill which is just never gonna be used in any game mode. As for the traits, some of them work, but some seem to work around a 2015 meta and in general they're kinda passive & straightforward. There is no real option to pick between different ones since their effects are hugely different and serve completely different game modes/purposes. Don't take that last part as a compliment, being that unique isn't necessarily a good thing.


I'd love to hear what other peoples' impressions are and get some discussion going because honestly I feel disappointed and was wondering what other rangers' experiences with soulbeast are. (played ranger for almost 3k hours btw)


Final note, please let us stay merged while we mount/dismount and also please please please let us swap pets while merged!

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1) I like Bear stance, its much needed (for me) as i roam and come acorss Condi builds a LOT. I dont find the cast time that much of a problem at all too be honest, I do think it could use a little something, like Resistance. Like 1-2seconds resistance each second for its duration. Just to give that little bit of help against the sheer amount of conditions there is in the game. I currently remove up to 10 conditions with it and i think thats reasonable - what other Heal does Ranger have that comes close? Without Poison on you, you can get 8-9k+ healing and 10 conditions removed on a 25second cool down. Not too bad. Add the resistance and it becomes a great anti condition heal. Sure its not as strong if you aren't fighting condition builds but it shouldnt be perfect in every situation. Its strongest situation is against condi builds and it does better than our other heals against conditions.


2) Another solid skill, has its ideal use and works great for that. I do wish it was a little lower cool down though. I run this in my build, the stun break and movement condi immunity is very welcome. Again it could do with a little something, just to give it that little bit extra. Maybe swiftness or superspeed as its sort of a counter to movement conditions.


3) Useless, such a poor skill in my opinion. The cool down is WAY too high for what you actually get. The might is rather pointless as well. It just doesnt seem to offer ANY good reason to actually run it. Should be redesigned in my opinion


4) Dont like it as it just promotes boon spam builds and i cant stand them. It works for its purpose but its not the kinda thing i like. It could easily work in boon share builds but would it be stronger than what other classes can offer? Im not so sure.


5) Good idea, poor execution. Remove the 50% health requirement, make it grant Might and inflict Poison when you attack for its duration and it would be fine skill with me, The whole 50% health requirement ruins it for me and makes no sense considering none of the others have this sort of duel effect, but that makes it weaker.


6) Poor Elite in my opinion. The damage is really poor, the cool down is really long. I agree that its just not good enough, i dropped it fast for Entangle and havent looked back. It needs a LOT of work for it too be even considered. The dmaage is poor, its only good (but not actually good...) for power builds.


The most important thing for Soulbeast before buffs and nerfs - Fix the bugs, too many skills and traits have little to no use with the specs mechanic - Beast mode. Before they decide to make buffs or nerfs, fix those. Give it a week or 2 and see how it performs and then make adjusts. I really like Soul beast myself, even with the issues and too many traits and skills having little or no effect while inside Beast mode. Once they are fixed i think it will start being a really solid spec.


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@Kraitan.8476 First off, I woke up today thinking of making such post, you beat me to it so I'll add my views as well. I've done loads of SPvP with mix of builds all based off using Soulbeast.


**Bear Stance** - The heal is only effective if you take Menders, Jacaranda and your in Beast mode. The heal becomes a powerful heal and condition clear, but the requirements to use it effectively is just too much, with the 10cd on Beast mode, you're not always in right position to use Bear Stance. Cast time I can live with but if they're going to make it compete with other heals, as you stated remove the cast time and turn it into real heal, seen as we have 1 trait that affects Stances which is a joke.


**Utility Stances** - To be blunt there is almost no use of them, only Stance that remotely has a chance is Dolyak Stance, but I find lightning reflexes ends up being the clear winner out of the two.


**One Wolf Pack** - Is only good if you take Sic'Em, the damage is high and it's not hard to land. The problem I have with Wolf Pack is its cast time and cool down, for a skill that only does damage based on if you land damage one again, can't really compete with other elites.


**Traits** - We all have different views on what's bad and what's good, but something I really wanted to point out to people was the following 3 traits. Furious Strength, Twice as Vicious and Oppressive Superiority. Now has anyone noticed how the best trait out of all 3 is Furious Strength, Twice as Vicious upto and damage output is far below of what Furious Strength does, then look at Oppressive Superiority this what is complete joke, what I'm trying to get at is your going to have almost perma uptime on Furious Strength while in combat due to how much fury we have and it's only 3% less than Oppressive Superiority, do you see what I'm getting at here, both Twice as Vicious and Oppressive Superiority are weaker than Furious Strength. When comes to PvP.


There needs to be change made to swapping in and out of Beast mode, the cooldown needs to go. Most of skills in beast mode have longer CD than pet swapping so why hell do we need extra 10 seconds? if they won't remove the cd then give us pet swap while in Soulbeast. Honestly driving me nuts, I lose fights cause I have to wait so god long to use a skill, and what hell is with cast time on Beastskills?


**Dagger **- Is useless in PvP. To make the dagger strong you require two traits. Predator's Cunning and Poison Master. This is where problem comes into play, if you take Poison Master you have to give up condition remove. Who the hell had the bright idea, so they add insane amount of conditions to the game and then give ranger a weapon that requires you to give up condition remove. Where is the logic in this design?????


Something I was majorly disappointed with was disconnection between the traits and stances. Leader of the Pack is extremely shit and thats being nice.


**Soulbeast** - In it's current state won't be meta, it's fun to play and sure has some cool tricks but can't compete with some of other burst classes.

**Druid** - Doesn't bring much to the table anymore, your a team support spec. Job is to call targets and try to heal and clear conditions on teammates which is near impossible now. Burst and Condition Burst just to high.


So that's the honest truth, I won't stop playing Ranger in SPvP but deep down I know I'm currently not meta anymore.


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> @Sol.4310 said:


> **Bear Stance** - The heal is only effective if you take Menders, Jacaranda and your in Beast mode. The heal becomes a powerful heal and condition clear, but the requirements to use it effectively is just too much, with the 10cd on Beast mode, you're not always in right position to use Bear Stance. Cast time I can live with but if they're going to make it compete with other heals, as you stated remove the cast time and turn it into real heal, seen as we have 1 trait that affects Stances which is a joke.


I have to say, i heavily disagree with this. You dont need menders and support pet for it to be a good heal. Even without Menders or support pet, against condi builds (which is its clear target) its like a 8k+ Heal which can also remove 8 conditions. What other Ranger heal is that good against condition specs?


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To keep it short, ever since they killed Maul after the preview weekend and didn't implement in-mode swap, I see no reason to play SB over my reaper. I'm a simple creature and only playing solo pve right now (kids, job), but on SB I'm having to fiddle with moderate CDs (RaO, Moa, Worldly Impact, Sic 'Em) and actively work to boon stack to get the same impact the Reaper gets just auto attaching and then hitting 2 while having twice the HP. SB has better mobility, a much stronger ranged option, and amazing down state, but for pure brawler effectiveness it isn't even close.

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> @Redfeather.6401 said:

> **One Wolf Pack** could keep it's flavour, but be made more interesting.


> * Instant cast time if used in Beastmode. Increase it's duration by 4 seconds if not used in Beastmode.

> * Reduce it's cooldown by 10 seconds every time the ranger enters Beastmode.


That's a very interesting idea, that might actually make the elite playable (probably still not meta, but a bit more playable at least!)

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> @Redfeather.6401 said:

> **One Wolf Pack** could keep it's flavour, but be made more interesting.


> * Instant cast time if used in Beastmode. Increase it's duration by 4 seconds if not used in Beastmode.

> * Reduce it's cooldown by 10 seconds every time the ranger enters Beastmode.


Still be of little to no use for Support, Hybrid or Condi builds as the damage is pitiful. I think it should be removed and replaced with a new Elite, something that is actually worth using.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Redfeather.6401 said:

> > **One Wolf Pack** could keep it's flavour, but be made more interesting.

> >

> > * Instant cast time if used in Beastmode. Increase it's duration by 4 seconds if not used in Beastmode.

> > * Reduce it's cooldown by 10 seconds every time the ranger enters Beastmode.


> Still be of little to no use for Support, Hybrid or Condi builds as the damage is pitiful. I think it should be removed and replaced with a new Elite, something that is actually worth using.


Yeah and what really stings me about the elite is that HoT gave a glyph which basicly is only used in raids, and even then not always. Now with PoF it seems like a DPS elite ability but it's just as dead as it can possibly be rightnow, 5 years of GW2 and rangers can pretty much pick from 2 elites: SOTP or Entangle depending on what traits you have. There is just so little room for costumization with abilities like these being added.

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> @Kraitan.8476 said:

> Yeah and what really stings me about the elite is that HoT gave a glyph which basicly is only used in raids, and even then not always. Now with PoF it seems like a DPS elite ability but it's just as dead as it can possibly be rightnow, 5 years of GW2 and rangers can pretty much pick from 2 elites: SOTP or Entangle depending on what traits you have. There is just so little room for costumization with abilities like these being added.


yep, though look at Ele - They had ONE elite that was taken and it was taken so they could run away. It seems like some classes are just destined to have crappy elites. At least they got elite skills with the new specs that were actually GOOD. One Wolf Pack is just not good, it barely scrapes being decent. Maybe a good addition to improve it would be making ALL attacks unblockable for its duration would be a reasonable start. This would benefit condi builds, hybrid builds and Power builds. Maybe even support builds granting group unblockable attacks, even if the allies only get 50% duration which is still pretty solid.



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I tend to agree regarding the utilities. Overall I like soul beast tho it's a mixed bag and i can see the problems are glaring for many builds. Happily on my viper exploring PoF maps and content, those problems go away. The clunkiness of no pet swap in beastmode vanishes because Mostly I only use one pet, (which is itself a glaring problem) Jacaranda. Using the pet most of the time for damage, merging for healing and cleanse or when it gets low health. I only swap to second pet, Electric Wyvern, for CC where I can double up on Wing Buffet. Again that I need E-Wyvern for this is another glaring problem. It does leave my ranger playing exactly how I want, the rest of the time. Pet in the way, beast-mode. Need extra healing or personal damage boost, beast-mode. Soul-beast adds a layer of tactics and adaptability that the class really needed.


All of this raises further issues in that some traitlines need or encourage frequent pet swap, which Soul beast actively inhibits by it's very nature. Beast mode is exactly what Ranger has needed baseline all along, gettting the pet out of the way in certain encounters. I think that's what frustrates me about the class most of all. Pet merge really should be kind of baseline rather than an elite.

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**Pet swap in beast mode** is on the top of my list of must-haves next to bug fixes and all core traits and skill effects affecting the pet to also affect a ranger in beastmode.

**Dagger** should have an evade on the third skill. Perhaps a daze too. Other than that it's allright for what it is.

**Stances** with the exception of Dolyak and Moa all feel undertuned, the duration shared stances via the trait is also too short. Griffon and Vulture stance will never have a place on my bar in their current state. One Wolf Pack is too gimmicky, only has a place with certain pve builds atm - making it about as useful as the Druid elite that has yet to see any use outside pve group content, perhaps even worse. Entangle and SotP offers a lot more.


**Traits** are a bit all over the place. Furious strength should have been 7% for both power and condi. Twice as Viceous should have been 10 % instead of 5 %. Fresh Reinforcement should either have been a part of the first minor trait or grant the pet your boons upon exiting beastmode. Maybe even both. Predator's Cunning has no use without the dagger, poison trap and shortbow 2, limiting it to a pve trait that is only there because of a lack of better choices in the first place. Leader of the Pack I already touched on. Essence of Speed is garbage, add something to it (could be as simple as a damage modifier while under the effect of quickness). Second Skin is allright, but you get limited use out of it without running Nature Magic. Within the Soulbeast traitline it only has synergy with Eternal Bond, a down proc trait that I'm not a big fan of in the first place, aswell as the Moa Stance. Would have had a better impact if it granted Resistance. Currently the only useful master trait for pvp, which says a lot.


**Beastmode skills** are for the most part undertuned, especially some of the family skills from the core pets. And for some reason not affected by the trait that normaly reduce pet skill cooldowns.


Condition soulbeasts that run condition pets are never incentivised to merge and/or unmerge due to how the pet's condition damage stats equals to 0 when merged, meaning all the conditions it applied do no damage.


Overall I see a lot of potential that is hindered by the inhability to pet swap in beast mode, some underperforming or undertuned traits and skills, and all the bugs and inconsistencies with traits and skills normaly affecting the pet.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Sol.4310 said:

> I have to say, i heavily disagree with this. You dont need menders and support pet for it to be a good heal. Even without Menders or support pet, against condi builds (which is its clear target) its like a 8k+ Heal which can also remove 8 conditions. What other Ranger heal is that good against condition specs?


It's only good when you have condies on you and the CD is just too high, troll ungent when traited will remove 4 conditions, imbolize provide fury and give you a consistent heal.



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> @Sol.4310 said:

> @Kraitan.8476 First off, I woke up today thinking of making such post, you beat me to it so I'll add my views as well. I've done loads of SPvP with mix of builds all based off using Soulbeast.



> **Druid** - Doesn't bring much to the table anymore, your a team support spec. Job is to call targets and try to heal and clear conditions on teammates which is near impossible now. Burst and Condition Burst just to high.





I don't agree with your ending remarks of not being meta. I'm not throwing in the towel yet.


But I do believe the dmg is ridiculous.


I play a build that is all about surviving, getting away, breaking free, clearing condis multiple times


and what do I come up against? fucking pistol pistol thieves, scourges who take every bit of a point and Spellbreakers who are good vs anything and can take on multiple foes and still win.


I just came out of a match where a Spellbreaker fought 3 people for a solid length of time.


Tried to down anyone with a scourge around?

ugh...what a painful experience.





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> @Eleazar.9478 said:

> It's only good when you have condies on you and the CD is just too high, troll ungent when traited will remove 4 conditions, imbolize provide fury and give you a consistent heal.


So it requires several traits, with just 1 Trait - Bdear stance can remove 10 conditions and heal for about the same amount as Troll Urgent as long as you have condis on you. With how burst heavy and how damaging ticks can be of condis, Troll urgent healing can EASILY be out done by a SINGLE condi stack.



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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Eleazar.9478 said:

> > It's only good when you have condies on you and the CD is just too high, troll ungent when traited will remove 4 conditions, imbolize provide fury and give you a consistent heal.


> So it requires several traits, with just 1 Trait - Bdear stance can remove 10 conditions and heal for about the same amount as Troll Urgent as long as you have condis on you. With how burst heavy and how damaging ticks can be of condis, Troll urgent healing can EASILY be out done by a SINGLE condi stack.




Well, it require the traits you would pick from WS, a traitline you would normaly pick in pvp atm anyway. Wilderness Knowledge is pretty much a must pick with the new Soften the Fall and Zephyr's speed and the traitline has good synergy with soulbeast (more dodges, protection minor traits that synergizes with Second Skin and Eternal Bond, fury application that synergizes with Furious Strength etc,). It's generally just a really strong traitline, and the only grandmaster you wanna pick when running it in pvp is said WS. So the question is would you run Bear Stance over Troll Unguent when the latter is likely to be traited anyway.


Yes, you can run Bear Stance when not running WS (which is what is good about it, it has the potential to not lock us into WS), but that alone won't clear enough conditions in such a condi heavy meta. You're also wasting your heal skill on a condi cleanse, a WS build isn't necessarily gonna do that.

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@ArmageddonAsh.6430, problem is the Bear Stance doesn't have greatest heal vs burst builds. I do have solid Soulbeast build that I've been trying to design for decapping side points and winning or stalemating side points which uses Menders. Reason I don't use Bear Stance is Trolls and Heal as One is just better in the long run, only class that can effectively keep condition pressure up is Necros and let's face it you keep range vs them so there conditions aren't as effective.


@EnderzShadow.2506, first question is what type of Druid do you run, I'm a Menders Druid, there really isn't any other Amulets that support the build well. There no real point in going burst build as Druid, when Soulbeast does it better. I haven't given up on Druid by any means, if and when they Nerf Necros and Warriors I feel like Druid would be back in a solid place, but in this current meta you honestly can't keep up. My Guardian also has better Support, healing by fair amount and condition remove is better.

I won't give up and I'm not going to tell you to stop playing the class and builds you like, I just going off what I know and see.


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> @Sol.4310 said:

> @ArmageddonAsh.6430, problem is the Bear Stance doesn't have greatest heal vs burst builds. I do have solid Soulbeast build that I've been trying to design for decapping side points and winning or stalemating side points which uses Menders. Reason I don't use Bear Stance is Trolls and Heal as One is just better in the long run, only class that can effectively keep condition pressure up is Necros and let's face it you keep range vs them so there conditions aren't as effective.


And it shouldn't Because its NOT designed for burst damage builds. Ranger already has Heals for that. Bear Stance is CLEARLY designed with Condition builds and while its not the best heal against condis in the game, its the best Ranger has for fighting against Conditions. You must have faced some REALLY bad players if Necro is the only one that you think can keep condi pressure on you.


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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @Sol.4310 said:

> > @ArmageddonAsh.6430, problem is the Bear Stance doesn't have greatest heal vs burst builds. I do have solid Soulbeast build that I've been trying to design for decapping side points and winning or stalemating side points which uses Menders. Reason I don't use Bear Stance is Trolls and Heal as One is just better in the long run, only class that can effectively keep condition pressure up is Necros and let's face it you keep range vs them so there conditions aren't as effective.


> And it shouldn't Because its NOT designed for burst damage builds. Ranger already has Heals for that. Bear Stance is CLEARLY designed with Condition builds and while its not the best heal against condis in the game, its the best Ranger has for fighting against Conditions. You must have faced some REALLY bad players if Necro is the only one that you think can keep condi pressure on you.



You're just glancing over the fact that a WS build already is good at condition clearing.


The fact is, if you ran Bear Stance as your main source of condi clear, you're the one facing bad players if it was enough to keep the pressure off you.

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> @Lazze.9870 said:

> You're just glancing over the fact that a WS build already is good at condition clearing.


> The fact is, if you ran Bear Stance as your main source of condi clear, you're the one facing bad players if it was enough to keep the pressure off you.


Its never enough, SW build isnt going to be enough either with the sheer Condi application there is at the moment. Clear 5, get 5 more on you a second later :/

I use Bear stance, Dolyak Stance, Lightening Reflexes and Entangle with the survival condi removal trait. So thats 10 possible from the heal. Movement ones from Dolyak, 2 from Lightening Reflexes and 2 from Entangle, think the Lesser Lightening Reflexes from the pet swap MIGHT as well but not 100% sure and even that at times isnt enough.



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