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How stupid you have to be


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To push for more than one node at 480 points,while enemy has 400 points?


Instead of stacking and waiting it out for 10 seconds,you proceed to spread out,and lost game,while being 80 points ahead.


Now i have seen it all,pvp is really the most brainless part of this game.


There's really no point of trying to contribute your team,because you will give your 200% while rest of the team cant use their brain and there's ALWAYS going to be someone who's gonna ruin your effort.

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> Could be a bot, y'know.


> I know I couldn't tell the difference at first glance-


It was 4 other players,not one.They all scattered and pushed for 3 nodes at 480 points,instead holding one.


Its all good tho.It shown me how to play pvp from now on.Gone are the days where i tried to play for other 4 people.If you want to win,then my buddy,do your best.Im not gonna run like moron and bust my ass offwhile other 4 players simply do not give a single f.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > Could be a bot, y'know.

> >

> > I know I couldn't tell the difference at first glance-


> It was 4 other players,not one.They all scattered and pushed for 3 nodes at 480 points,instead holding one.


> Its all good tho.It shown me how to play pvp from now on.Gone are the days where i tried to play for other 4 people.If you want to win,then my buddy,do your best.Im not gonna run like moron and bust my kitten offwhile other 4 players simply do not give a single f.


The current state of PvP is very sad, indeed.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Then you sit on home like I do once match decided.


^ I do this too, which is a problem because I generally don't run builds that excel at defending under significant pressure. However, if my team is scattering and is about to throw, generally the other team can only send enough to me at home that I can keep it capped until it ticks to 500 (even if I go down in the process).

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> So, what if your enemies excel at teamfighting, they come to your only node, instantly win a 5v5, neutralize your only node and get +25 points for kills?

> I mean, it's not like there's a hard rule for making such decisions, you're just being salty.


We had our node and my people ran away to far and mid instead of stacking and waiting literally 10 seconds,they ran away their thief came and took it.By the time i respawned it was too late to do anything.


I said 2 times in chat 'stack on close' and used map pings,everyone ignored.


But i guess you know that,because judging by your post,you were on my team and you know about this insanely massive fail you did.

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Enemies would be at disadvantage at home node - since you can be there faster after respawning. (The advantage of that depends on the map and it's size and layout though.) If in 5 vs. 5 you can kill at least a few then after rewpasning you can kill the other ones before their allies arrive to help.


Also: 1 guy can sneak to the other points while others try to stay alive in 4 vs. 5 (focusing on staying alive not on killing and bursting). Should draw some enemies away.


I usually see myself at home node defending vs 1 or 2 and I'm not that good (certainly losing vs 2) while mid and far is in enemy hands with our team contesting (but not being able to take) mid. Depends on the situation. Pinging the minimap or drawing on it ... might help. If that fails also trying to write in chat (well if you die and have time) might help.


Too many people running around to far or other points can be annoying. When they are needed elsewhere and are being kept busy. I mean it is okay for 1 guy to go far and cap while all enemies are elsewhere. But then suddenly some other guys come to help and the enemy kills all the others elsewhere. Especially if 1 bunker guy tries to take back far (their close/home node) some people tend to try to help killing him (while it only keeps us 2 busy vs 1 of them ... when the purpose was not to hold the node but to cap it and at max keeping 1 of their guys busy so it can stay capped as long as possible without bein inefficient in terms of numbers).


Edit: Fails with the buffs in Temple and the lord in Foefire ... also a common problem. They are 3 vs 1 bunkeri-sh guy ... trying to prevent him from getting the buff while his teammates (4 vs us remaining 2) take all the nodes. :D (Then they join the guy to get the buff ... or even both at 8:30.) :D

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> You could argue anytime you take home then wipe them at mid you all should just sit at mid/watch home and you probably win more often. But we don't we wipe um at mid and instantly 2 or 3 charge their home and then get wiped and the match turns. I def have come back more often cause of dumb moves by the other team but it's hard to get players to sit in wait instead of charge and fight regardless of the score so you have to be the guy making good decisions when you see victory in sight


Someone has to push far, otherwise opponent team will gain points for free.

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Imagine in 2020 people actually trying to play Ranked legit. You are playing the wrong way if you want rankings. Also don't solo. Make sure to que dodge, throwmatches on alt account when on your rivial teams, also to remember to always duo at off hours to increase your chances of playing against bots. That is playing the Ranked mode correctly!

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> To push for more than one node at 480 points,while enemy has 400 points?


> Instead of stacking and waiting it out for 10 seconds,you proceed to spread out,and lost game,while being 80 points ahead.


> Now i have seen it all,pvp is really the most brainless part of this game.


> There's really no point of trying to contribute your team,because you will give your 200% while rest of the team cant use their brain and there's ALWAYS going to be someone who's gonna ruin your effort.


You know what fixes that?




Funny Jokes aside, I dont know why people keep avoiding that conclusion . Ranked right now is "lol dont take it serious" or "Lol duo queue or queue dodge for good games", but the moment people suggest being allowed to pick 5 people for their team to minimize people not pulling their weight, hordes of people come out of the woodwork decrying them, and some even suggest the removal of duo queue.


Solo Queue matches bombing because of carry meta not working out is not any less frustrating than getting steamrolled by a handpicked team. In fact, in the latter case at least what you will blame for the loss is something you can see.

There's no way to take ranked serious when your rank depends on 5 people performing the same task, often without even knowing each other.



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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > You could argue anytime you take home then wipe them at mid you all should just sit at mid/watch home and you probably win more often. But we don't we wipe um at mid and instantly 2 or 3 charge their home and then get wiped and the match turns. I def have come back more often cause of dumb moves by the other team but it's hard to get players to sit in wait instead of charge and fight regardless of the score so you have to be the guy making good decisions when you see victory in sight


> Someone has to push far, otherwise opponent team will gain points for free.


That depends largely on how hard the team wiped. If theyre -ALL- on respawn and they see their home being decapped, they can just outnumber home then take mid, or outnumber mid then pull back to home.

If they wiped staggered, decapping home then immediately leaving to keep them split and feeding you if they arent cohesive is almost always the better option.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Sure sometimes but not if the match starts you win the mid fight like 5 to 3 then 2 of 3 charge far to run into the 5 respawning get killed those 5 now push mid 5 to 3 and now your losing. If the 3 just stay at mid to be joined by the 2 of your respawns then you control mid and home way longer then you force them to have to send 1 far or keep fighting 5s at mid which they already lost and you know 1s already kitten in team after 1st wipe that they noobs etc but no one does.


> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> That depends largely on how hard the team wiped. If theyre -ALL- on respawn and they see their home being decapped, they can just outnumber home then take mid, or outnumber mid then pull back to home.

> If they wiped staggered, decapping home then immediately leaving to keep them split and feeding you if they arent cohesive is almost always the better option.


I wasn't talking about the split after initial teamfight.

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