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I dont believe spellbreaker needs to be gutted.


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> @Kiroshima.8497 said:

> Take out some of the FC power and put it into things like the Tactics and Arms lines. A Tactics Spellbreaker could be a controller or a supporter, while an Arms Spellbreaker could be more dueling oriented (weaker to group settings).


> Examples:

> 1) Remove No Escape (Spellbreaker) and merge into Leg Specialist (Tactics). Replace with something dagger or offensive burst related (since it is in the bottom row).

> 2) Loss Aversion nerfed to only do damage. Then in Arms, adjust Unsuspecting Foe to be "Striking foes with unblockable attacks grants adrenaline."

> 3) Revenge Counter no longer grants Resistance. Shrug it Off (Tactics) adds Resistance to Shake it Off (and the trait).

> 4) Sun and Moon style adjusted, ALL interrupts grant quickness with MH dagger. Dual Wielding (Arms) grants "Outgoing Critial Rate and Condition Duration increased by attack speed." in addition to the passive attack speed boost when using two weapons. Rewards double daggers (quickness improves damage output, and thus healing from OH). Rewards Frenzy (cause lol that stance).

> 5) Magebane Tether trait also applies it on Fear and Taunt (Fear Me/Imminent Threat), these skills are basically terrible and could use the synergy.


> I'm sure there are other ways that people could think of.


I don’t think it is fair to transfer some of the elite spec power to core. A core warrior can destroy a spellbreaker easily, current core warrior with right make right build is more powerful than spellbreaker.


A spellbreaker is just a weaker warrior with a short CD FC, by a successful bait tap a FC, 6sec is more than enough for a make right warrior to totally destroy a spellbreaker.


If FC power have to transfer, it should be added somewhere within spellbreaker, either dagger damage, shorter pre cast on skill, trait etc.

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Except that only Strength/Defense/Discipline have ANY synergy with Spellbreaker. Tactics barely works with it and using Arms is basically asking to die (Sword/X spellbreaker not exactly rewarded).


If you look, they're actually kinda synergy buffs with these off-traitlines and spellbreaker to try to open up options for the other trees.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah everyone that dies because of FC is an idiot! There is nothing wrong with SB at all the fact that its the most represented class in ATs doens't mean anything. All the bads need to learn how to play! See how stupid some of you sound yet? You should be asking for nerfs sooner rather then later because we all know A-nets biggest hatchet jobs happen when they let op stuff fester for months they end up slaughtering a class. Occam's razor tells us there are balance problems with Warriors right now. People don't flock to stuff that is weak they flock to the strongest builds.

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There's nothing wrong with SB, but FC should be looked at. A single skill that interrupts, has a low cooldown, transfers all conditions (when traited, which most do - basically a reverse mimic copies condis instead of copying boons), is AOE, cannot be interrupted, and does damage is a bit much. Everyone crying saying L2P and do not hit the warrior only works with some classes / builds. FC is literally triggered by anything, traps, AoEs, other players, mesmer clones / phantasms ( no way of stopping their attacks w/o shattering them ( so much for counterplay ), NPCs ( last I checked players can't control NPC / guard attacks ), passive procs, etc. I have zero problems with a skill that procs off of player mistakes, I do have a problem with something that punishes players simply because of other ambient conditions that they have no control over. Im not really sure how Anet can address this, and to be clear this is strictly a WvW / PvP problem NOT PvE. Someone mentioned that making it single target could help, or maybe making it blockable could be a start. Again ITS NOT SPELLBREAKER as a class but how Fullcounter works / synigerizes with traits that is the main problem. Throw in the other toys that warrior have access to like traited endure pain, Berserker stance, feather foot grace, healing Sig, adrenal health, Regen food, sigils, runes, sig of rage, and slotted endure pain, it becomes quite obvious why there's so much QQ about this specialization. people who min/max their gearsets and have a basic understanding of class mechanics can easily "cheese" the evades, blocks, invulns, and FC to become seemingly impossible to defeat with literally zero counterplay ( against certain builds / classes )

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don't see as many sB's in WvW as much as everyone is crying, anet have the stats the rest is personal observations with opinion based 'fact'. Also people I've spoken to are are using SB because it has a different gameplay style not because its op. As for listing all the skills available I fail to see the point rather than drama. Its builds that are op, not the wiki list. There's always been alot of warrior hate as people assume its easy to play. Once again personal opinion/preference we don't all enjoy skill rotations.

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^ This, it's certain builds that ruin competitive gameplay. This issue isn't reserved to warrior, pretty much every class has a cheesy build when you stack traits, gear, food, runes, sigils correctly. Anet just seems to overlook at lot of these things and compound the problem with the addition of new gearsets, elite specializations, traits, etc.

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> @"Syprus Soulslayer.1640" said:

> There's nothing wrong with SB, but FC should be looked at. A single skill that interrupts, has a low cooldown, transfers all conditions (when traited, which most do - basically a reverse mimic copies condis instead of copying boons), is AOE, cannot be interrupted, and does damage is a bit much. Everyone crying saying L2P and do not hit the warrior only works with some classes / builds. FC is literally triggered by anything, traps, AoEs, other players, mesmer clones / phantasms ( no way of stopping their attacks w/o shattering them ( so much for counterplay ), NPCs ( last I checked players can't control NPC / guard attacks ), passive procs, etc. I have zero problems with a skill that procs off of player mistakes, I do have a problem with something that punishes players simply because of other ambient conditions that they have no control over. Im not really sure how Anet can address this, and to be clear this is strictly a WvW / PvP problem NOT PvE. Someone mentioned that making it single target could help, or maybe making it blockable could be a start. Again ITS NOT SPELLBREAKER as a class but how Fullcounter works / synigerizes with traits that is the main problem. Throw in the other toys that warrior have access to like traited endure pain, Berserker stance, feather foot grace, healing Sig, adrenal health, Regen food, sigils, runes, sig of rage, and slotted endure pain, it becomes quite obvious why there's so much QQ about this specialization. people who min/max their gearsets and have a basic understanding of class mechanics can easily "cheese" the evades, blocks, invulns, and FC to become seemingly impossible to defeat with literally zero counterplay ( against certain builds / classes )


When did FC start transfer all conditions to foes, it copies 5 conditions on you to foe to be exact. Not that I don’t think FC shouldn’t be nerfed, so as DJ for deadeye, class wide condi spam, all of these are indeed need adjustment immediately.


FC can do a lot of things in one single skill, it is as toxic as any skill that able to spam 5+ different condi at once. All skill should not be able to inflict more than 2 condi, one condi per skill at best.

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Goddamn, theres people actually defending Spellbreaker??!! Come on guys, the spec is completely broken. Its not just Counter. Warrior is overloaded with defences allready, between healing signet, adrenal health, shield block, double endure pain, berzerker stance, and extreme mobility from greatsword and now Full Counter on top of all this is way to much. Full counter have like what? 6 secs cooldown? Thats insane...and its not even just a counter attack like Guard Mace 3# skill, it reflect condis, daze, give protec, resistence and stab, and maybe a few other things that i had forgotten...all this every 6 secs...its to much, so much that allows warrior use full damage gear and be as tanky as a bunker spec....this is the worst part, high damage, high mobility and HUGE survival...Defence trait line and Spellbreaker cannot coexist at this moment if you want a balanced profession. I vote to nerf Counter and leave Defence line the way it is...rather see Spellbreaker take a hit then both Warrior and Berzerker get destroyed.

Lets not forget that Spellbreaker can easily take Might Makes Right with Megabane Tether and have unblockable dodges or days, if you think Daredevils are bad you havent seen this shit yet.

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> @Felipe.1807 said:

> kitten, theres people actually defending Spellbreaker??!! Come on guys, the spec is completely broken. Its not just Counter. Warrior is overloaded with defences allready, between healing signet, adrenal health, shield block, double endure pain, berzerker stance, and extreme mobility from greatsword and now Full Counter on top of all this is way to much. Full counter have like what? 6 secs cooldown? Thats insane...and its not even just a counter attack like Guard Mace 3# skill, it reflect condis, daze, give protec, resistence and stab, and maybe a few other things that i had forgotten...all this every 6 secs...its to much, so much that allows warrior use full damage gear and be as tanky as a bunker spec....this is the worst part, high damage, high mobility and HUGE survival...Defence trait line and Spellbreaker cannot coexist at this moment if you want a balanced profession. I vote to nerf Counter and leave Defence line the way it is...rather see Spellbreaker take a hit then both Warrior and Berzerker get destroyed.

> Lets not forget that Spellbreaker can easily take Might Makes Right with Megabane Tether and have unblockable dodges or days, if you think Daredevils are bad you havent seen this kitten yet.


I didn't know Spellbreaker could take 4 traitlines and multiple grandmaster talents from same traitline.

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> @Mikeskies.1536 said:

> > @Felipe.1807 said:

> > kitten, theres people actually defending Spellbreaker??!! Come on guys, the spec is completely broken. Its not just Counter. Warrior is overloaded with defences allready, between healing signet, adrenal health, shield block, double endure pain, berzerker stance, and extreme mobility from greatsword and now Full Counter on top of all this is way to much. Full counter have like what? 6 secs cooldown? Thats insane...and its not even just a counter attack like Guard Mace 3# skill, it reflect condis, daze, give protec, resistence and stab, and maybe a few other things that i had forgotten...all this every 6 secs...its to much, so much that allows warrior use full damage gear and be as tanky as a bunker spec....this is the worst part, high damage, high mobility and HUGE survival...Defence trait line and Spellbreaker cannot coexist at this moment if you want a balanced profession. I vote to nerf Counter and leave Defence line the way it is...rather see Spellbreaker take a hit then both Warrior and Berzerker get destroyed.

> > Lets not forget that Spellbreaker can easily take Might Makes Right with Megabane Tether and have unblockable dodges or days, if you think Daredevils are bad you havent seen this kitten yet.


> I didn't know Spellbreaker could take 4 traitlines and multiple grandmaster talents from same traitline.


Jesus fucking Chirst, you serious man? Its kind obvious that the second part where I talk about Spellbreaker with Might Makes Right and Megabane Tether is another build and not the meta Defence/Discipline/Spellbreaker...if you gonna quote me atleast try to give some counter argument about how I am wrong or in case you agree with me, try to add something else...but like this you just make a fool of yourself.

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> @Felipe.1807 said:

> > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

> > > @Felipe.1807 said:

> > > kitten, theres people actually defending Spellbreaker??!! Come on guys, the spec is completely broken. Its not just Counter. Warrior is overloaded with defences allready, between healing signet, adrenal health, shield block, double endure pain, berzerker stance, and extreme mobility from greatsword and now Full Counter on top of all this is way to much. Full counter have like what? 6 secs cooldown? Thats insane...and its not even just a counter attack like Guard Mace 3# skill, it reflect condis, daze, give protec, resistence and stab, and maybe a few other things that i had forgotten...all this every 6 secs...its to much, so much that allows warrior use full damage gear and be as tanky as a bunker spec....this is the worst part, high damage, high mobility and HUGE survival...Defence trait line and Spellbreaker cannot coexist at this moment if you want a balanced profession. I vote to nerf Counter and leave Defence line the way it is...rather see Spellbreaker take a hit then both Warrior and Berzerker get destroyed.

> > > Lets not forget that Spellbreaker can easily take Might Makes Right with Megabane Tether and have unblockable dodges or days, if you think Daredevils are bad you havent seen this kitten yet.

> >

> > I didn't know Spellbreaker could take 4 traitlines and multiple grandmaster talents from same traitline.


> Jesus kitten Chirst, you serious man? Its kind obvious that the second part where I talk about Spellbreaker with Might Makes Right and Megabane Tether is another build and not the meta Defence/Discipline/Spellbreaker...if you gonna quote me atleast try to give some counter argument about how I am wrong or in case you agree with me, try to add something else...but like this you just make a fool of yourself.


Taking strength you either give up defense or discipline. Both traitline covered some warrior great weakness, meta build is meta for a reason.


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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > @Felipe.1807 said:

> > > @Mikeskies.1536 said:

> > > > @Felipe.1807 said:

> > > > kitten, theres people actually defending Spellbreaker??!! Come on guys, the spec is completely broken. Its not just Counter. Warrior is overloaded with defences allready, between healing signet, adrenal health, shield block, double endure pain, berzerker stance, and extreme mobility from greatsword and now Full Counter on top of all this is way to much. Full counter have like what? 6 secs cooldown? Thats insane...and its not even just a counter attack like Guard Mace 3# skill, it reflect condis, daze, give protec, resistence and stab, and maybe a few other things that i had forgotten...all this every 6 secs...its to much, so much that allows warrior use full damage gear and be as tanky as a bunker spec....this is the worst part, high damage, high mobility and HUGE survival...Defence trait line and Spellbreaker cannot coexist at this moment if you want a balanced profession. I vote to nerf Counter and leave Defence line the way it is...rather see Spellbreaker take a hit then both Warrior and Berzerker get destroyed.

> > > > Lets not forget that Spellbreaker can easily take Might Makes Right with Megabane Tether and have unblockable dodges or days, if you think Daredevils are bad you havent seen this kitten yet.

> > >

> > > I didn't know Spellbreaker could take 4 traitlines and multiple grandmaster talents from same traitline.

> >

> > Jesus kitten Chirst, you serious man? Its kind obvious that the second part where I talk about Spellbreaker with Might Makes Right and Megabane Tether is another build and not the meta Defence/Discipline/Spellbreaker...if you gonna quote me atleast try to give some counter argument about how I am wrong or in case you agree with me, try to add something else...but like this you just make a fool of yourself.


> Taking strength you either give up defense or discipline. Both traitline covered some warrior great weakness, meta build is meta for a reason.



I am aware of that, i just said that Might Makes Right with Megabane Tether have a good sinergy...like I said, you will have dodge for days lol i didnt said that was stronger then the meta build...hell the meta build is ultimate carry build, it basically plays by itself, complete new players will do decent and good players will become God like, thats a fact.

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Warrior is currently overpowered but... may sound counter intuitive but rather than to nerf FC capitalize on the current state to nerf things that have always been in need of a nerf that is the stance traits in the defense line that make this class mechanics particularly braindead and increase the cooldown on balanced stance for example to 60s or more to reduce stability uptime making warriors less less easy to be annoying with.

Considering all the others defensive tools that's not very much to ask, just make your game less spammy and rewarding stupidity.

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