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What could be done to promote PvP?


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- Harsher punishments for rage quitters and afkers. 3 strikes and you're out of the season and possibly following season as well.


- Making it where even if your team is losing (or winning) if you can get 2 plus top stats (in ranked) you can get some extra points towards your rank points. This could also help with rage quitters and afkers some since at least they can have a goal to continue playing and keep somewhat of a better rank. This would be something to help the better players have reach a rank they are meant to be since it would be something earned by their own merits and not just due to team setup.


- Removal of mmr altogether. Games should be won by how you're doing at the present and not how you did in the past seasons. As you continue playing pvp you tend to get better even if just by experience and I do not believe this is at all reflected in pvp.


- It should be realized that pvp really is NOT a team competition. If it were, then 5 player made teams would be a must (no solos, etc) but this is not the case. Most people SOLO in the queues and a few duo queue (those ones tend to do better) and because that is the case pvp will NEVER be a team competition. It should be taken as such: A solo player joining a bunch of other solo players that are placed together and duke it out with another team filled with solo players. This is a solo competition. And as such the entire system needs a massive overhaul. This though won't happen. What we have now will continue to be so and thus it is a defunct system. If they want it to change they need to keep in mind that the MAJORITY of the pvpers are soloing the queues and it need to reflect that. Rankings should reflect that. Rewards should reflect this. How people are placed in a team should reflect this.


- From what I recall, if you are in the higher tiers and are placed in with a bunch of much lower tier players they will BALANCE this out by giving the higher tiered player the lowest ranked players to even the average ranking for both teams. THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA. Since this is a SOLO filled match setup it should be like scrabble. You place all the players in a bag SHAKE IT UP and 5 random players on one team and 5 random players on the other. The exception being making sure you a team isn't just filled with one class. If there are 2 warriors in the selection of 10 they will be split randomly on each team. Your rank shouldn't matter on team placements at the point of choosing which team each of the 10 players are going to be on. It should be random at the point of selection between the 2 teams.

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To promote PvP it needs development, huge development, constant development. Think about it: we have the same PvP for 7 years and a half.


At this point we need to wait for GW3. This will be the only way to get new population and fresh gameplay. So the answer would be: to promote PvP a new game (other game) is required.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > If players aren't already trying their hand at PvP nothing will encourage them to do so. Most GW2 players want nothing to do with PvP and I don't blame them. It has always been the most toxic mode of the game and the rewards are kind of kitten.


> Things could be done to try to draw in PvP players from other games. I don't agree we can't encourage people to do so. I had several guildies who had no intention of trying it until I talked them into it and they had a fun time running with me as a team. Now we play on the regular together. That's not a scalable solution though, that's why I'm asking this question.


How about Try to focus less on the solo queue? Try to encourage more 3Group 4 group 5 team Queue?


Game is unbearable on some classes such as necro when solo queue because you end up being focused on, and nobody helps you.


More types of play other than capture the flag would be nice.


Balancing of toxic 1 shot builds with infinite mobility such as thief, and rangers.


There is tons of stuff to be balanced that help encourages SPVP. Solo queue encouragement is just one of the ones that hurt the game.




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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> How about Try to focus less on the solo queue? Try to encourage more 3Group 4 group 5 team Queue?


How? How could you try to focus on 5 team, when people like playing alone and want to play alone? The vote in 2016 underlined the fact that people love to play alone, want to play alone, and want to kill everything easy. This is why Anet accepted that vote and removed all teamplay from ranked, while also introducing this power creep balance.


You may call this toxic, you may call it lazy, you may call it cookie builds, but it's what players love and want. If we would get teamplay back, the forum will be flooded with requests for SoloQ, as all lonely players will be demolished in PvP by teams (this was the status quo before the 2016 vote).


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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > How about Try to focus less on the solo queue? Try to encourage more 3Group 4 group 5 team Queue?


> How? How could you try to focus on 5 team, when people like playing alone and want to play alone? The vote in 2016 underlined the fact that people love to play alone, want to play alone, and want to kill everything easy. This is why Anet accepted that vote and removed all teamplay from ranked, while also introducing this power creep balance.


> You may call this toxic, you may call it lazy, you may call it cookie builds, but it's what players love and want. If we would get teamplay back, the forum will be flooded with requests for SoloQ, as all lonely players will be demolished in PvP by teams (this was the status quo before the 2016 vote).



Some classes simply do not work well in solo queue setting though, so can't we have both? How is it fair that the solo queue roam classes get to be god mode but the ones for team play get no say?

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> [...] but the ones for team play get no say?


There is no team play. As mentioned, teamplay was removed when people voted for SoloQ in huge overwhelming percentage (in [2016](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/player-vs-player-poll-soloduo-queue/)). We need to respect players vote, just like Anet did. If you truly and really want teamplay that bad, feel free to create a team and play together in Unranked whenever you feel like having fun together with voice chat and realtime coordination.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > How about Try to focus less on the solo queue? Try to encourage more 3Group 4 group 5 team Queue?


> How? How could you try to focus on 5 team, when people like playing alone and want to play alone? The vote in 2016 underlined the fact that people love to play alone, want to play alone, and want to kill everything easy. This is why Anet accepted that vote and removed all teamplay from ranked, while also introducing this power creep balance.


> You may call this toxic, you may call it lazy, you may call it cookie builds, but it's what players love and want. If we would get teamplay back, the forum will be flooded with requests for SoloQ, as all lonely players will be demolished in PvP by teams (this was the status quo before the 2016 vote).



No. It really isn't what players want.


It is why the game mode is dying.


A vocal minority will flood the forums.


But, the evidence that team play is very apparent just from HA back in gw1.


That was the premier pvp, and of course gvg.


Solo q in a team based mode with a leaderboards for individuals is so dumb.


The game mode will continue to dwindle.


Solo q should be kept to unranked only.


Ranked should require teams.


Build up the ability to form a team in unranked and then bring them to ranked.


As long as there are no teams during seasons, this mode will continue to shrink.


It is probably well past the point of recovery.


Mayne EU has enough players to keep it going for a while longer, but in NA I can play against bronze or rank 1 and 2 duo.


If there was a modest population, that wouldn't even happen.

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1 - Bring back the "Team Queue". Games are more fun when played with friends, may be to train or just have fun...


2 - Reward the players based on both, individual performance and group performance (Reward them with game money, rating points, reward track points and pips (pips while the season is ongoing)). Least the afk population may reduce and the players will felt less bad when loss a match (because some one on his team was disconnected, trapped on bug or lag or just gave up and decided stay afk).


3 - Fix the Skill Rate reward and score. For some reason, players that plays little are being rewarded more than those that plays a lot more... The game must reward that player that put lots of effort by well reward him by win, if a player get 50% more points upon win than he loose upon lost, that player could put lot more of effort to win his match (even if in the end he loose the match).

Ex: A player get 30 points per victory, but loose only 20 per loss.



Something like this...

Sorry for some mistake and bad english.

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Bringing back team queue and ignoring any tears that come from pvp. Just look at the numbers and try to keep everyone at 50% win rate.

Works for every arena based game i know.

Still blows me away that this game has no ranked team queue.


People will always cry in pvp don't listen you guys have numbers use them!

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> It seems to me a lot of the issues stem from a lower player population. What could be done to draw in more players?


lower population is the consequence of Toxic balancing and its Toxic mechanics/designs.


>>Healthy Experiences attracts and encourages population growth


>>Toxic Experience repels and discourages population growth


**Guild Wars 2 repels and discourages healthy experiences, therefore.......there is nothing to be done to promote a healthy competitive PvP**


![](https://i.imgur.com/nX8SUl9.jpg "")




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