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A Star to Guide Us

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I wasn't playing much GW2 for the last 3 episodes of LS4 and only recently got back into it with the latest Icebrood Saga episode. So, I've been going back and doing a deeper dive through the content lately. I just wanted to mention how impressed I am with all that went into the episode "A Star to Guide Us". I just completed the mastery achievement and reconstructed Joko's staff and I had no idea there would be so much to it when I started on it!


Players (myself included) are always asking for more skins available by playing the game. We want more collections and achievements with good rewards. Well, this episode delivered! It has bunches of collections with plenty of story/lore type stuff for players who like to dig into that. Plus two complete sets of armor skins! You even get an ascended armor chest for completing them!


It just seemed like a particularly strong effort to give players more of what we always seem to be asking for. I enjoyed it and the rewards were excellent. Thanks for that!

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I found ep4 to be one of the stronger releases in terms of things to keep engaged for the longest time and also some decent, varied map stories. My only gripe is that some of the content abandoned quickly due to how much group stuff there was - Hydra hunt for example and some of the harder bounties. Otherwise, I'm pretty much in agreement with your post.

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There was an amazing amount of content in A Star to Guide us. I blew through so much of it on the primary story line that coming back to it later for some of the achievements was a real eye opener. On one hand, I like being able to push the narrative along at a reasonable pace, but on the other, I miss out on so much if I'm not constantly perusing forums/wiki's on how-to's to initiate some of this stuff.

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