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Comment notes [suggestion]


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It's probably better to make people comment why they disagree with something, and move on if the concern/disagreement/correction has already been brought up. Thumbs-down etc mainly serve a purpose on platforms where content is not displayed in a static, chronological order.

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> @"tatte.5389" said:

> It's probably better to make people comment why they disagree with something, and move on if the concern/disagreement/correction has already been brought up. Thumbs-down etc mainly serve a purpose on platforms where content is not displayed in a static, chronological order.


A solution: Add a thumbs down with box space to add notes.


Requesting comments for comments is very burdensome and unrealistic to ask. Not to mention the repetitiveness of each quote.


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> @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > @"tatte.5389" said:

> > It's probably better to make people comment why they disagree with something, and move on if the concern/disagreement/correction has already been brought up. Thumbs-down etc mainly serve a purpose on platforms where content is not displayed in a static, chronological order.


> A solution: Add a thumbs down with box space to add notes.


> Requesting comments for comments is very burdensome and unrealistic to ask. Not to mention the repetitiveness of each quote.



Does everyone really need to get to express their opinion, even if it contributes nothing to the conversation? I don't believe so, hence my remark of moving on when the matter is already being dealt with. Positive notes reward users for (and motivate towards) worthwhile contributions, so they serve a constructive purpose. Negative notes without automated content curation doesn't benefit anyone.

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When the new forum launched, there was a thumbs down button. Within a couple of days, there were multiple threads asking for it to be removed, mostly arguing that it would be abused (and some saying that ANet should learn from what happened on the Battle.net forums, although I don't know what that was). Shortly afterwards - I think only a few days later - the thumbs down button was removed. So I think it's unlikely that they'll add it back.


> @"tatte.5389" said:

> > @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > > @"tatte.5389" said:

> > > It's probably better to make people comment why they disagree with something, and move on if the concern/disagreement/correction has already been brought up. Thumbs-down etc mainly serve a purpose on platforms where content is not displayed in a static, chronological order.

> >

> > A solution: Add a thumbs down with box space to add notes.

> >

> > Requesting comments for comments is very burdensome and unrealistic to ask. Not to mention the repetitiveness of each quote.

> >


> Does everyone really need to get to express their opinion, even if it contributes nothing to the conversation?


Well, it is a forum, so that's pretty much how it works.

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I'm happy to hear this forum too already outgrew the button.


> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> Well, it is a forum, so that's pretty much how it works.


Isn't that how typical social media platform works, whereas a forum should emphasise conversation over simple likes/dislikes? If someone doesn't find what they themselves have to contribute worth the effort of writing a comment, wouldn't everyone else agree?

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When we first got the new forum I thought the thumbs down button was a good idea, but after trying it for a while I just found it frustrating because it wasn't enough information to act on. If I'm wrong about something (especially something factual like how a system in GW2 works) I want to know so I can learn for next time, but a thumbs down just leaves me wondering if I'm wrong or they just don't like that the game does that. If someone gives a post a thumbs up it's pretty safe to assume they agree - their ideas on this topic are the same, end of discussion. But if someone diagrees? Do they disagree with the whole thing, or just one part? Why? Is there a flaw in the idea/statement/whatever? (And if so what was it?) What if it's just an opinion - are they saying you're wrong or just that they have a different opinion?


Sometimes the context helps, for example if you post a suggestion and someone marks it down it's safe to assume they don't like it. But without knowing why they don't like it that's not much use. Do they hate the entire thing and never want to see it in the game? Did they misunderstand? Is there a problem you haven't thought of but could find a solution to given more information? Do they just dislike you and are marking down all your posts? (Seems petty but it does happen.)


Thumbs up has some of the same problems, but because agreement is less ambiguous it's less of an issue.

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A huge problem that came with the thumbs down, people used it to vent their frustrations about the game. A lot of times, the voting was not even connected to the written text or opinion of the poster. A fate especially ANet employees suffered from. Sometimes the person who was tasked with announcing something was flooded with negative score, just because it included one feature some players did not like. Some of the staff members ended up with horrible thumbs-down scores. Like the bearer of the bad news was fully responsible for the situation.


With the current system, the community mostly benefits. If people do not like something, they can thumbs up a person who criticized it. If they agree, they can thumbs up the original post. Helpfuls help to find the useful posts in threads: solutions, hints and tips.


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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> A huge problem that came with the thumbs down, people used it to vent their frustrations about the game. A lot of times, the voting was not even connected to the written text or opinion of the poster. A fate especially ANet employees suffered from. Sometimes the person who was tasked with announcing something was flooded with negative score, just because it included one feature some players did not like. Some of the staff members ended up with horrible thumbs-down scores. Like the bearer of the bad news was fully responsible for the situation.




This is exactly how i saw it being used too when it was a thing here. people werent expanding on why they disagreed or offered any feedback on what the thumbs down was for. The current system forces negative feedback to be posted, as it should be, and not reduced to just a simple "Dislike." with no explanation.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Zahld.4956" said:

> > Have thumbs down as a thread creator option that can be disabled or enabled if wanted?


> Reason for not wanting to know why people disagreed or thumbs down would be a good thing, why?


Not always wanted.

Same as disabling comments for youtube videos.

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