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crafting question

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i cant help being a completionist :( i was wondering is there any way in game to see what recipes i have not yet learnt? in wow (finally) it shows you all the recipes in game, and lists the ones you have, and the ones you dont. i was going through bank and i have many bits and bobs i've not sold because they may be useful in learning unknown recipes, thus i may be sitting on a bit of gold that i am not giving myself access to.


example, i found a Sentinel's Mithril Plated Inscription. its currently going for 50-92g! BUT it seems there are 8 weaponsmith, 7 huntsmans, and 4 artificer plans i dont know. so im losing out on 50-92g by hanging onto it. but as its no longer attainable, i dont want to sell it while i am missing recipes.


and on that note, am i able to use 1 Sentinel's Mithril Plated Inscription to craft each of those 19 recipes im missing by crafting it, and salvaging it, and will i get the Sentinel's Mithril Plated Inscription back each time when i salvage with a mystic salvage kit. or is there a risk of losing the Sentinel's Mithril Plated Inscription if the salvage rng doesn't work in a certain way.


many thanks :)

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There is no way to get crafting components like inscriptions back when salvaging, no matter what kit you use. Salvaging only returns the raw materials (like mithril or elder wood) and upgrade components - runes and sigils (or their crafting materials).


So you will only be able to make 1 weapon with this inscription. The only way to make them all would be to buy more inscriptions. (You could sell the weapons on the TP afterwards to get back some of the gold, but it would still be pretty expensive.)

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Actually, you can get *some* inscriptions back. From the wiki entry, "Inscriptions with no recipe can be salvaged from weapons and armor for the inscription, excluding Apostate's, Forsaken, and Sentinel's." Which does mean you won't get Sentinel's back. It was a rare drop in the Molten Facility and doesn't seem to have a source now. Since you'd need the inscription to craft any learned recipe in the future, and will 'discover' it whenever you do, that might be a longer term project? You do essentially already know the recipe, standard format is two weapon pieces plus one inscription, it's just not listed in your craft window until you make it the first time.


Meanwhile, I am pretty sure that if you set up a gw2efficiency . com account and put in the appropriate API key, it will be able to track your known/unknown recipes. At least it seems the sort of thing that site helps with :) Failing that you can /wiki on any item in your bank you're debating, eg /wiki Sentinel's Mithril-Plated Inscription, and review the wiki page for the "Used in" section. Then cross reference that to your crafting screen to see if you know the recipe yet.

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Lucian: aye, i meant was there a way to see the ones i was missing.


Danikat: ty. i was mixing up inscriptions with runes/sigils i think :(


Donari: ty. i will have a look at gw2efficiency. atm i am having to wiki everything (i have taken long breaks between LWs1 and start of s3 p2, and then again between s3 p2 and 2 months ago when i came back. so i have many wierd items in my bank/bags that i have had to wiki because i have no memory of when i got them. and while wiki is extensive, doing it this way can be fustrating as wiki has only basic info, and a lot of it doesn't smoothly connect, even like giving no info when you hover over an item. maybe i am more used to wowhead in the past. but i will be looking at gw2efficiency now ty :)

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Actually, you can get *some* inscriptions back. From the wiki entry, "Inscriptions with no recipe can be salvaged from weapons and armor for the inscription, excluding Apostate's, Forsaken, and Sentinel's." Which does mean you won't get Sentinel's back. It was a rare drop in the Molten Facility and doesn't seem to have a source now. Since you'd need the inscription to craft any learned recipe in the future, and will 'discover' it whenever you do, that might be a longer term project? You do essentially already know the recipe, standard format is two weapon pieces plus one inscription, it's just not listed in your craft window until you make it the first time.


> Meanwhile, I am pretty sure that if you set up a gw2efficiency . com account and put in the appropriate API key, it will be able to track your known/unknown recipes. At least it seems the sort of thing that site helps with :) Failing that you can /wiki on any item in your bank you're debating, eg /wiki Sentinel's Mithril-Plated Inscription, and review the wiki page for the "Used in" section. Then cross reference that to your crafting screen to see if you know the recipe yet.


ok, gw2efficiency seems to show you hidden recipes. its VERY clunky (needing to then go through wiki) especially compared to the feature im used to in wow, but its there.


tyvm :D

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