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Best build/class to kill a thief, that is NOT a thief/mes.


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> @Caedmon.6798 said:

> > @Snowywonders.1378 said:

> > Dragonhunter. Those saying spellbreaker, get real. Spellbreaker can put up a fight, sure, but it is not at all a counter to power thieves.


> It sorta can actually,we have a util that reveals and tether trait ( the pull ) also has a reveal,i think thats pretty much a counter espec for tether If it lands the thief cant stealth and if he trys to port he gets pulled back to you.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sight_beyond_Sight


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magebane_Tether_(trait_skill)


It is, to a certain degree, but it's not nearly as devastating as a guardian's spear that can pull you whenever, even at mid dodge. With the spellbreaker's version, you have much more control over it because you can easily avoid being pulled by staying at a sufficient distance, I have done it several times. And dragonhunter's burst is much scarier too. The worst thing a spellbreaker can hit you with is greatsword's F1 and GS 3, and the former is one you can avoid if you watch for it. As a thief (daredevil), I find fighting spellbreakers easier than berserker or even core warrior because they don't have a scary burst. It allows me to wear them down easily enough. The problem arises when you have teammates beside you activating fullcounter, then they hurt.


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I have to admit the balance in this game is so bad that it is beyond fixing. I played an MOBA, called Warhammer 40K Eternal Crusade, and the balance between the Space Marines, Chaos Marines and Orks, is what every PvP MMO really should be striving for. There were checks and balances to each ability, and a very fair, but somewhat progressive skill and gear progression. While by and large, it was the most teeth grinding hate fueled game of suck I ever played, the balance was what made it bearable. (except Eldar, those OPed elves needed to die in a fire!)

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> @Galmac.4680 said:

> Well, just play a condi necro, place AOEs and let your thief bleed out. Look for WvW roaming builds (MetaBattle, shout reaper roamer or scrouge). And take the corrosive poison cloud with you against long bow rangers or pistol thiefs.

> Almost no problems then.


sadly necro is next on my list of what dead. But i think they need a patch first, right now they are just too op.

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> @Exciton.8942 said:

> Anything with burst damage or lockdown potential.


> If you go for sustain build, you won't be able to kill a half-decent thief.


This. As a person who sometimes roams on a cheese thief build to flip camps, tap keeps, and whatnot, burst, either straight damage of condi overload, or lockdown, are often the death of me. A sustain build is usually not an issue as I can jump in, flip around applying condis, then disengage before they can do anything meaningful to me.

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> @Galmac.4680 said:

> Well, just play a condi necro, place AOEs and let your thief bleed out. Look for WvW roaming builds (MetaBattle, shout reaper roamer or scrouge). And take the corrosive poison cloud with you against long bow rangers or pistol thiefs.

> Almost no problems then.


6 second block is hardly no problem. I still kill necros (and classes of them) with P/P daredevil, Rifle DE and pewpew Soulbeast

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> @Juba.8406 said:

> Core Warrior with sword/shield-GS, Bull's charge traited with Peak Performance, Might makes right and Heightened focus.


Yeah but Core Warrior is and has been the most powerful *_1v1 duel_* profession for a while now. It has all the handicaps and over-tuned utility/abilities to deal with anyone of equal (and often higher) skill level. But shhh, don't let the core-warrior "It's not an xpac-spec therefore requires more skill" try-hards hear me! They might fall off their crutches in rage.


The only downside to using core warrior in the context of OP's post is that if the Thief decides to bail, it's chase potential is limited to a single attempt - Rush, Bull's, Whirlwind, and either Throw Axe or Savage Leap - provided none are already on cooldown.

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> The only downside to using core warrior in the context of OP's post is that if the Thief decides to bail, it's chase potential is limited to a single attempt - Rush, Bull's, Whirlwind, and either Throw Axe or Savage Leap - provided none are already on cooldown.


Strange, i didn't get a notification for your comment.


Anyway, Sometimes I drop shield and equip Mace instead, Almost no one expect that 1200 ranged knock down coming from you.


As for bailing, you can not stop a good Thief, Mesmer, Druid or Engi if they decides to bail, But this will give them a good run for their money and will get them to think twice before ganking you again.


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> @QuantumCat.9051 said:

> > @Exciton.8942 said:

> > Anything with burst damage or lockdown potential.

> >

> > If you go for sustain build, you won't be able to kill a half-decent thief.


> This. As a person who sometimes roams on a cheese thief build to flip camps, tap keeps, and whatnot, burst, either straight damage of condi overload, or lockdown, are often the death of me. A sustain build is usually not an issue as I can jump in, flip around applying condis, then disengage before they can do anything meaningful to me.


Anets idea of "balance" - Jump around not actually doing anything but spamming dodges and the odd Death Blossom....

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> > @Juba.8406 said:

> > Core Warrior with sword/shield-GS, Bull's charge traited with Peak Performance, Might makes right and Heightened focus.


> Yeah but Core Warrior is and has been the most powerful *_1v1 duel_* profession for a while now. It has all the handicaps and over-tuned utility/abilities to deal with anyone of equal (and often higher) skill level. But shhh, don't let the core-warrior "It's not an xpac-spec therefore requires more skill" try-hards hear me! They might fall off their crutches in rage.


> The only downside to using core warrior in the context of OP's post is that if the Thief decides to bail, it's chase potential is limited to a single attempt - Rush, Bull's, Whirlwind, and either Throw Axe or Savage Leap - provided none are already on cooldown.


Eh, that's a stretch, but it's certainly more powerful now than it has been for a bit. There are plenty of counter builds still, and thief has a couple of them. For example, I came across a s+p thief yesterday who had enough damage and control over melee to unpack any melee warrior, provided he kept focus and patience. A well played zerk druid with lb and some mobility weapon (staff, gs, etc) can do the same in a 1v1. Things tip more to the warrior's favour in a more constrained space though.

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> @Silverstone.4539 said:

> ok so a War, how should i set it up? knockdown? tanky or zerker?


> reading more i think the new spellbreker class night do the trick


Spe> @Choppy.4183 said:

> > @Turk.5460 said:

> > > @Juba.8406 said:

> > > Core Warrior with sword/shield-GS, Bull's charge traited with Peak Performance, Might makes right and Heightened focus.

> >

> > Yeah but Core Warrior is and has been the most powerful *_1v1 duel_* profession for a while now. It has all the handicaps and over-tuned utility/abilities to deal with anyone of equal (and often higher) skill level. But shhh, don't let the core-warrior "It's not an xpac-spec therefore requires more skill" try-hards hear me! They might fall off their crutches in rage.

> >

> > The only downside to using core warrior in the context of OP's post is that if the Thief decides to bail, it's chase potential is limited to a single attempt - Rush, Bull's, Whirlwind, and either Throw Axe or Savage Leap - provided none are already on cooldown.


> Eh, that's a stretch, but it's certainly more powerful now than it has been for a bit. There are plenty of counter builds still, and thief has a couple of them. For example, I came across a s+p thief yesterday who had enough damage and control over melee to unpack any melee warrior, provided he kept focus and patience. A well played zerk druid with lb and some mobility weapon (staff, gs, etc) can do the same in a 1v1. Things tip more to the warrior's favour in a more constrained space though.


Warrior sure have the upper-hand if thief fight fair without retreating and re-positioning.

But thief can generally reset the fight until they actually burn the warrior's cd up, so in an unfair fight where retreat is an option, thief still has the upper hand.

The lack of good range option really hinders warrior alot compare to thief's teleportation / stealth, and mesmer's stealth/ range condi spam.

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > The thing is You cant kill thief in wvw unless that thief is willing to fight for death. You can survive against him tough If thats ur goal, but kill... No.


> You just need to lockdown and burst while their stunbreaks are on CD.


Until you realize that the thiefs cd is shorter than your own.

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> @gebrechen.5643 said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > > The thing is You cant kill thief in wvw unless that thief is willing to fight for death. You can survive against him tough If thats ur goal, but kill... No.

> >

> > You just need to lockdown and burst while their stunbreaks are on CD.


> Until you realize that the thiefs cd is shorter than your own.


I don't have any issue bursting them with the build I use, they need to continually attack because it's tanky and it can withstand a lot, but I only need to get off a couple of skills in succession to down them.

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @gebrechen.5643 said:

> > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > > @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > > > The thing is You cant kill thief in wvw unless that thief is willing to fight for death. You can survive against him tough If thats ur goal, but kill... No.

> > >

> > > You just need to lockdown and burst while their stunbreaks are on CD.

> >

> > Until you realize that the thiefs cd is shorter than your own.


> I don't have any issue bursting them with the build I use, they need to continually attack because it's tanky and it can withstand a lot, but I only need to get off a couple of skills in succession to down them.


Correct, the regen of Warrior requires the Thief to constantly be engaging. Its not like fighting other sustain builds where the Thief can back off and re-assess for a while. Every second the thief is not damaging the warrior means the warrior is healing back up.

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > @gebrechen.5643 said:

> > > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > > > @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > > > > The thing is You cant kill thief in wvw unless that thief is willing to fight for death. You can survive against him tough If thats ur goal, but kill... No.

> > > >

> > > > You just need to lockdown and burst while their stunbreaks are on CD.

> > >

> > > Until you realize that the thiefs cd is shorter than your own.

> >

> > I don't have any issue bursting them with the build I use, they need to continually attack because it's tanky and it can withstand a lot, but I only need to get off a couple of skills in succession to down them.


> Correct, the regen of Warrior requires the Thief to constantly be engaging. Its not like fighting other sustain builds where the Thief can back off and re-assess for a while. Every second the thief is not damaging the warrior means the warrior is healing back up.


Except Poison means you are healing up less still on warrior...


I used to run a vanilla Warrior that would kill every thief that stuck around (and a few that tried to leave) but it relied heavily on perma resistance boon to stay alive against those other condi roaming classes. It worked fine until I ran into something that boon stripped consistently like Reaper or Power Mesmer option (Thief boon strip on steal is meh and resistance would be reapplied < 3s later anyways so nothing to worry about).


My honest 90%+ success rate counter to single thief roamer is run Reaper shouts (heal + elite + at least 2 utilities) with Runes of the Reaper. I got so many hate whispers cursing my face roll class. All it takes is a spacing out of the shouts and laying Staff marks at your feet to make thieves waste their condi cleanses/dodges and then CC/condi burst down. Bursting 5K+ bleed per s + 1K+ poison per s + chill is not to be taken lightly...Scourge is for zerg, Reaper is for roaming. Occasionally, you might run into a Sword/Dagger or P/P Daredevil but they would leave well before you were in any way hurt. The key with Reaper shouts is they all are on relatively low cooldowns so you reset about as fast as thief setups especially with your 2nd armor skin of shroud. The counter to Reaper is really Druids and probably now Soulbeast can kite you down if you don't use LoS/condi tick outs to outplay them which is why scepter 2 & 3 hitting is so crucial. Round and round, pick your flavor.


Anyways, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. At least you'll learn what you fail at as one and realize what you need to look for. Generally, opening sequence for thief is key, if that precious initial sequence doesn't land, thieves either need to reset/run or are basically screwed unless they have backup. In that time, you should be doing the same.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Silverstone.4539 said:

> > I have had it with being jump and slowly pecked down to death by thief's in WvW. I want revenge on them all. BUT, I'm not going to stoop to their level by playing one. So what's the best build/class, to kill a thief that does not use their tactics. I want to brute force kill them, no stealth, no slow condition kills, no clones. I want them to see me coming and see the white in their eyes before I break their necks.


> Two things: make a thief to learn how it plays. It's strengths and weaknesses.

> Second: find a guildie or friend that you can duel in a Guild Hall arena to practice.


> Otherwise, tough to learn to beat them without getting a lot of beatings.


this would be the advice i would take its the best way you can beat thief on any class, you just have to learn how it works first and gitgud basically...

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> @Turk.5460 said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > @gebrechen.5643 said:

> > > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > > > @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

> > > > > The thing is You cant kill thief in wvw unless that thief is willing to fight for death. You can survive against him tough If thats ur goal, but kill... No.

> > > >

> > > > You just need to lockdown and burst while their stunbreaks are on CD.

> > >

> > > Until you realize that the thiefs cd is shorter than your own.

> >

> > I don't have any issue bursting them with the build I use, they need to continually attack because it's tanky and it can withstand a lot, but I only need to get off a couple of skills in succession to down them.


> Correct, the regen of Warrior requires the Thief to constantly be engaging. Its not like fighting other sustain builds where the Thief can back off and re-assess for a while. Every second the thief is not damaging the warrior means the warrior is healing back up.


Playing Ranger, not Warrior though.

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Warrior to counter thief? Is this a joke?


The days when I get too annoyed of warrior cheese builds around, I switch to staff thief and faceroll them.


Staff2+Steal combo, Staff4 (Blind), Auto, Vault ... 50% Endure Pain Proc. Disengage. Repeat. Profit.


And what healing/regeneration? He won't land one single burst skill unless I mess up.

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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> Warrior to counter thief? Is this a joke?


> The days when I get too annoyed of warrior cheese builds around, I switch to staff thief and faceroll them.


> Staff2+Steal combo, Staff4 (Blind), Auto, Vault ... 50% Endure Pain Proc. Disengage. Repeat. Profit.


> And what healing/regeneration? He won't land one single burst skill unless I mess up.


I'm inclined to agree. Though it's much easier to kill thieves as a warrior now than it has been in the past (I'm chewing them up), against an equally skilled daredevil who understands how to control the engagement and doesn't get sloppy, the daredevil should win. Sloppy glass thieves end up taking a dirt nap.

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