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> @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

> > Core warrior along with thief is the most seen core class ( personal exp ).

> > I see 100 core warriors for every core engi I see. ( there is 1 core engi main i keep seing lol. he is the only core i have seen in 300 games this season other then boom )


> **It is easy to see why. Core engineer sucks. ** Arenanet has repeatedly balanced overpowered engineer elite specs by toning down the core ( = wrong approach). Holosmith still needs adjustments down, but core engineer needs to be upgraded to the same level of other cores.


> I have spent thousands of hours as core engineer, but it simply is uphill battle vs elite specs and equally skilled opponents. In recent month I have almost solely played core mesmer. Despite my playing experience as mesmer is 1/40th of engineer, I can win 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 2, get easy disengage, be still useful of big group fights and so on. Core mesmer is loads better than core engineer.


> Core warrior is still one of the strongest core specs, thanks to greatsword and related traits, like forceful greatsword. If warrior's greatsword would be nerfed down the level of some other weapons, like longbow or rifle, core warrior would die. Now almost every warrior spec is abusing greatsword.


> Other strong core specs include guardian and thief.



Ye, the strongest are propably necro,thief, war and guardian.

Then there is big big big gap ;p

I think condi core engi could be good if everyone didnt vomit so much condi cleanse.

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