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[Suggestion] Increase the enrage timer on the new strike missions to allow them to be soloable


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> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > @"Starshine.8739" said:

> > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > > @"Starshine.8739" said:

> > > > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > > > @"Starshine.8739" said:

> > > > > > See people disagree with the idea for the sake of disagreeing, 3~~ min added to enrage timer wouldn't hurt anyone, especially when you basically never even go past half of it in 10 man squads(regardless of skill level, really). For now these are duo-able for highly skilled players, they aren't really carrying the noobs by duo-ing it either so not really sure what's the issue in adding bit more time to make them possible to solo for the few players that are good enough to solo them. Who knows, maybe it would even encourage the people who just started with 10 man squads to try and lowman these and get better in process? This content can be perfectly suited for both sides of the stick, total newbies and the best players so really, I don't think there is a reason to put limitations on it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > P.S. Dungeons, fractals and few raid encounters weren't meant to be soloed either, yet here we are :)

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not disagreeing to disagree.

> > > > >

> > > > > You seem to miss the point of strike missions. They are designed to be group content in order to get people skilled enough to move onto the group content of raids. Each strike mission is meant to get harder in order to prep players for raids.

> > > > >

> > > > > The fact that some strike missions are soloable is pure luck and not by design.

> > > > >

> > > > > Adding 3 minutes to the enrage timer would hurt that function of strike missions.

> > > >

> > > > Yeah, in theory group content in mmo's is not designed to be soloed, and since there are people that actually do manage to find a ways to solo said content makes your design argument irrelevant, aside of that, something can be designed with one particular use-case in mind and people will anyway manage to find 100 other use cases for that thing. Soloing things in general is more of a way to challenge yourself rather than some standard of how things should be done(cuz it's just very few players that would manage to solo things 10 normal players are oftentimes struggling to complete). It's way less of an accomplishment to finish something with 9 other people than solo, by increasing the time limit you do not make it easier for normal groups since they really do not hit the enrage anyway, when they fail to kill it it's due to wipe not due to timer(goes to raid bosses too). And thus making it impossible to solo by putting an unreachable dps check is just stupid.

> > >

> > > This is for raid bosses and MAYBE future strikes. Players dont hit enrage timer as they are forced to play with low amount of healing in group and close to 0 self sustain. If you would increase the enrage timer that would open an option to add more healers and tankier builds while still be able to kill the boss.

> > >

> > > Enrage timers are not there to wipe "normal squad compositions", they are there to prevent cheesing.

> >

> > 2-3 healers are low amount of healers? You optimally would do 8 of them or what? You literally need 10 players doing 2.5k dps at average to take these bosses down, any decent player can cover 10k on his own. Please, consider bringing an argument that's actually serious, thanks :)

> >

> > P.S. Tankier builds like trailblazer scourge/fb/rene/ele/whatever would still manage to ditch out way more than enough dps per person to take these bosses down.


> I said for raid bosses and maybe future strike missions.. go do twin largos with 3 heals and and trailblazer scourges, let me know did you wipe to enrage or not ^^


Sure, take 1 heal druid, 1 hfb , 1 heal rene and 7 trailblazer scourges, quite confident they'd make the dps check :)

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Tanking can be solved with food.

Alacrity is covered.

Half of the squad is indeed without quickness(oh well, just like they are in pug runs anyway, doesnt seem to be stopping anyone from killing largos) - You can also manipulate sub groups to make better use of the quickness that you have to your disposal.

Banners are completely optional there anyway.

Dps check stands at around 83-85k, pretty sure that 7 scourges(even if trailblazers) could somehow pull it off.

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> @"Starshine.8739" said:

> Tanking can be solved with food.

> Alacrity is covered.

> Half of the squad is indeed without quickness(oh well, just like they are in pug runs anyway, doesnt seem to be stopping anyone from killing largos) - You can also manipulate sub groups to make better use of the quickness that you have to your disposal.

> Banners are completely optional there anyway.

> Dps check stands at around 83-85k, pretty sure that 7 scourges(even if trailblazers) could somehow pull it off.


Nope, did the math already and it wont work. Belive what you want. ?‍♀️ you forget that squad needs to split which makes that composition even more trash than it is at first platform.


Edit: i really wanna hear your idea considering split, which classes would you send to each platform?

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No idea what your metrics are of potential dps per trailblazer scourge i'd still stay that very good ones could ditch out 15k at a very minimum, considering the check is at 85k, that makes it a mere 12,14k per person (not including the dps from supports, which would lower it even further even if it would be something as funny as 3k total). If you feel like that's unreal dps for scourge then idk what to say.

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> @"Starshine.8739" said:

> No idea what your metrics are of potential dps per trailblazer scourge i'd still stay that very good ones could ditch out 15k at a very minimum, considering the check is at 85k, that makes it a mere 12,14k per person (not including the dps from supports, which would lower it even further even if it would be something as funny as 3k total). If you feel like that's unreal dps for scourge then idk what to say.


On Nikare you need ~75k DPS On 1st platform.


On 50-25 You waste like 5 secs gliding to one side, Then like 10 secs to the other side.

you need like 80k DPS, But realistically you want 90k DPS. It's not huge DPS check. It is possible my first math was a bit off. With SC skill lvl those scourges are able to pull around 15k dps each and the ones without quickness around 10k.


^dmg output calculations are based on high lvl raider performance, with common plebs they dont have a chance to get even close to kill.


TLDR: based on high tier raiders optimized scourge largos dps logs it is possible to get a kill.

Sorry i was wrong and you were right.


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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > TLDR: based on high tier raiders optimized scourge largos dps logs it is possible to get a kill.

> > Sorry i was wrong and you were right.


> Not sure if ironic but that means it would be impossible for the overwhelming majority of raiders, n'est-ce pas?




Thats right. For majority of raiders largos would be way easier with just 2 chronos, 1 druid, 1 heal, 1 cBS, and 5 cdps (pref mirage).

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The way I see it right now for the new strikes, the enrage timer is lenient enough to not allow cheesing to a massive extent, but still strict enough to require some sort of group composition (except for the first strike which can be soloed).


You can litterally do the strike missions with 8 healers and 2 dps player, maybe even with 1 or 0 dps players depending on the strike/players. How is that not cheesing already?

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> @"MrTJpwnz.4710" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The way I see it right now for the new strikes, the enrage timer is lenient enough to not allow cheesing to a massive extent, but still strict enough to require some sort of group composition (except for the first strike which can be soloed).


> You can litterally do the strike missions with 8 healers and 2 dps player, maybe even with 1 or 0 dps players depending on the strike/players. How is that not cheesing already?


I was referring to average open world players. My raid squad does this with 0-1 healers and gets gold easy.


How is this in any way an argument for making the timer more lenient though? If at all it's one for raising the difficulty, not reducing it.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I was referring to average open world players. My raid squad does this with 0-1 healers and gets gold easy.

> How is this in any way an argument for making the timer more lenient though? If at all it's one for raising the difficulty, not reducing it.


Its more like there was an argument that if you increase the timer people would cheese it, but you already can cheese it. So in that regard it doesn't really matter if you increase the timer by a few minutes to enable people to solo the content if they are good enough for it.


And sure, in a way it also is an argument for decreasing the timer, but looking at raids we learn that it is not really the way anet wants to create difficulty. In fact some raid encounters require only like 10k more group dps compared to the boneskinner. So theoretically you can run a bunch of healers and just a few dps and kill raid bosses before it enrages, just like you can with the strike missions.



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