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6 years of Necromancy!


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![](https://i.imgur.com/mYEhjc2.jpg "")


This Tuesday ( December 3rd ) my oldest character, my Necromancer, will be 6 years old.


I don't plan to make a thread on this every year, though I did last year as well, but wanted to celebrate once more with a little backstory, discussion and appreciation.


Though my very first character was an Engineer, I eventually deleted it in favor of something less complex, and it didn't take long to become glued to it.


I leveled this character entirely in WvW after having discovered it shortly before creating it, and I remember how glorious my first fully leveled battles were destroying everything with Wells.


Now completely in love with the class, I began looking deeper in to trait, skill and stat synergies, trying to custom make my own perfect build. And of course I settled on a Rabid Dhuumfire build because it was disgustingly broken and hilarious stacking Burns with auto attacks. Good times those were.


Needing gold and materials to continue experimenting with builds I began to do dungeons, spending half my day being insta-kicked from nearly every group I managed to find. The few unfortunate enough to accept me probably regretted it after learning I was a condition build and having to deal with my idiocy trying to convince them it was good ( I'm still this stubborn and stupid today tbh ).


After hording materials, completing world exploration and meeting some friends generous enough to help me along, I began my journey to create my first Legendary weapon; Meteorlogicus. There's a long unfortunate story tied to the creation of this weapon that makes it extra sentimental to me, but I won't share that one here. It was my first and only Legendary item for at least the next 3 years.


At this point I could probably consider myself a WvW veteran and had participated in many of the most memorable battles and events in it's history. Ranks became account bound and I learned I was a higher rank than most. EOTM was released shortly after and well, the grind called my name and I set out to maintain my rank difference.


From Gold through to Diamond I commanded in EOTM. I made a lot of friends, had a lot of great fights and made some wonderful memories. I know many frown upon those that exploited the WXP gain there, and in a way I do too. But I don't regret the fun I had doing it.


Today, I still play Necro, I still experiment with builds, I still play WvW and I still have fun. I could write a novel on all the memories I've had with my Necro alone, never mind the other classes I've played as well, so I'll stop here to spare the sanity of any who stayed to read all of this junk.


Happy 6 years! Keep raising the dead, my friends. If you have any stories of your own, I would absolutely love to read them, so please share (:

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Wow time really flies.

A year has passed since I last read your 5 year thread but it feels only like yesterday.


I think GW2 has become an important memory in many of our lives and I am no different.

One of my fondest memories was of getting to roam with you in WvW for a period while I was on Mag.

Although we are on opposing servers now, I look forward to the good and fun fights as always.


I am a little hesitant to say 'see you again in your 7th year' because the game's future just feels really unclear to me right now.

But here's to hoping we get many more years of good WvW game time :)

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Wow time really flies.

> A year has passed since I last read your 5 year thread but it feels only like yesterday.


> I think GW2 has become an important memory in many of our lives and I am no different.

> One of my fondest memories was of getting to roam with you in WvW for a period while I was on Mag.

> Although we are on opposing servers now, I look forward to the good and fun fights as always.


> I am a little hesitant to say 'see you again in your 7th year' because the game's future just feels really unclear to me right now.

> But here's to hoping we get many more years of good WvW game time :)


It sure does. Every year goes a little faster than the last.


I always give you a little /wave if I see you (: As I always do to people I recognize, even if they don't know me, lol.


And I feel you. I said I'd stop playing years ago, but here I am still playing. I don't know what it will be that'll make me quit for good, but every failed patch and server that drops to medium population makes me feel that time is getting closer. We'll see if I make it to 7 years, but honestly I hope I don't.


Thanks for reading, and keep on keeping on!

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o m g!!!!!!!! I did the same thing. started with engie, but didn't like it all that much after the change so I played necro to pass the time while my friend go the game. we were suppose to start new characters together so I made a thief but found myself blasting through all content on necro and loving it, soo many alts sitting while my necro clocks in as many hours as I can.

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