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Another LW Episode... And More of the Same

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Here we are again. Another LW episode and we have as expected:


Same Bland Map

Same Useless Masteries

Same Ugly Armor Designs

Same Aimless, Empty Story

Same Lack of Any Actual End-Game Content

And to top it all off, this is a BRAHAM focused episode. Because we clearly haven't been annoyed to death by that character enough. Here he is featured front and center.

Double, triple, quadrupling down on this same awful content again and again. Is this really what all that gem store profit goes to? This?


Maybe next episode will be better?! Nope, we have a whole season/year of this to go.


GW 2, a once brilliant and exciting game has been dying a steady death. Unless it gets new blood and new direction, this is all we can ever look forward to.


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This review is kinda meaningless in terms of objective reviewing. It basically only says: "I don't like a single thing about the living world formula and they didn't reinvent the wheel with this patch so of course I won't bother changing my opinion, but I'll still bother to type it out." That said, I kinda get where you're coming from, though I think you're drenching it in hyperbole.


Some people kind of enjoy the living world formula. For me, it's a matter of mood - some maps I really like being on and some I kinda leave after a day, e.g. Kourna or the first half of Bjora Marches. This one I liked, but it's not all sunshine.


As to what you said:


- Geographically, objectively, Western Bjora marches aren't bland. Anet are masters of map design and this map extension is beautiful to look at. I found Eastern Bjora somewhat bland, but not this. The colours are vibrant, the soundscape vivid, and verticality really makes you feel like you are in the mountains. I wanted this feeling and I am glad episode 2 delivers.

- Gameplay wise, I find this map alright. It has some fun events and some nice surprises like the Boneskinner forest - the rewards could be better though. I am glad they added some mini dungeon/JP content with this patch, the labyrinth etc.

- Ugly armor designs... eh, what? The more recent two (or actually six) armor sets released with LW4 actually got a huge amount of praise for how badasss they looked. Corsair armor was appreciated too. wtf you on about? (P.S. the current armor is a skin from GW2 launch in 2012, available for players for the first time. It's not THAT great to look at, but it has flavor, and is great for lore fans and rpers. We probably will get a proper, fancy armor set with episode 3 or 4. )

- Yes, the mastery system is pretty meh as a progression system. At least this recent addition makes me want to master it so I can go through all of the gates. Could be worse. Mastery system was at its best during HoT, though - both more meaningful in terms of applicability, and more rewarding in terms of grinding EXP. It's never felt that good or meaningful again ever since.

- The story in this episode wasn't mindblowingly amazing, but it wasn't aimless. I noticed a few wonky bits, though. Like it lacked some smoothing out. However, it had some nice moments, especially towards the end.

- So you really don't like Braham. Well, that sucks for you. I think they did reasonably well with the redemption arc in S4 and I do enjoy having him around, though he's not a personal favorite of mine. Besides, it's a Norn centric storyline, so I think we haven't seen the last of him. I for one would like for Marjory to be more relevant, maybe next episode.


And about the rest, some estimates of mine (not backed up, just reasonable assumptions):


- Yes, we are getting more in this line of content while they are working on another game project. One more year at least, likely more.

- I'm sure this episode wasn't by any means cheap to make, but a HUGE part of gemstore revenue goes into said other game project.

- GW2 will never get a truly new direction. They will eventually finish their other project, release it successfully, and if GW2 is still healthy in terms of players, they'll bring back fractals and raids when their schedule can afford it. But that's not a new direction. Even another expac won't be a truly new direction, except for maybe elite spec gameplay. However, most people posting online want these things back, so there is that.

- GW2 has problems, but it's not dying as a game. For every dedicated raider or PvPer that quit, there are still enough casual players sticking around and roaming the open world. Which is a waste, of course, and it will not end well, but then, there is a balance patch in the works, and a fractal update is due in the next few days. We'll see.



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> @"Ruadan.9301" said:


> - Geographically, objectively, Western Bjora marches aren't bland. Anet are masters of map design and this map extension is beautiful to look at. I found Eastern Bjora somewhat bland, but not this. The colours are vibrant, the soundscape vivid, and verticality really makes you feel like you are in the mountains. I wanted this feeling and I am glad episode 2 delivers.


You realize not everyone has good enough computer to enjoy actual looks of the stuff in game,right?


I bet you 90% if not more playerbase plays on medium graphic.


So,lets focus all of our effort into how map looks,something that less than 10% playerbase can enjoy,rather than focusing on things everyone could enjoy.


I started story and logged off,not even 20 min into it.Why?


Because masteries are useless.Map is going to die in 20 days same as every single map released so far.There won't be any use of those masteries after 20 days.


Look at the previous masteries (example ) Bond Of Faith.Useful thing,same as many others until Icebrood Saga started.18 mastery points,not a single useful ability.


37 Achievements for emote?No thank you.Its not like anyone pays attention to emote,and its not like i can wear it and actually enjoy it,unless im standing and /emote like lunatic 10 hours a day every day until i go literally crazy.




Anyone who tells you they don't play for rewards is hardcore lying.


That's why riba goes for 24/7,Halloween lab lfg with over 20 different squads for the full duration,AB,DS,TD meta events,daily fractals...After some time there's nothing left to do but farm and working on that new items you want/need.


Latelly,farming new maps for rewards simply doesn't pays off.There's really a limit one can do events that gets him Eternal Ice Shards,1 bag of gear of unidentified gear and Drop of Liquid Karma.


You gonna spend 10 hours doing new map and earn 50 gold,you could easily earn 200 gold doing anything else for same amount of time.


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Snowy zones aren't really my favorite, but this part of the map is anything but bland. It's actually quite beautiful. Lots of places to explore.

The bad thing about the map is just that, as I said in another thread, I feel like I'm being funneled into the same events over and over again. Events that aren't overly exciting.

Like, why are there three events dedicated to carrying fish to a table? lol.....


Masteries - agree. And they're just an absolute pain to try and get because it feels like some stacks fall off by the time I need to do something with more mobs of the type I need.


Ugly armor design - yeah, the raven set isn't really that exciting. But at least it isn't some asymmetrical spiky crystal gear again.


End-game - is dead. End-game is strike missions. And potentially some new fractal at some point but that's about it. Honestly I find the strike missions pretty challenging but I usually just go into public with no formal group comp and hope for the best - only to usually wipe. The rewards are just usually pretty lame, as they are everywhere else in the game. Dismal chance to get something cool and unique with about a 99% chance to get some blues and greens with some map currency.



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