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A rant: More and more players have not very fair behavior

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Sorry in advance for the bother, but I need to rant a bit.



Since a while, there are more and more players who, when they have foes running after them (that they did aggro while farming or else), run by other players by, put those foes "on" the other players and happily leave without caring to help at the fight they have caused. This is getting worse since mounts are used. I find this behavior unfair and unacceptable. Maybe I am old fashion? Could be. But well, I do not like that and as I witness it more and more often, on a daily basis, I need to complain about. :3



I believe it is because now, there are many players who just want things to go fast, and don't watch anymore around. They just want to hurry ahead and don't care. Fortunately, there are still a lot of players who care, but how long will that be the majority? Anyhow, thanks for hearing (reading)! LOL

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I doubt this behaviour is done on purpose. Players want to skip trash mobs because these mobs offer nothing when killed. This means skipping them is bread and butter for many players. It is now easier with mounts and I noticed that running fast around mobs don't even trigger their aggro many times.


About mobs retargetting on you, well, can't do anything about it. You can, however, take your own advice and be more aware of your environment to not get surprised by these mobs.

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Yea before I got PoF i had it happen to me where a mounter aggroed large group in orr, now i dont really have a hard time in orr per say, but I was in a really hard battle like one the more meaner vets and like 6 norms then mounter pulls about 7 more norms into my path. Lets just say you know the outcome of that lol. I just waited till aggro returned to respectful places and orbbed back to life, but man it really kinda sucked. New char, new map wasn't any wp i could get to else been np, but i was pretty upset to say the least. Who ever that was on the mount all i got to say to you is every bad name i could call you was called on you. So atleast i felt better after all said n done, but after that happened to me i vowed to myself, when i do get Pof which i have now, that if i am on a mount see another in need of help because of maybe I pulled aggro (sometimes in general) i'd hop off my high horse (or high raptor?) least help em kill mobs. So far I've kept my word and or vows in check. Plan on staying that way to, all about respect in the end.

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People always have and always will run past enemies they never intended to fight.

People run enemies into me and generally if I am uninterested in fighting, I will run too.

If I am staying at that spot already fighting, sure I will keep fighting and kill them off and go back to what I was doing.

I have probably ran enemies into people before too. It happens.


It's not about players being unfair or having no respect for other players when running away.

How many people stop what they are doing when they see a downed player and either kill off what was attacking them to get them up or revives them and helps them kill them off?

If it was about people being unfair, people wouldn't stop to revive people either.

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IMO no one is causing you trouble on purpose but if you think that is what is going on you can report them and move on.


In reality, people are just moving around with their mounts and aggroing mobs. They are headed to somewhere.


From a game perspective accept it like this: It is a battlefield - not everyone is brave like you and not everything is fair. Some people are good at running from point A to point B.


You can't blame them for that, saying that this is unacceptable behavior. In fact, it is very acceptable because the player doesn't violate any rules set by Anet and is only in conflict with your moral understandings. Not everyone thinks like you and it is okay. Everyone has a different personality and different gameplay style and this is very much acceptable and welcome.


And to answer your question "How long...?". PoF is centralized around small group and solo playing. When Anet stop making solo content and makes more challenging group activities which will require people to party and help each other more often, only then they will encourage more players to help each other. I don't want to believe that they will continue with lowering the difficulty, making everything that someone complains of on the forums about, a "bug" that has to be fixed. Example - Eater of Souls.

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I actually see mounters run past downed players quiet often to be honest even when there isn't a mob in sight lol..... i think you kinda missed the point hellsqueen can't wait till you in long hard battle and mister rump hole on a mount pulls alotta stuff in on you through a route you are on and have no other choice. In other words you are trying to progress and really don't want to restart. Then you'll know what we talking about. It's different when you need to run away, because atleast those enemies are already weakened. It is a whole other story when its 7 fully healthed mobs you in a tunnel, either way you run its game over. Cant hop on mounts when you in a battle. In my situation all i could do was die. Unfortunately, i cant run as fast as a mount. I would just died running. To be honest, there was no where to go. I'd been 100% fine if that mounter would have went a different route or atleast hoped down and help me fight the mess they brought to me. So has more do with respect than i think you realize, their fault entirely. Sure it happens and out of no respect for others it's ok though what goes round comes round lol.


Heres what i done today in PoF, I was opening up my map came accross a guy struggle, warrior i think. He was going to die, so jumped down pulled all that aggros that was bout tear him up onto my pet probably saved that guy alotta hassle. I ofcoarse probably wouldn't have defeated all the mobs that he was trying get away from so pulled long enough for him to escape. Then I escaped the aggro, all was good did good deed held to my personal vows to. If i'd died wouldn't really cared, wasn't doing anything all that important. i don't mind to help the helpless. Unfortunately, not everyone plays like this.

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> That's less a problem with player behavior, and more a problem with how the mobs are designed.


I could agree on that sometimes i wish the mobs wasn't so sensitive lol. Well other peoples aggros ya know if in group np that aggro should hop easily to new target. But aye is what it is. more or less just stating an opinion that I had experience with based on someones rant that lined up with my experience. Happpened weeks ago luckily not had deal with it since.. Now that i have mount don't really have to worry about fighting through maps lmao. So lucky me I guess, but still I promise not to get people killed grieved or hassled because of something I did even if unintentional.

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> I actually see mounters run past downed players quiet often to be honest even when there isn't a mob in sight lol..... i think you kinda missed the point hellsqueen can't wait till you in long hard battle and mister rump hole on a mount pulls alotta stuff in on you through a route you are on and have no other choice. In other words you are trying to progress and really don't want to restart. Then you'll know what we talking about. It's different when you need to run away, because atleast those enemies are already weakened. It is a whole other story when its 7 fully healthed mobs you in a tunnel, either way you run its game over. Cant hop on mounts when you in a battle. In my situation all i could do was die. Unfortunately, i cant run as fast as a mount. I would just died running. To be honest, there was no where to go. I'd been 100% fine if that mounter would have went a different route or atleast hoped down and help me fight the mess they brought to me. So has more do with respect than i think you realize, their fault entirely. Sure it happens and out of no respect for others it's ok though what goes round comes round lol.


> Heres what i done today in PoF, I was opening up my map came accross a guy struggle, warrior i think. He was going to die, so jumped down pulled all that aggros that was bout tear him up onto my pet probably saved that guy alotta hassle. I ofcoarse probably wouldn't have defeated all the mobs that he was trying get away from so pulled long enough for him to escape. Then I escaped the aggro, all was good did good deed held to my personal vows to. If i'd died wouldn't really cared, wasn't doing anything all that important. i don't mind to help the helpless. Unfortunately, not everyone plays like this.


I have had huge mobs flock to me from mounters, I fight them.

I have a good build and can fight them off.

For example: My necro can deal with two fairly skilled player versus just me in PvE gear, you think some trash mobs actually will down her that easy?

So in the end, I won't end up restarting from trash mobs. I will fight them off and continue what I was doing.


Sure, there probably are people going past others and not reviving but a majority do.

Sorry that you had a bad time, but like if you can't fight them off than that sucks for you and maybe you need to learn to deal with situation better.

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I don't really see the problem. If a mounter pulls mobs to me it usually means the mobs meet 2 important requirements:

1. They have aggro on the mount.

2. Their "home" is outside of my aggro range.

As soon as the mount breaks aggro from being too far away from the mob, the mob will gain its super regeneration buff and return "home" before it can be aggroed again. I've had a single risen pass my aggro range 2 times this way without getting aggro on me.


Now the story is completely different if you "steal" the mounter's aggro. If you hit the mob before it resets, it will switch aggro to you.

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Sorry this has irritated you! It happens though. It has happened before mounts and it will continue to happen. I don't think it is done with deliberate intent. Some people like to watch a show while playing or are otherwise distracted by things like phone calls, kids, parents, etc. Could be they were in a bad mood or your model didn't render on their screen cause they have awful graphic settings. It could be they are selfish and don't care. Just don't blame mounts though, not cleaning up after yourself is an old time problem in all mmo's.

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> @Ameepa.6793 said:

> It's impossible to get anywhere without agroing mobs especially in maps like PoF that are filled with enemies with huge agro ranges and also it's impossible to get anywhere if stopping to kill everything that you happen to agro.


I just hope they don't nerf this like they did with Orr. It actually adds a **lot** to how these zones feel actually hostile/dangerous that it is difficult to not aggro things. Since things are also very very easy to kill, especially with our again-power-crept elite specs now, it's not like I truly mind stopping to blast everything to pieces in 5 seconds flat.

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This happens in Bitterfrost Frontier. A lot. And it was happening before mounts were implemented. I do go out of my way to avoid dragging mobs to others because it peeves the heck out of me when someone does it to me. I'll also happily admit that I've chortled quietly to myself when coming across downed players who've previously landed me with an extra bunch of chillomaniac wolves to fight.

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> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> I don't really see the problem. If a mounter pulls mobs to me it usually means the mobs meet 2 important requirements:

> 1. They have aggro on the mount.

> 2. Their "home" is outside of my aggro range.

> As soon as the mount breaks aggro from being too far away from the mob, the mob will gain its super regeneration buff and return "home" before it can be aggroed again. I've had a single risen pass my aggro range 2 times this way without getting aggro on me.


> Now the story is completely different if you "steal" the mounter's aggro. If you hit the mob before it resets, it will switch aggro to you.


lol you don't see the problem because you've never witnessed it in same place as I did, like i said was in a tunnel very tight spot theres no where to go aggros comes right through where you are already fighting theres no escape in a tight spot if already in hard battle, meaning you taking on your max or close to it, like a glass of water already at the rim pour more in it over flows and the cup fails.


As for hellsqueen your necro build would have failed, i could say your build would fail because you fronting like mine did lol...... What makes you think my build isn't a good build lmao...... Like I stated normally, i don't have a problem with the situation. i was nearly done with my deal when more was pulled in. some classes need recovery time before taking on yet another large group. I would have been fine, i was already taking on an event veteran and 5 trashers then mounter pulls in 7 more trashers. i bet even you'd fell in that. (maybe not though after all probably hiding behind minions i'd bet lol) Talking more than walking I think... If not good for you, not everyone plays with necro game would get pretty boring wouldn't you agree?


Anyways don't matter to me in the end just sharing a view point with OP. Wanna argue it, argue with OP. Forum moderators don't like when i argue lol......

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> @TEKnowledgy.1760 said:

> > @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> > I don't really see the problem. If a mounter pulls mobs to me it usually means the mobs meet 2 important requirements:

> > 1. They have aggro on the mount.

> > 2. Their "home" is outside of my aggro range.

> > As soon as the mount breaks aggro from being too far away from the mob, the mob will gain its super regeneration buff and return "home" before it can be aggroed again. I've had a single risen pass my aggro range 2 times this way without getting aggro on me.

> >

> > Now the story is completely different if you "steal" the mounter's aggro. If you hit the mob before it resets, it will switch aggro to you.


> lol you don't see the problem because you've never witnessed it in same place as I did, like i said was in a tunnel very tight spot theres no where to go aggros comes right through where you are already fighting theres no escape in a tight spot if already in hard battle meaning you taking on your max, like a glass of water already at the rim pour more in it over flows and the cup fails.


> As for hellsqueen your necro build would have failed i could say your build would fail because you fronting like mine did lol...... what makes you think my build isn't a good build lmao...... Like I stated normally i don't have a problem with the situation. i was nearly done with my deal when more was pulled in so classes need recovery time before taking on yet another large group. i would have been fine i was already taking on an event veteran and 5 trashers then mounter pulls in 7 more trashers. i bet even you'd fell in that. (maybe not though after all hiding behind minions i'd bet lol) Talking more than walking I think... If not good for you, not everyone plays with necro game would get pretty boring wouldn't you agree?


> Anyways don't matter to me in the end just sharing a view point with OP. Wanna argue it argue with OP. forum moderators don't like when i argue lol......


I don't just play with necro, but it was an example.

I have two of every class and each one of those build is carefully thought out and generally don't go down to trash very often, unless I was afk and come back ill-prepared for the fight. Which is my fault for afk-ing in a stupid place.

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I agree with OP. I've definitely encountered players running directly at me in order to transfer aggro and then going back to their intended path. Like if they're running along a road and I'm idle at a waypoint in my inventory or something, I've seen them literally veer off their path to run through me and dump all the enemies on me, then go back onto the road. And no, it wasn't to unlock the waypoint, because that's visible to everyone around you when you do that.

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They should change aggro like Vanguard where the mobs would sometimes tail you into a neighboring map and make the aggro incapable of leaving its original target while you're running.


I have fond memories of Vanilla WoW where there was this demon in the blasted lands that you could kite to Stormwind letting a slaughterfest commence, imagine kiting one of the Wyvern bosses from Verdant Brink to Lions Arch?

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> I don't just play with necro, but it was an example.

> I have two of every class and each one of those build is carefully thought out and generally don't go down to trash very often, unless I was afk and come back ill-prepared for the fight. Which is my fault for afk-ing in a stupid place.


Same here I rarely die on that class. i was using new char, but his build fits like glove. Not some weakling berserker build got good defense and offenses. Been all through hot as a solo player (except for metas ofcoarse). Now starting pof, to be honest think thats only death I've had on him, except maybe from high fall. I have 1 of every class so been round good 5 years so knowing the game and how to play it isn't the problem. (just telling ya so don't get idea that i may be some beginner to the game) But w/e right no matter what i or another says this stuff wont change. Sure it happens maybe not on purpose or even intentional, but I think with mounts, came some other problems. I some what expected it to, but like mainly just sharing my experience with OP just agreeing with them that it has started to become more common place to see it happening. So wasn't complaining just agreeing with OP. I rarely legitimately complain if I do i don't publicly lol. I'm just basking in the rant lol.

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