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Involuntary Griffon dismounts?

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So I just got my griffon and getting used to riding it, problem is that I sometimes get a few steps on it, maybe one flap, and then get dismounted from it.


Besides the usual smartypants comments like 'oh it just doesn't like you', does anyone have anything useful to suggest as to why it does this? There's no issue like this with any other of my mounts, just the griffon.

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I encountered a similar issue yesterday while mounted on a Skimmer in Vabbi's branded region. It was _not_ amusing to constantly get dismounted whenever hot by a lightning bolt while still at full health.


The issue was gone when I relogged, so I assume it's an engine error/bug that needs to be addressed.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> Involuntary random dismounts are an issue throughout the game. It seems to be tied to player population and/or grouping, because I am mostly seeing it during things like Serpent's Ire where we are filling the map and all grouped up in one part of it.


This is the behavior i've noticed too, when doing Triple Trouble several times last week and it happens to whole groups of players, not just individuals. Half of our squad got randomly dimounted **at the same time**, every few minutes while waiting in the camp for the event to start.

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