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Speed "Whoosh" Effect at +33% Only, Please!


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I've never been a fan of the "whoosh" visual effect when running at +33% speed, but since I rarely use speed boosts anyway, I've been able to tolerate it. (Speed boosts _really_ mess with my jumping puzzles, which are bad enough as it is).


I recently broke down and picked up the level 1 Pact Commander Mastery so that I could use the Mentor icon and help out newbies. I figured the 5% speed boost in town would barely be noticeable, and there aren't that many JPs in town anyway.


What bugs me is that now I have the "whoosh" speed effect even at a lousy 5% speed boost! They even appear when walking, and doing emotes! This is the only time I've seen this effect other than at +33% speed. It is getting on my nerves something fierce, especially since it interferes with getting any more nice screen captures in town.


I assume ANet won't let me go back in time and UNselect that Mastery. So how about sticking to the established rules, and only show that ugly effect when at max +33% speed?

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> I've never been a fan of the "whoosh" visual effect when running at +33% speed, but since I rarely use speed boosts anyway, I've been able to tolerate it. (Speed boosts _really_ mess with my jumping puzzles, which are bad enough as it is).


> I recently broke down and picked up the level 1 Pact Commander Mastery so that I could use the Mentor icon and help out newbies. I figured the 5% speed boost in town would barely be noticeable, and there aren't that many JPs in town anyway.


> What bugs me is that now I have the "whoosh" speed effect even at a lousy 5% speed boost! They even appear when walking, and doing emotes! This is the only time I've seen this effect other than at +33% speed. It is getting on my nerves something fierce, especially since it interferes with getting any more nice screen captures in town.


> I assume ANet won't let me go back in time and UNselect that Mastery. So how about sticking to the established rules, and only show that ugly effect when at max +33% speed?


RP walk. That should get rid of it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Just an FYI: It's 15% speed bonus.


I only did the very FIRST Mastery level (Pact Mentor) which is just 5% speed increase. The THIRD level (Supply Line Management) is where you get up to 15%. I did not go that far.



> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> RP walk. That should get rid of it.


As I mentioned, walking does NOT get rid of it. I get those hair-like streaks with almost ANY movement... jumping, emoting - ANYTHING! That's what's so disturbing to an RPer / "Photographer"... they're _constantly_ with me now, ruining all my in-town screen captures.


RP walking at +5% speed hardly merits the "whoosh" effect, but there it is. And /dancing? What's up with that? Why should I have "whoosh" effects when I dance? They need to tone it down to where it only appears at the max +33% speed, like with all other speed boosters.


![](https://i.imgur.com/eqLKOrD.jpg "")


She's a fully-clothed streaker.

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I second that. Please get rid of this visual effect when players are outside of combat.

Sure one could argue, that nowadays there are so many effects on armors, backitems or via infusions, that the "speed stripes" are barely noticeable, but I even dislike the little glowing sparks, when my characters gain experience, so I'd love to see a way to tone down the unwanted FX.

Another possibility would be, if ANet could let us choose to enable / disable the speed boost of the mastery.

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