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Unranked - Testing Builds?


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Mkay, so I was queueing in unranked with a dps scrapper, and obviously I was playing just for fun. Then someone on my team was raging about a warrior 1v1ing, and called him a toxic asshole even though he didn't say anything in chat. I told him to calm down. Then after the match, the player messaged me saying that he plays unranked to win, and to go to custom arenas if you're bad or want to test builds. He then blocked me cause I have 10k AP, and apparently, AP determines if you suck at PvP or not. Anyways, this brings up the question: Do you play unranked for the sole purpose of trying to win, or just for casual play?

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Definitely casual play. I usually play unranked if I want to queue up with friends/guildies, or want to test builds. You can't really test a build in a duel arena unless you're specifically testing for duel potential and a non-dueling custom arena game will have too many variables to test your build reliably imo.

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