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Choosing race/New player tips

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Hey all, Newer player here. Ive started gw2 a few years back but ended up side tracked by life and other games. Im back and ready to give it a go, see everything the game has to do.


So im choosing thief as my class, i play rogue/thief in many other mmos and rpgs. But i cant choose either sylvari or asura.


I really like both, the sylvari customization and glows are amazing, and i like their nature theme with exploration aswell. But the run animation is kinda wonky like they are doing butt kickers when un armed lol.


The asura have amazing fluid animations for pretty much everything, and i also like the background for them aswell. I have also seen some really cool thief asuras. But absolutely hate the voicelines like im 6ft tall every 2seconds in battle. Its also hard to see all the armor details and tend to get lost in a big battle.


Any suggestions would be great, what did you guys choose. Im also welcome to any new player tips on where to go first what professions for a thief etc...



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Ok, Charr then.


Don't mind this old Centurion, the Salads benefit from sharing almost the same body stature as those human mice, so in terms of cosmetics you're safe and garanteed to have a wide choice in terms of customization because everything fits quite well. and their naive behavior really goes well with new players.


Asuras have a natural annoying arrogance over their "superior intellect" and can be known for their recklessness when it comes to their creation. Customization wide, they suffer from the same curse Charrs do, their bodies are quite unique and experience quite a lot of armor and weapon clipping, and worst… the toes and ears chopped off in some armors and outfits.


I vote Asura ;)


Edit: Welcome!

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> @"HashBrwnz.5832" said:

> @"Reigh.1547" You mentioned armor clipping. So do the sylvari(salads lol) not have that problem? I enjoy hunting down amazing armor sets at end game to look as cool aa possible and clipping could be a deal breaker lol.


Since Sylvari use the human body frame they have less armor clipping issues.


Read up on Caithe in the wiki for ideas on Sylvari role play.


I vote Asura tho. They are my fav. They are conniving, sneaky and back stabbing.

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> @"HashBrwnz.5832" said:

> @"Regh.8649" You mentioned armor clipping. So do the sylvari(salads lol) not have that problem? I enjoy hunting down amazing armor sets at end game to look as cool aa possible and clipping could be a deal breaker lol.

That's right! Salads clipping, if any, is neglectable. The only thing that might happen is that in some cases your Branches and leaves (hair) might pierce your backpack (not sure)

Pick the mushroom (hair) and go Ronin style B)


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Despite half my characters being Asura, my own thief is a pistol slinging Charr Deadeye. First because that was the RP idea I had, second is because the Asura dual-pistol animation looks like they're about to shoot their own hand off. Can't stand it. Now, if you want to make your thief a Daredevil, then an Asura bouncing around all over the place is funny and fun.

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> @"HashBrwnz.5832" said:

> I really like both, the sylvari [...] But the run animation is kinda wonky like they are doing butt kickers when un armed lol.


Unfortunately, that is very true. Female Humans run awkwardly as well, by the way.


> The asura [...] But absolutely hate the voicelines like im 6ft tall every 2seconds in battle. Its also hard to see all the armor details and tend to get lost in a big battle.


You can deactivate those under Sound Options.


> Any suggestions would be great, what did you guys choose. Im also welcome to any new player tips on where to go first what professions for a thief etc...


I have a female Charr for a thief, and I love that character. I'm sure you can make cool visual thief themes with both, Sylvari and Asura, alike. If I had to choose, I'd probably pick a Sylvari as I find the concept of an Asuran assassin somewhat laughable. ;)

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> @"HashBrwnz.5832" said:

> How does the story progress is it every 10 levels or so like ESO?

Levels 10-30

Levels 40-60

Levels 70-80


Source [wiki/Story_Journal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Story_Journal "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Story_Journal")


Edit: You can interpret the gap as the time they give you to explore and enjoy each map while leveling up, like being the local hero before taking on saving the world.

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