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Bad Idea! :(

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> I guess you missed the part where ArenaNet had all their projects cancelled by NCSoft and half their staff fired as well.

Although to be honest Anet's decision to not do the expansion and use all those resources for other projects was probably one of the major reasons that caused the abovementioned layoffs and cancellations. And those decisions, remember, happened way _before_ NCSoft stepped in.


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> one more thing, mostly about "we need new content" talk people who not complete current content.

> I still not have legend ring, not have all legendary raid sets, not create all leg weapons, and ect ..

> And I can't say "I neeed new, I do all" if not complete this all.

> How people can say "I need new class" of not have all current ??


> This is the same like people say I need new fractal, but not complete all fractals, not have lhb title, and not have 250/1000kp from 100cm.


> So, and about ap. not have 40k ? New content not for you.





For people that have plenty to do, you are right you don't need to add new content. But if you plan for those people you lose others. The main reason we are not losing more population now is that there are a number of MMOs that are in works that are not released yet. Anet needs to stay ahead of that curve. You have to design for those that are looking for content, not for those that are starting out or already have plenty they are working on. MMOs are buffets, it's not that you eat everything, it's what catches your interest. New elites allow players to re-enjoy old content and do things they might have done a number of times already. It's an easy win.




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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> I guess you missed the part where ArenaNet had all their projects cancelled by NCSoft and half their staff fired as well.


side projects*

none of them were related to gw2, they were using the money players spent in gems and expacs to silently make other games, some for mobile and what could have been gw3

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > I guess you missed the part where ArenaNet had all their projects cancelled by NCSoft and half their staff fired as well.


> side projects*

> none of them were related to gw2, they were using the money players spent in gems and expacs to silently make other games, some for mobile and what could have been gw3


Nothing wrong with this really, it just did not pan out.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > > I guess you missed the part where ArenaNet had all their projects cancelled by NCSoft and half their staff fired as well.

> >

> > side projects*

> > none of them were related to gw2, they were using the money players spent in gems and expacs to silently make other games, some for mobile and what could have been gw3


> Nothing wrong with this really, it just did not pan out.

In theory, it;s nothing wrong. Things get different however when you realize that those resources used on other projects were the resources that would have been used on third expansion. So, in the end, if you gave some money to Anet hoping that money would be used for GW2, know that it got used to _cancel_ GW2 development instead.

I'm pretty sure that even if it did pan out, it would pan out only for Anet. Not for GW2 players. If anything, the situation of the game might have been even _worse_ than it is now, as probably even more resources would have ended moved towards those new titles, starving gw2 even further.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > Expansions are a relic of the time when it was not possible to get small chunks of content out to everybody frequently.

> >

> > :lol: Are you serious? "Small chunks of content" are like reading a book where someone forbids you to read more than one chapter at once, but only one every 2-4 months instead of reading the book at your own pace. How is _that_ preferable, and how is reading a book at your own pace "a relic of the past"? :s

> It's the difference between reading a movie and watching a weekly tv show. Some people prefer one, some the other.


> The "relic of the past" comment wasn't aimed at how you get to consume the content, but simply at the technical delivery. Just like people could only watch movies at the theatre before tv became a thing. Doesn't mean expansions will disappear from the face of the earth, simply that they are no longer mandatory and we will see more and more games deliver content in smaller chunks in the future.


Well after arenanet tried and failed work delivering small chunks at a time, me thinks no other company is dumb enough to try it. I think now they are in a pickle and basically forced to deliver content in this way due to low staffing.


Delivering something that can be done in a day or 2 (at a very slow & easy pace I might add) along with a bunch of skins to buy isn’t entirely going to work. There was a reason on opening day of this new map (and the days following it), had so few people on the map). Yes there were times when large groups were on, but they had essentially blasted through everything in a few hours and left (I was in one of those groups). I wasn’t even all that attentive as I was both watching a movie and making dinner at the same time. Despite those 2 things, I was still finished in less than a day.


I think Anet is honestly a lot better off halting the saga and updating the old Tyria maps and dungeons instead



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> @"lare.5129" said:

> mostly who ask this don't close yet all dungeon collection from existing ?


We got all stuff you can collect from dungeons years ago. There aren't new ones still. And since you aren't playing from the beginning the community has asked for new dungeons a gazillion times. We were just ignored until raids came out and today it seems that those are abandoned as well. Maybe you are the one out of 10 players that favor the new strikes over everything but it's obvious that you are not the majority. Those strikes have no lore, no proper rewards, no challenge (at least no 2nd mode for people that want a real challenge) and much more. Overall there's **no love** in this kind of content and as it stands for now they won't be an appropriate substitution which is heavily needed. Living world only won't keep this game alive not in terms of ingame population and especially not in terms of finances because LW is for free and not everyone will support the game's actual direction via gem store for long.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> > > > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > > > I guess you missed the part where ArenaNet had all their projects cancelled by NCSoft and half their staff fired as well.

> > >

> > > side projects*

> > > none of them were related to gw2, they were using the money players spent in gems and expacs to silently make other games, some for mobile and what could have been gw3

> >

> > Nothing wrong with this really, it just did not pan out.

> In theory, it;s nothing wrong. Things get different however when you realize that those resources used on other projects were the resources that would have been used on third expansion. So, in the end, if you gave some money to Anet hoping that money would be used for GW2, know that it got used to _cancel_ GW2 development instead.

> I'm pretty sure that even if it did pan out, it would pan out only for Anet. Not for GW2 players. If anything, the situation of the game might have been even _worse_ than it is now, as probably even more resources would have ended moved towards those new titles, starving gw2 even further.


Not only gw3, those resources could have been used to fix the disaster class balance is, give us better endgame content, add stuff to wvw/pvp, new raids, new fractals, other game modes, or a better implementation of warclaws and templates, or an overall better quality of the game, instead of that we "lost" our money, game is becoming trash really fast and they even lost the man power to turn it all around and fix it

we could be enjoying the same gw2 we used to love, or even a better one, at least thats why i think people pay real money, to support the game they are playing and loving, but no, anet had to "outsmart" us by hiding what they were doing with our money while sinking the ship

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> those strikes have no lore, no proper rewards,

nice rewards, groth strike have 70g value bag, bjora - mats for 32 bag slot. As for me it is cool.


> no challenge

why it should be? no way plz. What chellange like other 1% who complete Dhuum cm raid?

We have challenge - but for some magic reason no one do it .. and mostly no one see fun in this. only that 1% So why we should ask to do 90+% content for that 1%?


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> nice rewards, groth strike have 70g value bag, bjora - mats for 32 bag slot. As for me it is cool.


Grothmar strike reward is a lucky drop and not something you can rely on or build up with some kind of currency. Lucky drops are a pestilence for me personally and for many others as well. Sure, it's good for you in a **subjective way**. That's what I meant: It's good for you but definitely not for many others.


> > no challenge

> why it should be? no way plz. What chellange like other 1% who complete Dhuum cm raid?

> We have challenge - but for some magic reason no one do it .. and mostly no one see fun in this. only that 1% So why we should ask to do 90+% content for that 1%?


Because this game lacks challenging content heavily. You and the majority can have normal modes stuffed in your throat till you puke I don't care but at least Anet should hand out some additional modes for people that play the game in a more ambitious style. You don't need to play that kind of content and you shouldn't totally be forced into it I agree but at least here on a loveless encounter with 0 lore or storytelling and no high-level graphical surrounding they should have been able to easily construct a challenge mode.


Overall it's kind of toxic that you want deny content for me and others as well. Just accept that there should be new content for you but for me as well. Thank you for your understanding!



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Its a waste of dev resources to exclusively cater to the rare few people doing doing raids or cm fractals. Blizzard for example stated that Looking for Raid difficulty ensured a lot more people got to see the content. The alternative would be no more raids, as the raid development resources was getting difficult to justify.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> one more thing, mostly about "we need new content" talk people who not complete current content.

> I still not have legend ring, not have all legendary raid sets, not create all leg weapons, and ect ..

> And I can't say "I neeed new, I do all" if not complete this all.

> How people can say "I need new class" of not have all current ??


> This is the same like people say I need new fractal, but not complete all fractals, not have lhb title, and not have 250/1000kp from 100cm.


> So, and about ap. not have 40k ? New content not for you.





We can say it because we are individuals just like you with our own preferences. New specs provide new ways to play old classes. That's one of the biggest things they can do to keep the gameplay fresh for me.



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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Because this game lacks challenging content heavily.

We have some heavily content, and 1% complete it. Plus another 1% compete it by paying gold(or some value stuff) to some 0.2% from fisrt 1%.

Other 98% sometime try, sometimes at all don't try this "heavily content". So I still don't see any reason where profit do more "heavily content".


> Anet should hand out some additional modes for people that play the game in a more ambitious style

and we have this for that 1%.

> Overall it's kind of toxic that you want deny content for me and others as well. Just accept that there should be new content for you but for me as well.

I play long time, and ap count will be 30k soon, and I never try kill Dhuum cm, as most players in my guild, and don't have plan to do that nearest 20 years. So why I should think what some challenge will give some improvements ??


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Season 4 really ended without a setup so in terms of story progression it makes sense that Season 5 would come after.


I still however maintain that it was a bad move to Kill of an Elder Dragon in the living world.. even though it was done well and I seriously loved all our encounters with him, Elder Dragons are the main antagonists of this game.. so it is better that they are saved for expansions and the smaller villains like Joko, Caudicus, Lazarus etc are better suited for the living world while also being used to set up a big conflict with a Elder Dragon or a God etc.


What I'm hopeful for is that the Icebrood Saga will be used to set up another expansion and I am going to be "extremely" disappointed if it does not.

I do not want to go into another living world season/saga after this one.. I want the climax that this storyline is setting up to be part of a big paid expansion with new elite specs and other big features.

I do not want to go 4-5-6 years without another expansion in this game regardless of how good the living world content is.. it just isn't enough content, I want that big content dump experience that the living world simply cannot provide.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> expansion with new elite specs and other big features.

what expansion can bring - is remove 2 current spec, and merge it.

Also I predict it will be nice half year, and after that total nerf, and core domination.

Same we was have wiht hot, and after some time with pof.

It is realy interested ?? - no



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> @"lare.5129" said:

> We have some heavily content, and 1% complete it. Plus another 1% compete it by paying gold(or some value stuff) to some 0.2% from fisrt 1%.

> Other 98% sometime try, sometimes at all don't try this "heavily content". So I still don't see any reason where profit do more "heavily content".


The latest challenging content we got is 6 months old and was a raid wing. That wing is easier than others before and even the challenge modes arent' spicy. In addition there is no new fractal since 11 months now and the latest (Deepstone & Siren's Reef) were heavily rejected by both groups, elites and casuals.

And your numbers are wrong. It was rather 10% and not 1%. Of course those numbers should have been decreased by now which is not surprising due to lack of appropriate content for this target audience.


> and we have this for that 1%.


Again: You are talking about already existent content. It's old like the story mission of 2 weeks ago which you most likely won't play again with the mere disparity that raids are replayable for much longer and therefore have a right to exist. It's completely ok that this game focuses on LW and throw-away content due to the player distribution but neglecting some parts of the community won't pay off. But ok, let's have capes now. That'll give the game a boost, I guess. /s


> I play long time, and ap count will be 30k soon, and I never try kill Dhuum cm, as most players in my guild, and don't have plan to do that nearest 20 years. So why I should think what some challenge will give some improvements ??


And? You don't have to play Dhuum CM. It's not your interest but can you please stop being so egoistic and only think about yourself? There are a lot of players and players that already left because Anet didn't catered content to them.

God, it's kind of disgusting to discuss with you. Your attitude is indirectly much more toxic than any elite player ranting and throwing cheap insults around.


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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> The latest challenging content we got is 6 months old and was a raid wing.

Adn we still see that most players not complete this. So where is the point actively do more ?


>That wing is easier than others before and even the challenge modes arent' spicy.

yes, arent' spicy for 1%. and to much hot for 99%.


> In addition there is no new fractal since 11 months now and the latest (Deepstone & Siren's Reef) were heavily rejected by both groups, elites and casuals.

yes, I say same. And that mostly we here ? Please nerf, on ship to hot, please remove npng and social awayk for it, and etc.,,


> And your numbers are wrong. It was rather 10% and not 1%.

10% players kill Dhuum on cm???

May be you want say 10% from very actively raiding players ? And actively raiding players is 10% from all community ? )) So anyway this is !%.


> And? You don't have to play Dhuum CM. It's not your interest but can you please stop being so egoistic and only think about yourself? There are a lot of players and players that already left because Anet didn't catered content to them.

so why I should agree wiht point do some chalanged content for 1% players who will leave gw2 anyway then completed it per few weeks ?

They are no "long term" player, the come, kill, say good bye. Why we should worry about that non stable players???


Anyway for me more better stop add raid, totaly nerf existing. So I and many others will start do leg armor from raid and close some cm achievements.



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> @"lare.5129" said:

> Adn we still see that most players not complete this. So where is the point actively do more ?


Because those players are not interested in such kind of content. They don't scream "nerf it". They just don't play it. The point in doing more is to make the game more attractive again for a different kind of community of players than you belong to.


> yes, arent' spicy for 1%. and to much hot for 99%.


Nice numbers but you have no proof. On the first day I went in with half the squad being non-raiders and we brought the 2 first bosses below 50% in 1 hour training. So, it is definitely doable for more than 10% of the player base and it was already shown that W7 was able to bring in new blood into raids.


> yes, I say same. And that mostly we here ? Please nerf, on ship to hot, please remove npng and social awayk for it, and etc.,,


Don't play T4 then if you are not good enough to handle it. I joined a lot of groups being at the final boss with 3-4 men in the group because others ragequitted. I chose guard for it, spammed reflects and every single time we beat the encounter the first or the 2nd pull.


> 10% players kill Dhuum on cm???

> May be you want say 10% from very actively raiding players ? And actively raiding players is 10% from all community ? )) So anyway this is !%.


10% or more were raiding. That what I was saying. Having Dhuum CM only beaten by a lesser amount of players is totally fine. It's the hardest encounter and therefore why should everybody ez pz kill it? In addition a lot of raiders didn't use voice coms and the scourge strat with epidemic (pre- & post-nerf) which was very doable even if you're not an elite raider. I've seen too many groups trying with random pugs, no voice coms and usual strats so it was kinda obvious to fail. But again, no need to take Dhuum CM as an indicator for raiding population or popularity at all.


> so why I should agree wiht point do some chalanged content for 1% players who will leave gw2 anyway then completed it per few weeks ?

> They are no "long term" player, the come, kill, say good bye. Why we should worry about that non stable players???


Because those players deserve content as well. They are/were paying customers and a lot of raiders were more active players than a lot of casuals who bought the game, spend some hours and then leave again. Instanced content like raids & fractals keep players playing but you need to have fresh stuff as well here. Nobody said there should be a raid every 3 months like LW, same for fractals but too long cadences mean massive efflux of such players and of course your chance of ever beat harder encounters will dwindle. Maybe you will never be able to beat some of the raid bosses, not even Non-CMs, because you don't find enough competent players to get through.


> Anyway for me more better stop add raid, totaly nerf existing. So I and many others will start do leg armor from raid and close some cm achievements.


Ah here we are. You want all the shiny rewards for free. Maybe they should put all the achievements behind the log in button peppered with raid rewards and let's say a nice 100g per day. I guess you should start to learn to play the game. With a proper build you don't even need to do heavy focused rotations and easily kill raid bosses. But better use your mixed open world build and complain about shadow behemoth tickle you to death.


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