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Whispers in the dark reactions? [spoilers]

Daniel Handler.4816

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > Jormag spoke to Svanir through Drakkar, while "sleeping" in Gw1. Braham and guild watched Jormag sink underneath a Glacier when Primordus was sent back to sleeping/dormant mode, and was described as being unable to be reached or attacked.

> >

> > Jormag mentions "The air is thick with change. I feel it, even as I dream beneath the ice." Indicating that the current status of the Elder dragon is, dormant/asleep, underneath the glacier still.


> Are all EDs capable of, let's call it dream walking? Or is this something intrinsic to Mind and Persuasion? Like how is Jormag doing this while asleep?


> There seems to be some indirect pathway between the spirit and the brain that Jormag can exploit to do mind control stuff. But I don't see how that would help them exert their will as they sleep.


I believe Glint does mention that she hears Kralkatorrik beginning to stir, well before he does, in EoD. It might be that they are all conscious before being able to move, but only those with Mind and Persuasion can expand that consciousness beyond their minions.

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So, I think it was Konig who mentioned the possibility of the whispers being separate from Jormag? Or somebody else. I believe this to be true.


There is a noted difference in the three cases we have of Jormag speaking (trailer, to the commander, and to Asgeir in his book) and the way the whispers act. I'm wondering if the Whispers are a Svanir related cause, using the mentioned "corrupted raven magic" and/or the type of curse that causes boneskinners to be created. The whispers are malicious, causing people to wander into the snow and freeze to death (Not become icebrood, just die), or possible to the Svanir rituals where they are tearing spirits apart to create the aberrants. The whispers cause the investigator to ditch all her gathered evidence and start completely from stratch. They try to turn the commander against Braham "Doesn't he look tired?" And make Braham doubt himself and give into despair.


So what if the whispers are Svanir caused to tear apart the defenders?


I'm interested in this split of "Jormag's wants" and "The Svanir destroying all they deem unworthy" will eventually come to a head against each other. The Svanir clearly follow Jormag's will, but they destroy all their opposition (unless Jormag directly demands specific individuals kept alive apparently), where Jormag wants everybody to be convinced to join.

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