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Thank you for the raven armour


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One of my characters is a male norn necromancer with a raven theme (his backstory is that he was orphaned as a child and taken in by the raven lodge) and I've constantly been on the lookout for feathered or otherwise bird related items for him, kind of using the Raven Shaman NPCs as a guide and, well, that task just got a whole lot easier. :)


I probably won't use the whole set together because I like mix and match armour and I've found some other cool pieces to use, but I really appreciate having the option.


(P.S. on a related note hopefully we can continue to get NPC clothing added as armour skins, or outfits if splitting it wouldn't work. New designs are cool but there's so many nice styles in the game already and it's frustrating to see something that would be ideal for a character and then find it's not available.)

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have to add do like the raven armor and want to have it for my necro's witch I like to mix n match up armors my self the light and heave classes not a prob med with the trench coat effect tho sad how the leggings do work eh its the grind of an achievement to get just one part and the lack of not knowing what other stuff will need to be done to get the rest of the set and my luck as it is being forced to do stuff like strike missions or repeat the same meta over n over witch after seven years I have never got a pre weapon drop like I said just my luck or made so hard to get its tossed to the side and I move on sadly this has been so for a long time and may never change that being said putting stuff like new set of armor and weapons and making ppl do raids strike missions WVW PVP when they are happy in PVE seems to push it to a point of hay you pve trash look what we get and you don't truly yours the ppl From WVW RAIDS PVP and now add Strike Missions because we are elite I now hold up both hands with only one finger up on each bet you can gess what one

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