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Class and build recommendations for a beginner? Reward track farming tips?


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Never been into anything PvP related but unfortunately there's some stuff I can only get in WvW.

So what would be a good class for a noob to farm reward track with and why would you recommend it?

Metabattle just lists every class with "Play this class if you like...". There must be some classes and builds that are more suitable for beginners.


Any other reward track farming tips are very much welcome, thanks ( ´ ▽ ` )b



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take scourge. why? <-- easy to play in zerg

follow the blue lamp. why ? <-- blue lamp is often public commander

join teamspeak / discord. why ? <-- for best communication

do what the blue lamp say. why ? <-- for more / better profit.

take the reward path that you need. why ? when you want to make money play pve or play the credit card game.


recommend path:





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If you have path of fire, getting the warclaw is priority, so the warclaw reward track to start. After that depends on how far into wvw you want to go, but unlocking access to wvw ascended armors/legendary ungraded versions to purchase from the skirmish vendor requires you to unlock the lowest skins first from the reward tracks, so as Bluber mentioned the triumphant armor track, and the hero weapon reward track. You can farm the living story tracks for living story currency you have to unlock them first by doing the story though, the LS4 ones are also good for extra crafting materials.


Farming reward tracks relies on time and participation. Easiest way to do this, yeah grab a scourge and run around with a zerg, but really you can grab any class you're comfortable with and run with a zerg, getting to t6 participation meter is not hard in a zerg, after that you have multiple ways to keep meter up like killing a player resets the decay timer back to 10mins. Don't forget to pop buffs like the guild hall wvw reward track boost, or celebration boosters, and even the 5% reward track enrichment/infusion.




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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> If you have path of fire, getting the warclaw is priority, so the warclaw reward track to start. After that depends on how far into wvw you want to go, but unlocking access to wvw ascended armors/legendary ungraded versions to purchase from the skirmish vendor requires you to unlock the lowest skins first from the reward tracks, so as Bluber mentioned the triumphant armor track, and the hero weapon reward track. You can farm the living story tracks for living story currency you have to unlock them first by doing the story though, the LS4 ones are also good for extra crafting materials.


> Farming reward tracks relies on time and participation. Easiest way to do this, yeah grab a scourge and run around with a zerg, but really you can grab any class you're comfortable with and run with a zerg, getting to t6 participation meter is not hard in a zerg, after that you have multiple ways to keep meter up like killing a player resets the decay timer back to 10mins. Don't forget to pop buffs like the guild hall wvw reward track boost, or celebration boosters, and even the 5% reward track enrichment/infusion.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Reward_Track



Xen is spot on. Even if your goal is the Gift of Battle. Thr Warclaw will make the GoB easier now and in the future.

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