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GW2 after the layoffs


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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I do not think the "lay offs" are the issue. We have been on a downward trend for a while. It is hard to specifically point out the culprits. The game is getting old, and clearly, management has been performing poorly. NCSOFT does not seem interested in investing in the game.



They will say all the usually things any company would say to dissuade the skys falling view players start to get to insure continued revenue as players wont invest in something if the end is inevitably near. And thats not a bad tactic either as look at any time a dev post any feedback or plans it turns everyone's minds around instantly to hope and trust lol until 4 month later than a devs gotta pop back in to fuel the fire, low effort way to keep people going and it's still working to a point as yeah population is declining but it has been how long?

A certain commitment and investment would have to be made to turn gw2 around to compete with current games and the games close to release, do u see them committing/investing as much as would be needed? Look at all the clues and what's actually happened and is happening regarding the game and team in a realistic light and guess how things are gonna go, all anyone can do till it happens.

Trust me if I had my way I'd rather be proven wrong.

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> @"brenda.9723" said:

> The devs said that gw2 would not suffer under the recent layoff at Arenanet, because there would be even more focus on the game. To me that seems incorrect. Sagas seem even like a smaller thing then previous LW :(.

> My question: Is Arenanet again working on other projects?


> I really want to support the game, and not some other project that might be canceled again. Because I really do not like that a lot of GW2 money went to a canceled mobile game. Anyone ideas on this?


1. Do you really think they'd tell us? Or what they are telling us is true? I'm surprised people are still so naive as to believe anything they say after everything they did, or didn't.

2. Do you think this company can be trusted ever again?


Don't be naive, people.


I keep saying this, but seems like it's always falling on deaf ears: **keep your money**. Once they'll see a decline in revenue they will be forced to care. As long as there's a steady stream of income they won't.


I mean, it can't be any more obvious now that they just don't care.

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> @"Crackmonster.2790" said:

> kitten its a lot of whiny negative complainers on here trying to paint a picture how these devs dont care, solely motivated by profit or otherwise showing neglect. It destroys ones joy to play if you start believing it, which is what happens in the heart of many of you criers, your inner negative emotion is ruining the enjoyment for yourselves.


> Open your kitten eyes, you are so lucky here in GW2 - and they kept putting out quality content for years on end. They seem to give a lot of care about integrity of game and how new stuff they make doesn't just overrule all the old and content creep.


> Build templates are amazing and people still trying to put them down over it, they are kitten worldclass seriously get a grip and see reality.


> One day updates will stop coming, you can't just keep pumping into the same game there comes a point where it makes the game worse, maybe that is now, maybe that is some years down the line. It doesn't matter, things here in this game has been done with a huge respect for the players, there is so much convenience and quality attention, its so meaningful to farm skins and events in this game. The world is so alive compared to most other mmo's. Etc etc. But if you listen to you guys its like kitten near unplayable and dreamkilling because devs don't care right.


> Just be quiet if you have nothing meaningful to say.


> I'd wager you that within 1-2 years another expansion is ready, and maybe that will be the last one. If no more content came now it's still an amazing game and i have so miuch more to farm here, If you farmed all you could you will have spendt thousands and thousands of hours here and shouldnt be complaining one bit about this journey you have been given.


> Also, money shops in games are here to stay, it's one of the main sources of income to keep games running and when it also means you get cool stuff, stop complaining. It's actually a win win because without it games would die out and development stop, even if it can look demonic and money-focused to many of you its a real-life compromise you can't generate money out of thin air - at least here you get something you want for supporting them. There isn't even a kitten subscription in gw2 i's amazing!




Lol oh the irony of u guys and the like saying open ur eyes. Reminds me of before the lay offs and the rumors flying around for months and months after players feeling like there was lack of effort and a feeling of maintenance mode coming around the corner and the games population decreasing further and further as time progressed.then posts like the OP pop up here and there and theres these very same type of comments as this poster saying everything is rainbows and unicorns and bam crap on ur hope and here's some layoffs and the reasons behind them and now look at the games population lmao cant even sustain their pvp matchmaking algorithm. I mean no disrespect but its u who needs to face reality and open ur eyes. Although I do hope u are right and I'm wrong as I previously stated.

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In my opinion we should not comment on layoffs. As valued customers we are totally allowed to express our opinions about the game (like we voted for removal of teamQ in ranked), but we are not allowed to comment on layoffs. This is their management as a company. We do not know their staff (developers, managers, assistants, designers, testers, and so on), therefore we have no right to comment on them or their decisions.


As a side note we can comment on "crunch time" and this practice of game companies, but I personally consider this our fault, as clients, because we always complain while not requesting content for long term (like teamwork in teams with better PvP rewards), but this is just my opinion, feel free to ignore it and play alone.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> In my opinion we should not comment on layoffs. As valued customers we are totally allowed to express our opinions about the game (like we voted for removal of teamQ in ranked), but we are not allowed to comment on layoffs. This is their management as a company. We do not know their staff (developers, managers, assistants, designers, testers, and so on), therefore we have no right to comment on them or their decisions.


> As a side note we can comment on "crunch time" and this practice of game companies, but I personally consider this our fault, as clients, because we always complain while not requesting content for long term (like teamwork in teams with better PvP rewards), but this is just my opinion, feel free to ignore it and play alone.


I'm not sure I follow?


What comments about the layoffs are not allowed? But ignoring that one...


Our faults because we complain while not requesting content for the long term? I'm a little lost on that. There have been countless threads with suggestions for long-term changes.


Suggestions for improving the achievement point system and reworking it, suggestions for dungeon and fractal rewards, suggestions for other difficulties of raids, suggestions for wvw, suggestions for alternate pvp game modes like deathmatch modes. There have been suggestions. Tons of them. Requests. Tons of them.


It's just that they never seem to have the resources or time to get to any of them, and rarely any feedback on whether they are considering it or would consider it. We get some occasional feedback from the pvp dev on here and Reddit who seems to be the only one who really has any community involvement or communication. We get occasional roadmaps. But in general, despite requests and suggestions for each of these game modes there's rarely any implementation of these ideas, at least that I've seen. Right now it feels like they have a pvp/wvw team, a gem store team, and supposedly 4 living world teams. We don't even know how many people are on those teams. The living world teams are obviously the largest, but if they have over 100 employees right now I'm just not really sure what they're doing. I guess you have to factor in that there are sound engineers and voice actors. It doesn't seem like there are too many working on encounters as strike missions are the main focus and they seem to have absorbed the fractal and raid teams. Level designers - a lot of copy pasted events throughout each side of Bjora march - and I'm not really sure what else this entails. Pathing? General flow? Story integration? All of the above? Environment artists.


Anyway, there are plenty of requests and even suggestions, but the only thing we ever really hear is, "we've got something really awesome we're not ready to talk about yet." Which could actually be something really cool, or could just wind up being Funko pops. They veil so much of what they do in secrecy, silence, and mystery that any hint at hype they throw out has typically been blown so far out of proportion from imagination-run-wild that it seems like it's done nothing but lead to disappointment and unmet expectations. Sure, it's the player's faults, but not entirely. lol


They've revealed the whole visions thing they plan on adding, and the system they implement for that could wind up being something interesting and expanded upon in the long-term, or it could just be another experiment that people find underwhelming and they abandon. I think people are just craving things with more longevity and impact, no matter the game mode. Which is why we have nearly hourly uproar about no elite specs being added and missing "expansion-level" content. I'd have to agree, because aside from a faster release cadence, this saga so far feels exactly like every other living season, if not a little less. Sure, this last episode was a little better than the previous, but that's how these seasons always go. They're consistently inconsistent.


Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. To be honest, it's probably hard for the devs to even be interested in making content for the game anymore because nearly all feedback is just bitterness and resentment or disappointment. But sadly, I can't even fault the community for that. Some people act like entitled brats, sure, but it gets really frustrating when you feel like your favorite game that had so much potential is just getting occasional drips of content keeping people invested just enough to fund some other project. It's also frustrating when you've played this game for so long, always had a deep admiration for the talent behind its creation despite the occasional hiccup, and now know that they've either been moved off of the project or are being forced to restrict their vision and creativity because of a quota or lack of resources and priority.


To be honest, yes I've been relatively underwhelmed with this saga so far.. as I think many others have... but I think they truly are doing the best that they can. I think it's just the issue that last season suffered from in that they only have so many people and have so little to work with that it misrepresents the effort they put into it.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:


> Every second month? It was November the last one Its February next few days thats 3- 4 months...


Prologue: September 17th. Episode 1: November 19th. Episode 2: January 28th.


Its far closer to 2 months than 3, and I have no idea where you're getting 4.

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