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Multi-Class in Next Expansion?


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They said living world will be a one time thing only and we can still buy old episodes with gems.

They said there would be no expansion and we still got HoT.

They said there would be no mounts and we still got mounts in PoF.


They said there would be no multi-class.


Seems like weaver is a proto-type multi-class. It uses skills from 2 different (attunements) sets.

Thats just a few steps away from multi-class that uses skills from 2 different (professions) sets.


What do you think about multiclass? What would you main if multiclass became available after 3 or 4 years?


I would go with warrior-necro or warrior-ranger.

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Multiclass is never going to happen simply because of the nature of traitlines and unique profession mechanics. What we're getting instead are classes 'through the vision' of other classes.


Dragonhunter is a ranger through the eyes of a guardian

Spellbreaker is a mesmer through the eyes of a warrior

Druid is kind of an elementalist through the eyes of a ranger

Mirage is kind of a thief through the eyes of a mesmer


That's about as close as the system will ever get to true dual-classing. The weaver isn't a stepping stone for dual classing.


However, if it were to happen, my top picks would be:


Any combination of guardian, revenant, mesmer and necromancer.





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I would LOVE a secondary/additional/4th trait line that allows you to pick from skills such as antitoxin spray, perhaps racial skills, aoe skill, group heal, maybe run speed, gold collection, or maybe some of the under-utilized rune effects. They would have to be pitted against each other. This would be balanced because every class would have access to them.


IE, a general trait line shared across all classes that you could bring to the table to give you more group support, aoe, utility, etc. I think it would be fun to have the flavor.

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I too wouldn't think it works in the gw2 balancing and system thus far.... But alot of gw2 NPCs and bosses especially are combos of diff class skills.


The elite specs as mentioned above are also blurring the boundaries and reinterpreting other classes through one.


I'd like to be a mesmer thief, mesmer warrior and mesmer elementalist as well. I also think mesmer engineer would be interesting and I wouldn't know how that might work. Like holographic projections or something holosmith mesmer lol. I personally would prefer the animation effects of holosmith on my mesmer haha but darn I also love the purple and pinks

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I think elite specs are a great replacement for the dual class system TBH. The problem is that we're only getting one per expansion. I much preferred the GW1 approach, where you theoretically had two new subclass options each major release. This also works, I think, a lot better with GW2s increased focus on gear (which makes getting new gear for a build much more time consuming than in GW1) and the hard split between two different sets of stats for damage type (builds are generally focues on either condition or crit related stats)


For example, I play thief. Daredevil had solid options for both condition and crit builds because it was a primarily defensive focused mastery. Deadeye, however, was primarily focused on offense, but because it tried to split its utility between stuff aimed primarily at two crit based weapon sets (p/p and rifle) there's not anything all that useful my condition geared character can do with it. In order to take advantage I'd need a whole new set of armor, trinkets, runes and sigils, which is a significant pricetag.


And that's fine, because deadeye is a legitimately good spec for people who want to play a ranged thief. It's even an OKAY spec for people who want to play a crit melee thief if they prefer its mechanics to daredevil.


However a single spec per expansion can't be expected to have a diverse enough range of build options to serve the broad spectrum of player builds in GW2s more complex stat system, considering the substantial mechanic shifts that each spec brings. I'd happily pay for an expansion the size of HoT rather than the more content rich PoF if it shipped with two specs out of the box for more build diversity and choices in training.

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The only multiclass RPG I have played was Neverwinter nights 2 but I loved the system.


This may offer very in-depth builds and obviously fun as hell.


While some of us like it or not, to say it will never happen or it will happen is just a speculation and in reality, noone knows what Anet is "cooking".

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> Druid is kind of an elementalist through the eyes of a ranger

As odd as it might sound, I'd actually argue that druid is functionally more like a necromancer through the eyes of a ranger, and soulbeast might be closer to a ranger's version of an elementalist.


Yes, druids gain glyphs as their new utility skills, but outside of that, how are they like an elementalist? They don't do rapid switching of skills, and the staff skills don't especially feel elementaly to me. However, druids get a celestial form that totally change their weapon skills, no matter what is equipped. Who else gets a skill like that? Necromancers.

Meanwhile, soulbeasts gain new skills based on which pet they absorb into themselves, and thus different skills. Weirdly enough, a ranger can have a total of 4 pets (2 land and 2 aquatic).

Sorry, I just really wanted to mention that.


To the OP, it's quite different those things you list and adding in multiclass.

1. They made Living World replayable after there were complaints that the Living World releases were going too quickly with too many achievements to complete in, essentially, a 2-week period. Even if you took a month, that meant less time for the newer release.

2. They released an expansion because they wanted to tell a story that Living World chapters couldn't cover. They had to change things significantly to do this, but they figured out a way.

3. Mounts were released in a way that is totally different from what people classically associated mounts with. They aren't just a faster way to move around, but gap-jumping, cliff-hopping, hazard-hovering, portal-jumping, insta-gliding creatures that each move differently from what you'd expect.


Multiclass, on the other hand, requires changing how skills would be combined. Would you have the weapons of one class but the utility skills of another? What about the unique mechanic of each class? Would that affect any of the new skills? They say balancing the classes are hard even when each class is pure; it'd probably be twice as hard if you start adding multiclass. I don't see that happening.

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First: I agre that the elite specs fill/can fill that role in a way that is likely easier to balance. (I remember balance changes specifically because interaction with sec professions... Never popular with main-class players!)


Second: minor nitpick - they didn't say "gw2 will never have mounts"; they said "gw2 will not have mounts *at launch*".

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Well i always liked the thief's evasive playstyle. as well as mesmer. So mirage filled that spot in perfectly. And then there is the supportive chrono which i also really like. Maybe something more melee bruisery that has the focus on physical damage. something mesmer/warrior mix'ish. Double dagger next spec for mesmer? sounds good right? And then something down the line of "The Punisher" or "The Predator" as name with trap skills xd oh i can already see it happening <3

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Expansion, Living World and Mounts = Money


Multi Professions = balance hell


Anyway, we already have almost what you want. For example, mirage is mesmer/thief combo. Spellbreaker is warrior/mesmer. Not every spec can be translated directly to multi profession of course, but this is much better system than simply going multi-class. I don't think they will ever change their minds about this.

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In a way i would love to have a 2nd Proffession just like in GW2. But i am not sure how to implement this.

We have 3 trait lines to equip, do we sacrifice 1 from our main class so we can equip one of our second class?


I do think strict limitations should be set, just like in GW1, so yes we can unlock the trait lines from a 2nd class, but just not that one specific trait line?

and for sure not the elite spec's of the 2nd class.


For example.



We have all our warrior Trait lines to choose from, incl Berserker and Spell Breaker. and equip 3 max.

If we want to equip a Thief trait line, we need to give up one of the 3 Warrior's trait line to slot in a Thief's.


But as we main Warrior and only have Thief as a second proffession, we only get to pick between certain trait lines and lets say other's are locked for us.

So we wouldnt have access to Deadly Arts, Dare Devil and Dead Eye.


PS. I took Warrior with Thief as an example, i am not suggesting that it is a strong combo.

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> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> The only multiclass RPG I have played was Neverwinter nights 2 but I loved the system.


> This may offer very in-depth builds and obviously fun as hell.


> While some of us like it or not, to say it will never happen or it will happen is just a speculation and in reality, noone knows what Anet is "cooking".


The original Guild Wars has the multi-class system also. It's one of the things I loved about the game and miss in GW2. A necro / mesmer is a ton of fun in GW1. You can use all of the skills from either class to come up with some very diverse play styles. There are trait lines in the original GW's as well. You can put points into either class trait except you are restricted to not having the class primary trait line of your secondary class. For example, if you created a mesmer and then chose necromancer as your secondary class, you would have all trait lines available for the necro and mesmer except for the necro soul reaping main line that gives you an energy bonus for each point put in if I remember right.


Multi-classes and the ability to take elite skills from bosses are 2 things I really miss from the original GW's. I still play it on occasion. One of my favorites.


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While multi-classes was fun to toy around with in GW1 It was also a complete balancing nightmare. Its challenging enough trying to balance existing classes, skills, traits, the addition of new weapons, traits, and skills and mechanics to classes. Multi-class would multiply that work exponentially due to the ridiculous amount of combinations that would be possible.

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> @Exqq.7451 said:

> Do not like multi class but would love a FF14 system so I could play and class on one character. I hate alts. However that would not be in the spirit of GW so I would never want that implemented. I would love it and hate it.


ff11 dual class would be much better, 14s entire system ruins the players ability to make any choice other than class, and i left after ninja was released when thief skills were thematically wrong, watch a bot- i mean rotation video and it kinda almost entirely looks like botting compared to any mmo out there(i left because end game was do this in a dungeon/raid or die)

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> @Shafi.8952 said:

> They said living world will be a one time thing only and we can still buy old episodes with gems.

> They said there would be no expansion and we still got HoT.

> They said there would be no mounts and we still got mounts in PoF.


> They said there would be no multi-class.


> Seems like weaver is a proto-type multi-class. It uses skills from 2 different (attunements) sets.

> Thats just a few steps away from multi-class that uses skills from 2 different (professions) sets.


> What do you think about multiclass? What would you main if multiclass became available after 3 or 4 years?


> I would go with warrior-necro or warrior-ranger.


For the record, they never said most of the stuff you say you never said. They did say there would be no mounts at launch. Anet never said there would never be mounts. Nor did they say there would never be an expansion. They said they were going to move forward with the living world. Almost all the things Anet says ends with the words "at this time". They very seldomly make definitive statements about the future of the game.


But no, the whole point of specializations is to make balancing easier. Multiclass would create far more headaches, and I don't see any way Anet could implement this.

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  • 1 month later...

I would go with guardian-elementalist.


Because I'd like to be able to play both melee and magic attack styles on my character at the same time, and I like my current guardian character, except current guardian staff skills which I think needs alot of improvement, which I have equipped as my secondary weapon, which I think can be improved alot if I can dual-class as a guardian-elementalist.

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