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My Main Acct vs. Alt Acct Ratings Played - What's Going On Here?

Trevor Boyer.6524

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:


> >@Evan Lesh said:

> >>@Saiyan.1704:

> >>That’s typically the problem with the current MMR. Matchmaking isn’t giving enough credit to Player A because MMR is mainly based on the Glicko system – a system based on wins and losses. Player A is actually reducing the score gap but Glicko doesn’t look at that.


> >Glicko does support score-ratios, but in our tests we found it causes MMR to move so glacially slow that you end up having more bad matches because your MMR can’t keep up with your true skill level. **This is due to the fact that most losing teams still get around 300 points.**


> >We could have a configurable range to rescale the win ratio to help mitigate this (per game mode, unfortunately). We would have to run simulations first, though, because making any changes that affect glicko can be very dangerous.


> Do losing teams get 300 points often nowadays.


> 2015....2020


> **But to satiate the need, maybe total games is a larger factor in mmr for match making then they admit if your alt gets easier matches.**


Thank you, and that's all I'm trying to point out and make discussion of.


Something is definitely going on, and all I wanted was a definite answer, so that I may make suggestions towards furthering the fairness of match making.


I had already mentioned that if this is the case, they should probably change this in 2020, considering that I've noticed MOST players hit a general peak in their performance value around about 6,000 - 8,000 matches played. So it really is unreasonable as the years progress here, to escalate an ever growing difficulty factor for a player who surpasses this point and keeps playing games into the 8,000 or 12,000 or 16,000 games played range, but his peak performance is not actually increasing, though the difficulty of his matches are.


Also, considering the inordinate amount of alt play that goes on, a problem like this just gets worse as the years progress and all of mains keep accruing more and more difficult matches, all the while encouraging new methods of match manipulation to help those mains maintain high positions.


**Whatever they have going on in the algorithm concerning total games played and glory rank adding to base MMR, that stuff needs to top out and stop adding base level MMR at 80 glory rank, and at around 8,000 total matches played.** If something like this hasn't already been implemented, they should probably get around to doing that ASAP.



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