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Have you ever played StrongHold? if so how long has it been or how often do you play it?

Shadow Dragon.1469

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> running back and forth for supply is the number one thing holding this mode back. who the hell wants to do that? also the bombers die too easily.


Actually, I don't hate that.


It's better than just "fight on point" "fight on point"


There are the supply objectives that can lead to fights, there are escorting and defending against the waves from that which can lead to fights, there are fights for the mist champs.


Conquest is boring.

It only values this concept of "fight fight fight, git gud, git a build".


Stronghold is fun because even if you aren't the best player ever, it can still give you something to do and make you a valuable member of the team and build diversity can be even more important because of the variety of things you have to do. It is just far more welcoming and gives you moments of reprieve from just the flat out fight fight fight with other players.

It is a perfect balance for a PvE player to enjoy a PvP mode and introduces them with interesting WvW content too.

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