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World Linking 1/31/2020

Cal Cohen.2358

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> @"ilMasa.2546" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > > @"ilMasa.2546" said:

> > > Ook... the abysmal EN situation has been clarified .

> > > Since it is _international_ and an EN tag (to identify one of the most used language on the planet) does not exit,it is totally fine then.

> > > My bad, i joined that server just for the multiculturalism, i guess...

> > >

> > > ...and that link is like Erasmus.

> > >

> > > Silly me! :)

> >

> > If you think English is the most used language on the planet you probably need to get out more. Its used by a few developed countries, and is very common online due to the origins of the Internet, but there are literally thousands of languages besides English, and both Mandarin (Chinese) and Spanish far exceed English in the number of native speakers world-wide.

> >

> > Even in large swaths of the US and Canada a secondary language is used, like French, Spanish, etc.


> Idk man,to me looks like people just read 1 word and then _BUILD_ a whole nonsensical argument around ONE-SINGLE-WORD,without taking in consideration the entire context.You did even quoted me.


> Where did i say English is **THE MOST** used language.I played on US servers for 4 years:

> * ONE - There are no spanish or "insert specific language" dedicated server on US.

> * TWO - Even tho Spanish is the second most spoken language in the US,I have NEVER seen people writing in spanish or in any other languages in _PUBLIC_ channels.Especially to make calls in pvp.

> * THREE - True there are several international languages,but English is the most common in EU?! Totally going to visit Germany and speak Mandarin: **they will understand**.

> * FOUR - Go ahead make a French dedicated server in the US list,link it with an international one. Lets see how it goes


> Ill be glad to go outside more.... **BUT** u gotta read what is actually written. And not what u think im thinking. lol?!?!


Besides the topic,


Ive been whispered in spannish alot because people said my name was 'latino'


Had to overshare it

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Im totally fine about whisper or guild chat,those are kinda private/specific channels.

Im talking about wvw channels: where u are supposed to comunicate with the entire map/all the maps to defend or attack.

Glad to see someone understanding the topic


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Speaking of nonsensical arguments, none of this is releveant. You are still on your own link, with its own community - just like the national people are on theirs. Are they forcing you to speak german? No, then dont force them to speak english. Integration comes natural - if they want help and seem to writing random funny looking words, then tell them you dont understand. Most of the time when someone calls out something in chat they actually want help and some are willing to explain. And if they dont well kitten them, you're not obliged to do kitten for the link or any other player no matter their nationality. You are allowed to do your own thing.



So since they are **NOT FORCING** me to speak german ,therefore i shuld not force them to speak english. _Amazing_,you are _beautifull_ :/


Listen,we are not talking about a "little Berlin" in my city,integration its not even the effin point,here.

We are talking about being able to comunicate efficently with each other so we can PLAY the intended mode in the best way.


An international server being linked to a German speaking one pose a problem in comunication.

For this reason i have asked

**"Why a "_International_" server where ENGLISH is the predominant language was linked to German only server?"**


here the answers:

* dude there is no EN tag

* dude if u think english is the most used language....then u shuld go out more.

* dude they dont force you to speak german so dont force them to speak english.


_Amazing_ =)


Its not even about be obliged to do something for them or the link (an other "_amazing_" argument) if they dont translate for me.








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I never answered that question because I doubt care about any technical reasons, only the language part, which was what the reponses was about.


Language restricted links was removed 6+ months ago and has had a negligable impact to how WvW is played. It was done to prepare for the big restructure since the alliance system wouldnt have any language based worlds, players could form their own language based alliances... whenever that will happen, if ever.


Does that answer satisfy you? No? *Amazingly* didnt think so.


If you *really* dislike the mixed links you can still play on the US servers. I doubt the lag is much worse than on EU servers anyway.

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I mean, since you repeatedly asked now and complained about not getting a straight answer, let me answer your core question, as to _why_:

(1) In preparation of world restructuring [1], as Dawdler has said. Just adding the source.

(2) To provide what ANet preceives as "fairer links" [2]. I am not being facetious about it, btw. Linking national servers of dwindling population together to make for a fair match with international EU servers was probably not feasible anymore.


[1]: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/79608/removing-language-restrictions-for-eu-world-linking/p1

[2]: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/80778/about-the-new-eu-world-links-6-27-2019/p1

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I think putting national servers together with the English servers kind of defeats the entire purpose of having the national servers. I had an account on a German server for a while and every time I'd enter WvW they'd be speaking German in chat, so I assumed that was normal on a national server and it makes perfect sense. We are currently linked with a German server and there's people scouting in German on a regular basis, they probably used to do that before as well and it was no problem, but now it is kind of inconvenient, because many people just don't understand them. And while most German people I know speak English just fine, there's always people who don't. Their scout reports are fine and accurate, but they just get overlooked or need to be translated first for the people who don't speak German. I personally don't really mind being linked to a national server but I can see the downsides for both sides, both the national server as the people on the other server who don't speak the foreign language.

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> @"Flipje.8172" said:

> Their scout reports are fine and accurate, but they just get overlooked or need to be translated first for the people who don't speak German.

Which is perfectly fine. If that means the objective is lost, so be it. Communication is a choice even on international servers, we could easily speak polish, italian, swedish or russian in chat. Maybe that encourages people to speak english the next time. Or at the very least keep it simpler. Not even being english native, last night I didnt really know whether 6 enemies where approaching north camp from the east or whether 6 dead cheeses where invading the netherlands. The former seemed more likely though.


Either way, the game teaches you something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Riverside (DE), Far Shiverpeaks (EN)


I played on Far Shiverpeaks back in the days I was playing, I'm tho planning on returning to the game this weekend, how long is this matchup supposed to be? I can guess that its alot of Germans speaking German in the generall chat/discord if we are matched together with the (DE) server.

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> @"erKo.9586" said:

> Riverside (DE), Far Shiverpeaks (EN)


> I played on Far Shiverpeaks back in the days I was playing, I'm tho planning on returning to the game this weekend, how long is this matchup supposed to be? I can guess that its alot of Germans speaking German in the generall chat/discord if we are matched together with the (DE) server.

Nah, its 20% german, 20% english, 20% making fun of germans by trying to freeform translate what it means in english and 40% no one saying a word even when a zerg is attacking a T3 keep.


Pretty normal.

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Every WvW stream when they even answer anything about Alliances, they mention that they have no date or anymore info on Alliances, besides what they already posted on these forums.


Anyway, at least Underworld got adjusted accordingly, because things are a bit overcrowded on this host and link.


Now they will probably become a host instead of being an link, with big coverage at night. Perfect for Baruch I guess, even that might be enough for T1 In a couple of weeks.

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