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Designate Tiers 3 and 4 as the OCX/SEA/EU timezone Tiers


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The population imbalance between servers is currently quite large during OCX/SEA/EU timezones.

We have EBG queues on a few servers, and almost zero activity on others.


I think NA prime pop levels are still rather high and can be spread across 4 tiers (12 servers).

However, OCX/SEA/EU timezone populations would probably have the best results if we are kept to 2 tiers (6 servers).


We are currently too unevenly spread across 4 Tiers.


We can designate Tiers 3 and 4 as the OCX/SEA/EU timezone Tiers.

* All players who play mostly during OCX/SEA/EU timezone will be given 1 week to transfer to any open server of their choice in T3/T4.

* If a server in T3 gets promoted into T2, all OCX/SEA/EU players in that promoted server will be given a choice to transfer for free to the T2 server that was demoted into T3.

* All Tier 1 and Tier 2 servers will have their maps capped at 15? players during OCX/SEA/EU timezones


While we wait for Alliances...this would keep all the OCX/SEA/EU players in T3/T4 and provide a better overall experience.

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I like this idea more the more I think about it. But I wouldn't see the point in allowing the servers to move to the other time zone's tiers. Everyone would just transfer back to some other server in their time zone and that would become the same server with a different name. There wouldn't be any point. I guess it would service gem sales :p


Another idea would be adjusting map caps by tier or as populations vary over time of day without splitting the tiers. So instead of numbered tiers you could designate them as 'blob', 'zerg', 'havoc' and 'roaming' tiers, for example, each tier with a progressively smaller cap. This would work with or without server migration among the tiers. Varying the caps with time of day could work independently or in conjunction with progressive caps in the tiers, effectively forcing balance across time zones so NA players could no longer argue that their opposite servers are nightcapping without resistance . . .


You could also go one step further and have one set of tiers live for one block of time and shut down for the other, while another set of tiers would be live for the first two's 'off' hours and vice versa. Then allow players to choose one server for each time slot, servers would never migrate across time slots . . .

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> @"grouchybhaal.4275" said:

> Is this a "open blackgate" poll?


I think it's a 'nightcapping is no fair' poll, but the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea of using aggressive map caps to force balance. It would work in 't1' or 'blob tier' as well, if one server became too large relative to the others. There's no reason the caps would have to remain at a fixed number. Fluid caps based on data over time would be the hallmark of the system I think . . .

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