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How do plantiffs work?


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Can someone explain me how the new plantiff system works (or provide a link to a video which explains it in a clear way)? I'm trying to configure a couple of loadouts for my Rev and has being a pain: it keeps resetting the placement of the hotkeys from the skills in my legends when I move from PvE to WvW, so the instant switch has been totally useless for me...

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I'm curious how you managed to misspell "template" as "plaintiff"? That's got to be more than autocorrect. You had me thinking there was some new kind of legal system in the game where you can take time out from being PACT commander to working as a pro-bono lawyer in small-claims court defending drunken norn who were riding too fast through the camps on their warclaws. I was actually exited. I imagined my toon shouting, "OBJECTION YOUR HONOUR!" and getting my client off on a technicality.


But no. You meant templates. And the answer to your question is, the system is buggy and somewhat ill-conceived at the moment. There's a whole other thread about it. And Anet have just said they're going to be changing things again so it might be best to just stick to one loadout and avoid the template/plaintiff system like the plague until it's matured a little.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> I'm curious how you managed to misspell "template" as "plaintiff"? That's got to be more than autocorrect.


That's easy to answer: English is my third language and I play the game in my native, so when I try to translate some names and expressions from my game version I can fall into mistakes or use terms which doesn't properly fit with the main version of the game. My apologies if that happens; I took for granted that the question was easy to catch in the context, even if the terms weren't exactly matching (I known also that ANet doesn't use the term "loadout" but seems to fit better what they are now providing).

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > I'm curious how you managed to misspell "template" as "plaintiff"? That's got to be more than autocorrect.


> That's easy to answer: English is my third language and I play the game in my native, so when I try to translate some names and expressions from my game version I can fall into mistakes or use terms which doesn't properly fit with the main version of the game. My apologies if that happens; I took for granted that the question was easy to catch in the context, even if the terms weren't exactly matching (I known also that ANet doesn't use the term "loadout" but seems to fit better what they are now providing).


No problem. Please understand I wasn't making fun on you in any way. I was just amused. English is my second language.


And you're right about "loadout".

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