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Do runes of trapper and dargonhunter effect thief preparations


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Still suspect they changed the skills from traps to preparations because they where sick of the interactions with the Trapper-Runes.


I still remember how annoying (but pretty useless) GhostThief was in WvW, and I still remember how quickly they hit the nerf button once someone soloed a raid with that GhostThief.

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It wasn't nerfed due to Trapper runes, it was nerfed due to Dragonhunter runes, because Thief could stack 25 Might in stealth as Traps are non-damaging if placed somewhere innocuous and thus don't break stealth or cause Revealed on the Thief.


It allowed Daredevils to come out of stealth with 20-25k Vaults and contributed significantly to that meta. Of course this still happens but at least now they need to be visible while ramping up their damage (mostly), which gives a chance at counterplay.


It would've been better to change it to "Gain might when a Trap is triggered" instead of "placed"..

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