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Suggestion: Add minor runes to "junk" at the vendor

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> @PyrateSilly.4710 said:

> No, don't remove them! I can sell most on the TP for more than what I would get from the merchant OR I put them into the Mystic Toilet to upgrade and/or get different ones that will then sell for more on the TP. I make gold off of them, do not remove them.


MINOR runes? I am never able to sell them on the TP at all because they're so worthless. I think a good alternative would be to be able to put four minor runes in the MF and get a major one back, with a small chance of a superior one.

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> @PyrateSilly.4710 said:

> No, don't remove them! I can sell most on the TP for more than what I would get from the merchant

Nobody buys minor runes. Are you sure that you're not just listing them on the market, instead of actually selling them? In which case you're losing money, because of the listing fee.

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I like to throw em in the toilet and see what pops out. Sometimes I get some pretty pricey Superior Sigils/Runes for my efforts.


I think a nice compromise would be a 'sell misc' option on the vendor. This could include runes, sigils, and whatever else causes annoyance to people down the road. If it automatically sells your superior rune - you can always get it back on the refund tab anyway as long as you notice it in time. Just please don't have them auto sell with junk. I love my sell junk button B) Don't mess with it!

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> @PirateLove.6417 said:

> I like to throw em in the toilet and see what pops out. Sometimes I get some pretty pricey Superior Sigils/Runes for my efforts.

That's what I'd do... if I had bag space for it. Too many keys and other miscellaneous items cluttering up the inventory, if I start to hoard runes for MF then there's no space for loot.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> The Best compromise would be a new version of the tools which has 0 chances to get upgrades.


> 1. Players will pay gems for it

> 2. The ones who like minor runes will be still allowed to get em.

> 3. The ones who don't like runestones won't have runes problem anymore.


My debit card eagerly awaits this change!!!

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Salvaging Ideas:


Minor Runes - 3-6 T3 (75% chance) or T4 (25% chance) leather sections.

Major Runes - 3-6 T4 or T5 leather sections.

Superior Runes - 3-6 T5 or T6 leather sections.


Bam. Leather is no longer ludicrously expensive or gated behind mindless Doric farming, but if you want those T6 squares you have to salvage a Superior Rune. Also, prices for all the "trash" Runes would increase on the TP because people would buy them for the potential of cheaper leather acquisition.

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> @"Mrs Qurly.9372" said:

> pls Anet, include 'minor runes' as junk when selling stuff at vendor

> tyvm

> <3


**This is the cheapest way to get "Mystsic Forger" for your daily.**


buy 4 minor runes or sigils for like less than 1 silver .... throw them into the mystic toilet and get back a mystic coin!




I do support adding them to "sell junk" at the vendor!

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> @akenoyuki.8210 said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > Don't make them sell as junk, make them salvage into leather.


> Salvage-able Runes?!



Even better than that, they could make them salvage into the most expensive (Leather/Wood/Ore) crafting material on the TP, dynamically updating from the API. It would then always add more supply of what is needed to the economy. It would also use up every single minor rune on the TP and give a much better value to green/blue items.


If you made it a 50% chance to salvage into whatever, then if you salvaged 100 items with the copper-fed, you'd get 10 sigils/runes on average, salvage those again and get 5 of the top price material.


Maybe crazy, but I think it would work pretty well.

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They should be consumable for a powerful shot term stackable buff related to the stats of the rune. In fact all runes should be consumable. You then get a choice between a long term equipment upgrade and a short term buff. Also maybe then all the rune on the tp will get bought up and runes will have some value.

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