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Improving the immersion of pvp


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I have some ideas that I think would dramatically increase the amount of immersion in pvp, and therefore increase everyone's enjoyment of the game:

- Superspeed should be much faster, say 200-300% faster than in combat swiftness to more accurately fit the name of "super".

- Blindness should turn your screen black while the condi lasts.

- There should be a different type of condi cleanse that removes fear and confusion, since they are more of a psychological condition and not a physical one.

- Stability should prevent jumping and other actions that raise your feet off the ground, or these actions should remove stability.

- All blocks and evades should only work against targets your character can see (flanking attacks & stealth should bypass these defenses)

- Armor type should affect movement speed slightly


These are just a few to start, there are a lot of skills and effects that could be made more immersive.

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* You should have to aim reflects

* Stealth should be broken if you walk in front of a player in their LoS or are really close to them

* All ranged weapons get a damage buff but now take ammo.

* All magic is right out

* First person

* AR compatible.

* You have to actually get an in-game job to pay to do PvP

* You're character starts to develop depression and anxiety from being crushed under the 1% in their new capitalist PvP hellscape.

* They have to now work 3 in game jobs just to pay for their pvp season pass.

* Eventually the pressure is too much and they end up broke and addicted to mug of eggnog, curled up in lions arch begging for mystics coins.


Realism achieved. B)

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